
I was a student with the Norwegian University for Technology and Science, with the Department of Computer and Information Science. The university is located in Trondheim, Norway (approximately 63° 36’ N, 10° 23’). I quite enjoy myself up here, both with my studies and with extracurricular activities.

I studied computer science, and have begun working a fair bit on packaging systems. As I am a Debian Developer, my interest is mainly in dpkg and how to extend and make it better. My last exam was just before Christmas 2004. During the spring of 2005, I wrote my diploma thesis on multiarch.

My extracurricular activities included working at Samfundet, the student society, UKA, the largest cultural happening in Norway, with about three weeks of concerts, theatre shows, beer drinking and having lots and lots of fun. at one point, I was also the leader of Programvareverkstedet (The Software Workshop), a student organization for geeks.