]> err.no Git - dak/commitdiff
oops, actually cvs add dak, tiffani, README.quotes
authorAnthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 08:47:31 +0000 (08:47 +0000)
committerAnthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 08:47:31 +0000 (08:47 +0000)
dak [new file with mode: 0755]
docs/README.quotes [new file with mode: 0644]
tiffani [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/dak b/dak
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..8a32968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dak
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Launch dak functionality
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Anthony Towns <ajt@debian.org>
+# $Id: dak,v 1.1 2005-11-17 08:47:31 ajt Exp $
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# well I don't know where you're from but in AMERICA, there's a little
+# thing called "abstinent until proven guilty."
+#  -- http://harrietmiers.blogspot.com/2005/10/wow-i-feel-loved.html
+# (if James had a blog, I bet I could find a funny quote in it to use!)
+import sys
+# maps a command name to a module name
+functionality = [
+    ("ls",                       "Show which suites packages are in",
+                                ("madison", "main"), ["madison"]),
+    ("rm",                       "Remove packages from suites", "melanie"),
+    ("decode-dot-dak",           "Display contents of a .katie file", "ashley"),
+    ("override",                 "Query/change the overrides", "alicia"),
+    ("install",                  "Install a package from accepted (security only)",
+                                 "amber"),     # XXX - hmm (ajt)
+    ("reject-proposed-updates",  "Manually reject from proposed-updates", "lauren"),
+    ("process-new",              "Process NEW and BYHAND packages", "lisa"),
+    ("control-overrides",        "Manipulate/list override entries in bulk", 
+                                 "natalie"),
+    ("control-suite",            "Manipulate suites in bulk", "heidi"),
+    ("stats",                    "Generate stats pr0n", "saffron"),
+    ("cruft-report",             "Check for obsolete or duplicated packages",
+                                 "rene"),
+    ("queue-report",             "Produce a report on NEW and BYHAND packages",
+                                 "helena"),
+    ("compare-suites",           "Show fixable discrepencies between suites",
+                                 "andrea"),
+    ("check-archive",            "Archive sanity checks", "tea"),
+    ("check-overrides",          "Override cruft checks", "cindy"),
+    ("check-proposed-updates",   "Dependency checking for proposed-updates", 
+                                 "jeri"),
+    ("examine-package",          "Show information useful for NEW processing",
+                                 "fernanda"),
+    ("init-db",                  "Update the database to match the conf file",
+                                 "alyson"),
+    ("init-dirs",                "Initial setup of the archive", "rose"),
+    ("import-archive",           "Populate SQL database based from an archive tree",
+                                 "neve"),
+    ("poolize",                  "Move packages from dists/ to pool/", "catherine"),
+    ("symlink-dists",            "Generate compatability symlinks from dists/",
+                                 "claire"),
+    ("process-unchecked",        "Process packages in queue/unchecked", "jennifer"),
+    ("process-accepted",         "Install packages into the pool", "kelly"),
+    ("generate-releases",        "Generate Release files", "ziyi"),
+    ("generate-index-diffs",     "Generate .diff/Index files", "tiffani"),
+    ("make-suite-file-list",     
+        "Generate lists of packages per suite for apt-ftparchive", "jenna"),
+    ("make-maintainers",         "Generates Maintainers file for BTS etc",
+                                 "charisma"),
+    ("make-overrides",           "Generates override files", "denise"),
+    ("mirror-split",             "Split the pool/ by architecture groups",
+                                 "billie"),
+    ("clean-proposed-updates",   "Remove obsolete .changes from proposed-updates",
+                                 "halle"),
+    ("clean-queues",             "Clean cruft from incoming", "shania"),
+    ("clean-suites",            
+        "Clean unused/superseded packages from the archive", "rhona"),
+    ("split-done",               "Split queue/done into a data-based hierarchy",
+                                 "nina"),
+    ("import-ldap-fingerprints", 
+        "Syncs fingerprint and uid tables with Debian LDAP db", "emilie"),
+    ("import-users-from-passwd",  
+        "Sync PostgreSQL users with passwd file", "julia"),
+    ("find-null-maintainers",    
+        "Check for users with no packages in the archive", "rosamund"),
+names = {}
+for f in functionality:
+    if isinstance(f[2], str):
+        names[f[2]] = names[f[0]] = (f[2], "main")
+    else:
+        names[f[0]] = f[2]
+       for a in f[3]: names[a] = f[2]
+def main():
+    if len(sys.argv) == 0:
+        print "err, argc == 0? how is that possible?"
