--- /dev/null
- AND c.version <= cs.version
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ """
+ Generate changelog entry between two suites
+ @contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
+ @copyright: 2010 Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz@debian.org>
+ @license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
+ """
+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ # (at your option) any later version.
+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ # GNU General Public License for more details.
+ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ ################################################################################
+ # <bdefreese> !dinstall
+ # <dak> bdefreese: I guess the next dinstall will be in 0hr 1min 35sec
+ # <bdefreese> Wow I have great timing
+ # <DktrKranz> dating with dinstall, part II
+ # <bdefreese> heh
+ # <Ganneff> dating with that monster? do you have good combat armor?
+ # <bdefreese> +5 Plate :)
+ # <Ganneff> not a good one then
+ # <Ganneff> so you wont even manage to bypass the lesser monster in front, unchecked
+ # <DktrKranz> asbesto belt
+ # <Ganneff> helps only a step
+ # <DktrKranz> the Ultimate Weapon: cron_turned_off
+ # <bdefreese> heh
+ # <Ganneff> thats debadmin limited
+ # <Ganneff> no option for you
+ # <DktrKranz> bdefreese: it seems ftp-masters want dinstall to sexual harass us, are you good in running?
+ # <Ganneff> you can run but you can not hide
+ # <bdefreese> No, I'm old and fat :)
+ # <Ganneff> you can roll but you can not hide
+ # <Ganneff> :)
+ # <bdefreese> haha
+ # <DktrKranz> damn dinstall, you racist bastard
+ ################################################################################
+ import sys
+ import apt_pkg
+ from daklib.dbconn import *
+ from daklib import utils
+ ################################################################################
+ def usage (exit_code=0):
+ print """Usage: make-changelog -s <suite> -b <base_suite> [OPTION]...
+ Generate changelog between two suites
+ Options:
+ -h, --help show this help and exit
+ -s, --suite suite providing packages to compare
+ -b, --base-suite suite to be taken as reference for comparison
+ -n, --binnmu display binNMUs uploads instead of source ones"""
+ sys.exit(exit_code)
+ def get_source_uploads(suite, base_suite, session):
+ """
+ Returns changelogs for source uploads where version is newer than base.
+ """
+ query = """WITH base AS (
+ SELECT source, max(version) AS version
+ FROM source_suite
+ WHERE suite_name = :base_suite
+ GROUP BY source
+ UNION (SELECT source, CAST(0 AS debversion) AS version
+ FROM source_suite
+ WHERE suite_name = :suite
+ EXCEPT SELECT source, CAST(0 AS debversion) AS version
+ FROM source_suite
+ WHERE suite_name = :base_suite
+ ORDER BY source)),
+ cur_suite AS (
+ SELECT source, max(version) AS version
+ FROM source_suite
+ WHERE suite_name = :suite
+ GROUP BY source)
+ SELECT DISTINCT c.source, c.version, c.changelog
+ FROM changelogs c
+ JOIN base b ON b.source = c.source
+ JOIN cur_suite cs ON cs.source = c.source
+ WHERE c.version > b.version
+ AND c.version <= cs.version
+ AND c.architecture LIKE '%source%'
+ ORDER BY c.source, c.version DESC"""
+ return session.execute(query, {'suite': suite, 'base_suite': base_suite})
+ def get_binary_uploads(suite, base_suite, session):
+ """
+ Returns changelogs for binary uploads where version is newer than base.
+ """
+ query = """WITH base as (
+ SELECT s.source, max(b.version) AS version, a.arch_string
+ FROM source s
+ JOIN binaries b ON b.source = s.id
+ JOIN bin_associations ba ON ba.bin = b.id
+ JOIN architecture a ON a.id = b.architecture
+ WHERE ba.suite = (
+ FROM suite
+ WHERE suite_name = :base_suite)
+ GROUP BY s.source, a.arch_string),
+ cur_suite as (
+ SELECT s.source, max(b.version) AS version, a.arch_string
+ FROM source s
+ JOIN binaries b ON b.source = s.id
+ JOIN bin_associations ba ON ba.bin = b.id
+ JOIN architecture a ON a.id = b.architecture
+ WHERE ba.suite = (
+ FROM suite
+ WHERE suite_name = :suite)
+ GROUP BY s.source, a.arch_string)
+ SELECT DISTINCT c.source, c.version, c.architecture, c.changelog
+ FROM changelogs c
+ JOIN base b on b.source = c.source
+ JOIN cur_suite cs ON cs.source = c.source
+ WHERE c.version > b.version
++ AND c