+        sys.exit(1);
+    elif len(sys.argv) == 1 or (len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "--help"):
+        print "Sub commands:"
+        for f in functionality:
+           print "  %-23s %s" % (f[0], f[1])
+        sys.exit(0);
+    else:
+        # should set PATH based on sys.argv[0] maybe
+        # possibly should set names based on sys.argv[0] too
+        sys.path = [sys.path[0]+"/py-symlinks"] + sys.path
+        cmdname = sys.argv[0]
+        cmdname = cmdname[cmdname.rfind("/")+1:]
+       if cmdname in names:
+            pass # invoke directly
+       else:
+           cmdname = sys.argv[1]
+            sys.argv = [sys.argv[0] + " " + sys.argv[1]] + sys.argv[2:]
+            if cmdname not in names:
+               match = []
+               for f in names:
+                   if f.startswith(cmdname):
+                       match.append(f)
+               if len(match) == 1:
+                   cmdname = match[0]
+                elif len(match) > 1:
+                   print "ambiguous command: %s" % ", ".join(match)
+                    sys.exit(1);
+               else:
+                    print "unknown command \"%s\"" % (cmdname)
+                    sys.exit(1);
+        func = names[cmdname]
+        x = __import__(func[0])
+        x.__getattribute__(func[1])()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/docs/README.quotes b/docs/README.quotes
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..413cf62
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+| <mdz_> SirDibos: that sentence sounds like it wants to be a bug report when it grows up
+| From: Andrew Morton <akpm@osdl.org>
+| Subject: Re: Linux 2.6.0-test1 Ext3 Ooops. Reboot needed.
+| To: Ricardo Galli <gallir@uib.es>
+| Cc: linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org
+| Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 14:27:20 -0700
+| Ricardo Galli <gallir@uib.es> wrote:
+| >
+| > "File alteration monitor", from Debian.
+| OK.
+| > $ apt-cache show fam
+| I was attacked by dselect as a small child and have since avoided debian. 
+| Is there a tarball anywhere?
+| From: Bob Hilliard <hilliard@debian.org>
+|      In my experience, James has been very responsive, albeit not
+| verbose, to reasonable questions/requests that don't start out saying
+| "James is a bum - throw him out".
+| <eigood> Kamion: are you too busy to look at my generic
+|          include/exclude stuff for the bts yet?
+| <Kamion> eigood: expect me to be busy for about the next week at this
+|          rate
+| <eigood> my %field_match = (
+| <eigood>     'subject' => \&contains_field_match,
+| <eigood>     'severity' => \&exact_field_match,
+| <eigood> that's how it works, basically
+| <eigood> I'm a big fan of callbacks
+| [...]
+| <eigood> Kamion: how do you feel about having
+|          per-bug/per-package/per-source notes support in the bts?
+| <Kamion> eigood: as I said five minutes ago, I really don't have time
+|          to think about it right now, sorry
+| <Kamion> here, maybe it would be clearer if I /part
+| <-- Kamion (~cjwatson@host81-129-36-235.in-addr.btopenworld.com) has left #debian-devel (too busy. no, really.)
+| <eigood> no need to be hostile
+| <Joy> eigood: he told you he's too busy and you kept bugging him. take
+|       a hint :)
+<mstone> bwahahaha. Dear "security@debian.org" Thank you for your
+         email about "[SECURITY] [DSA-403-1] userland can access Linux
+         kernel memory" ...I need to filter out spam... To send email to
+         vhs@flexdesign.com please put "ducks" anywhere on your subject
+         line. ...Thanks, Bob...
+<mstone> I'll be sure to do that...
+<drow> Hmm, that was a nice short bug report.
+<drow> to submit@: "strdup(NULL) segfaults" to -done@: "Yes, go away"
+<Kamion> how did he pass T&S? sheer bloody-mindedness?
+<drow> Good attention to detail?
+<drow> Masking of psychopathic tendencies?
+* drow shrugs
+<DanielS> the people love me
+<Joy> like pneumonia
+test.c:5: `long long long' is too long for GCC
+<Joy> argh.
+<Joy> i accidentally banned all mails to the bts that had 'ossi' in them
+<Joy> "possible" etc
+Wednesday, December 24th, 2003
+3:34 pm        
+Dear PC World,
+1) The most common chipset used in Pentium-II machines is the Intel 440BX. It is also relatively common in slower P-IIIs, and is approximately identical to the 440MX (a one-chip version aimed at laptops).
+2) The 440BX has the interesting feature of only being able to address up to 128MBit density RAM. This is a relatively widely known issue.
+3) Simple maths suggests that if you have a 128MB DIMM with 4 chips on it, they are likely to be 256MBit parts.
+4) Marking said DIMMs as being suitable for Pentium-IIs is therefore really indescribably stupid, you wankwits. Please fuck off and die in a great big chemical fire before I get back there to beat you.
+Die. No, really. 
+Wednesday, November 12th, 2003
+2:43 am        
+It's true that you learn something new every day. Yesterday I discovered that playdough is electrically conductive. I also discovered that RAM becomes unhappy if all of its pins are joined together with electrically conductive material.
+Monday, November 3rd, 2003
+3:13 pm        
+Hint to people attempting to sell things online:
+| priviledged positions? What privilege? The honour of working harder
+| than most people for absolutely no recognition?
+Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> in <87lln8aqfm.fsf@glaurung.internal.golden-gryphon.com>
+<elmo_h> you could just r00t klecker through [...] and do it yourself
+<mdz> heh
+<mdz> I think there's a bit in the DMUP about that
+<Yoe> well, thing is, he doesn't seem to understand you usually don't
+      have the time to give everyone status updates when a fly moves a
+      leg
+In Soviet Russia...
+The cops arrest YOU for not showing papers. Wait, I didn't have to
+reverse it this time, what's going on?
+<infinity> <shrug>... Messaging IRCops isn't the end of the world,
+           unless its "/msg ircop I fucked your wife."
+| From: Andrew Morton <akpm@osdl.org>
+| Subject: Re: [PATCH] Compile kernel with GCC-3.5 and without regparm
+| To: "Art Haas" <ahaas@airmail.net>
+| Cc: linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org
+| Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 16:59:28 -0800
+| X-Mailer: Sylpheed version 0.9.7 (GTK+ 1.2.10; i586-pc-linux-gnu)
+| "Art Haas" <ahaas@airmail.net> wrote:
+| >
+| > I tried to build the kernel with my CVS GCC-3.5 compiler today, and had
+| > all sorts of failures about prototypes not matching.
+| -mm is where the gcc-3.5 action is.  There seems to be a bit of an arms
+| race going on wherein the gcc developers are trying to break the kernel
+| build faster than I and others can fix it.
+(Note that the above is a gross oversimplification, and ignores issues
+including but not necessarily limited to subarchitectures, and quality
+of hardware coverage within certian architectures. It contains forward
+looking statements, and may cause cancer in lab animals.)
+Joey Hess in <20040317065216.GA29816@kitenet.net>
+<jdub> now there's a thought
+<jdub> DD trading cards
+<mdz> official joeyh action figure, with rapid-fire upload action
+<jdub> lamont with pump-action NMU flame-thrower!
+<aj> "attempt to de-scare ... may cause cancer"
+* aj thinks elmo needs to work on his de-scaring
+<mdz> the Thom Remote Management Unit
+<mdz> TRMU
+<thom> i cost 3 times the amount an IBM remote management card would. per use.
+<jdub> last time *i* checked, you were free
+<jdub> oh, different service
+<jdub> never mind
+From: Stan Shebs <shebs@apple.com>
+Subject: Re: MS/CW-style inline assembly for GCC
+To: gcc@gcc.gnu.org
+Date: Mon, 03 May 2004 17:35:40 -0700
+Can you be more specific about the difficulties? The CW version didn't
+seem that hard (unless Apple mgmt is reading this, in which case it was
+fiendishly difficult :-) ), but I did impose some restrictions in edge
+buildd@caballero:~/logs$ du -sh kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.5_2.6.5-2_20040506-1033 
+54G     kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.5_2.6.5-2_20040506-1033
+Next week on "When Good Buildds Go Bad"[...]
+<aj>  153 NP+ 11 James Troup     (7.9K) you know you want it.  err.
+* aj looks disturbed as he trolls through his saved mail
+From: Andrew Morton <akpm@osdl.org>
+Subject: 2.6.6-mm5
+To: linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org
+Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 01:36:36 -0700
+X-Mailer: Sylpheed version 0.9.7 (GTK+ 1.2.10; i386-redhat-linux-gnu)
+  Although this feature has been around for a while it is new code, and the
+  usual cautions apply.  If it munches all your files please tell Jens and
+  he'll type them in again for you.
+From: Randall Donald <ftpmaster@debian.org>
+Subject: foo_3.4-1_i386.changes REJECTED
+To: John Doe <jdoe@debian.org>
+Cc: Debian Installer <installer@ftp-master.debian.org>
+Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 23:17:48 -0400
+ Description: something to put here
+   Maybe I need a long description here!
+Yes, you do!
+Randall Donald
+<Keybuk> I don't test, I upload to unstable and a milllllion users test it for me :)
+This is based on an actual radio conversation between a U.S. Navy
+aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, and Canadian authorities off
+the coast of Newfoundland in October, 1995. The radio conversation was
+released by the Chief of Naval Operations on 10/10/95 authorized by
+the Freedom of Information Act.
+Canadians: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid
+          collision.
+Americans: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the North to
+          avoid a collision.
+Canadians: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to
+          the South to avoid a collision.
+Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert
+          YOUR course.
+Canadians: No, I say again, you divert YOUR course.
+Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call.
+<neuro> i didn't slam today's dinstall too badly, did I?
+<elmo>   File "/org/ftp.debian.org/katie/kelly", line 608, in main
+<elmo>     sys.stderr.write("Installed %d package %s, %s.\n" % (install_count, sets, utils.size_type(int(install_bytes))));
+<elmo> OverflowError: float too large to convert
diff --git a/tiffani b/tiffani
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..db85677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tiffani
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# generates partial package updates list
+# idea and basic implementation by Anthony, some changes by Andreas
+# parts are stolen from ziyi
+# Copyright (C) 2004-5  Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
+# Copyright (C) 2004-5  Andreas Barth <aba@not.so.argh.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# < elmo> bah, don't bother me with annoying facts
+# < elmo> I was on a roll
+import sys, os, tempfile
+import apt_pkg
+import utils
+projectB = None;
+Cnf = None;
+Logger = None;
+Options = None;
+def usage (exit_code=0):
+    print """Usage: tiffani [OPTIONS] [suites]
+Write out ed-style diffs to Packages/Source lists
+  -h, --help            show this help and exit
+  -c                    give the canonical path of the file
+  -p                    name for the patch (defaults to current time)
+  -n                    take no action
+    """
+    sys.exit(exit_code);
+def tryunlink(file):
+    try:
+        os.unlink(file)
+    except OSError:
+        print "warning: removing of %s denied" % (file)
+def smartstat(file):
+    for ext in ["", ".gz", ".bz2"]:
+        if os.path.isfile(file + ext):
+            return (ext, os.stat(file + ext))
+    return (None, None)
+def smartlink(f, t):
+    if os.path.isfile(f):
+        os.link(f,t)
+    elif os.path.isfile("%s.gz" % (f)):
+        os.system("gzip -d < %s.gz > %s" % (f, t))
+    elif os.path.isfile("%s.bz2" % (f)):
+        os.system("bzip2 -d < %s.bz2 > %s" % (f, t))
+    else:
+        print "missing: %s" % (f)
+        raise IOError, f
+def smartopen(file):
+    if os.path.isfile(file):
+        f = open(file, "r")
+    elif os.path.isfile("%s.gz" % file):
+        f = create_temp_file(os.popen("zcat %s.gz" % file, "r"))
+    elif os.path.isfile("%s.bz2" % file):
+        f = create_temp_file(os.popen("bzcat %s.bz2" % file, "r"))
+    else:
+        f = None
+    return f
+def pipe_file(f, t):
+    f.seek(0)
+    while 1:
+        l = f.read()
+        if not l: break
+        t.write(l)
+    t.close()
+class Updates:
+    def __init__(self, readpath = None, max = 14):
+        self.can_path = None
+        self.history = {}
+        self.history_order = []
+        self.max = max
+        self.readpath = readpath
+        self.filesizesha1 = None
+        if readpath:
+          try:
+            f = open(readpath + "/Index")
+            x = f.readline()
+            def read_hashs(ind, f, self, x=x):
+                while 1:
+                    x = f.readline()
+                    if not x or x[0] != " ": break
+                    l = x.split()
+                    if not self.history.has_key(l[2]):
+                        self.history[l[2]] = [None,None]
+                       self.history_order.append(l[2])
+                    self.history[l[2]][ind] = (l[0], int(l[1]))
+                return x
+            while x:
+                l = x.split()
+                if len(l) == 0:
+                    x = f.readline()
+                    continue
+                if l[0] == "SHA1-History:":
+                    x = read_hashs(0,f,self)
+                    continue
+                if l[0] == "SHA1-Patches:":
+                    x = read_hashs(1,f,self)
+                    continue
+                if l[0] == "Canonical-Name:" or l[0]=="Canonical-Path:":
+                    self.can_path = l[1]
+                if l[0] == "SHA1-Current:" and len(l) == 3:
+                    self.filesizesha1 = (l[1], int(l[2]))
+                x = f.readline()
+          except IOError:
+            0
+    def dump(self, out=sys.stdout):
+        if self.can_path:
+            out.write("Canonical-Path: %s\n" % (self.can_path))
+        if self.filesizesha1:
+            out.write("SHA1-Current: %s %7d\n" % (self.filesizesha1))
+        hs = self.history
+        l = self.history_order[:]
+        cnt = len(l)
+        if cnt > self.max:
+            for h in l[:cnt-self.max]:
+                tryunlink("%s/%s.gz" % (self.readpath, h))
+                del hs[h]
+            l = l[cnt-self.max:]
+           self.history_order = l[:]
+        out.write("SHA1-History:\n")
+        for h in l:
+            out.write(" %s %7d %s\n" % (hs[h][0][0], hs[h][0][1], h))
+        out.write("SHA1-Patches:\n")
+        for h in l:
+            out.write(" %s %7d %s\n" % (hs[h][1][0], hs[h][1][1], h))
+def create_temp_file(r):
+    f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+    while 1:
+        x = r.readline()
+        if not x: break
+        f.write(x)
+    r.close()
+    del x,r
+    f.flush()
+    f.seek(0)
+    return f
+def sizesha1(f):
+    size = os.fstat(f.fileno())[6]
+    f.seek(0)
+    sha1sum = apt_pkg.sha1sum(f)
+    return (sha1sum, size)
+def genchanges(Options, outdir, oldfile, origfile, maxdiffs = 14):
+    if Options.has_key("NoAct"): 
+        print "not doing anything"
+        return
+    patchname = Options["PatchName"]
+    # origfile = /path/to/Packages
+    # oldfile  = ./Packages
+    # newfile  = ./Packages.tmp
+    # difffile = outdir/patchname
+    # index   => outdir/Index
+    # (outdir, oldfile, origfile) = argv
+    newfile = oldfile + ".new"
+    difffile = "%s/%s" % (outdir, patchname)
+    upd = Updates(outdir, int(maxdiffs))
+    (oldext, oldstat) = smartstat(oldfile)
+    (origext, origstat) = smartstat(origfile)
+    if not origstat:
+        print "%s doesn't exist" % (origfile)
+        return
+    if not oldstat:
+        print "initial run"
+        os.link(origfile + origext, oldfile + origext)
+        return
+    if oldstat[1:3] == origstat[1:3]:
+        print "hardlink unbroken, assuming unchanged"
+        return
+    oldf = smartopen(oldfile)
+    oldsizesha1 = sizesha1(oldf)
+    # should probably early exit if either of these checks fail
+    # alternatively (optionally?) could just trim the patch history
+    if upd.filesizesha1:
+        if upd.filesizesha1 != oldsizesha1:
+            print "old file seems to have changed! %s %s => %s %s" % (upd.filesizesha1 + oldsizesha1)
+    # XXX this should be usable now
+    #
+    #for d in upd.history.keys():
+    #    df = smartopen("%s/%s" % (outdir,d))
+    #    act_sha1size = sizesha1(df)
+    #    df.close()
+    #    exp_sha1size = upd.history[d][1]
+    #    if act_sha1size != exp_sha1size:
+    #        print "patch file %s seems to have changed! %s %s => %s %s" % \
+    #            (d,) + exp_sha1size + act_sha1size
+    if Options.has_key("CanonicalPath"): upd.can_path=Options["CanonicalPath"]
+    if os.path.exists(newfile): os.unlink(newfile)
+    smartlink(origfile, newfile)
+    newf = open(newfile, "r")
+    newsizesha1 = sizesha1(newf)
+    newf.close()
+    if newsizesha1 == oldsizesha1:
+        os.unlink(newfile)
+        oldf.close()
+        print "file unchanged, not generating diff"
+    else:
+        if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir)
+        print "generating diff"
+        w = os.popen("diff --ed - %s | gzip -c -9 > %s.gz" % 
+                         (newfile, difffile), "w")
+        pipe_file(oldf, w)
+        oldf.close()
+        difff = smartopen(difffile)
+        difsizesha1 = sizesha1(difff)
+        difff.close()
+        upd.history[patchname] = (oldsizesha1, difsizesha1)
+        upd.history_order.append(patchname)
+        upd.filesizesha1 = newsizesha1
+        os.unlink(oldfile + oldext)
+        os.link(origfile + origext, oldfile + origext)
+        os.unlink(newfile)
+        f = open(outdir + "/Index", "w")
+        upd.dump(f)
+        f.close()
+def main():
+    global Cnf, Options, Logger
+    os.umask(0002);
+    Cnf = utils.get_conf();
+    Arguments = [ ('h', "help", "Tiffani::Options::Help"),
+                  ('c', None, "Tiffani::Options::CanonicalPath", "hasArg"),
+                  ('p', "patchname", "Tiffani::Options::PatchName", "hasArg"),
+                  ('r', "rootdir", "Tiffani::Options::RootDir", "hasArg"),
+                  ('d', "tmpdir", "Tiffani::Options::TempDir", "hasArg"),
+                  ('m', "maxdiffs", "Tiffani::Options::MaxDiffs", "hasArg"),
+                 ('n', "n-act", "Tiffani::Options::NoAct"),
+                ];
+    suites = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv);
+    Options = Cnf.SubTree("Tiffani::Options");
+    if Options.has_key("Help"): usage();
+    maxdiffs = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Default", "14")
+    maxpackages = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Packages", maxdiffs)
+    maxcontents = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Contents", maxdiffs)
+    maxsources = Options.get("MaxDiffs::Sources", maxdiffs)
+    if not Options.has_key("PatchName"):
+        format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M.%S"
+        i,o = os.popen2("date +%s" % (format))
+        i.close()
+        Options["PatchName"] = o.readline()[:-1]
+        o.close()
+    AptCnf = apt_pkg.newConfiguration()
+    apt_pkg.ReadConfigFileISC(AptCnf,utils.which_apt_conf_file())
+    if Options.has_key("RootDir"): Cnf["Dir::Root"] = Options["RootDir"]
+    if not suites:
+        suites = Cnf.SubTree("Suite").List()
+    for suite in suites:
+        if suite == "Experimental": continue
+        print "Processing: " + suite
+        SuiteBlock = Cnf.SubTree("Suite::" + suite)
+        if SuiteBlock.has_key("Untouchable"):
+            print "Skipping: " + suite + " (untouchable)"
+            continue
+        suite = suite.lower()
+        architectures = SuiteBlock.ValueList("Architectures")
+        if SuiteBlock.has_key("Components"):
+            components = SuiteBlock.ValueList("Components")
+        else:
+            components = []
+        suite_suffix = Cnf.Find("Dinstall::SuiteSuffix");
+        if components and suite_suffix:
+            longsuite = suite + "/" + suite_suffix;
+        else:
+            longsuite = suite;
+        tree = SuiteBlock.get("Tree", "dists/%s" % (longsuite))
+        if AptCnf.has_key("tree::%s" % (tree)):
+            sections = AptCnf["tree::%s::Sections" % (tree)].split()
+        elif AptCnf.has_key("bindirectory::%s" % (tree)):
+            sections = AptCnf["bindirectory::%s::Sections" % (tree)].split()
+        else:
+            aptcnf_filename = os.path.basename(utils.which_apt_conf_file());
+            print "ALERT: suite %s not in %s, nor untouchable!" % (suite, aptcnf_filename);
+            continue
+        for architecture in architectures:
+            if architecture == "all":
+                continue
+            if architecture != "source":
+                # Process Contents
+                file = "%s/Contents-%s" % (Cnf["Dir::Root"] + tree,
+                        architecture)
+                storename = "%s/%s_contents_%s" % (Options["TempDir"], suite, architecture)
+                print "running contents for %s %s : " % (suite, architecture),
+                genchanges(Options, file + ".diff", storename, file, \
+                  Cnf.get("Suite::%s::Tiffani::MaxDiffs::Contents" % (suite), maxcontents))
+            # use sections instead of components since katie.conf
+            # treats "foo/bar main" as suite "foo", suitesuffix "bar" and
+            # component "bar/main". suck.
+            for component in sections:
+                if architecture == "source":
+                    longarch = architecture
+                    packages = "Sources"
+                    maxsuite = maxsources
+                else:
+                    longarch = "binary-%s"% (architecture)
+                    packages = "Packages"
+                    maxsuite = maxpackages
+                file = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (Cnf["Dir::Root"] + tree,
+                           component, longarch, packages)
+                storename = "%s/%s_%s_%s" % (Options["TempDir"], suite, component, architecture)
+                print "running for %s %s %s : " % (suite, component, architecture),
+                genchanges(Options, file + ".diff", storename, file, \
+                  Cnf.get("Suite::%s::Tiffani::MaxDiffs::%s" % (suite, packages), maxsuite))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()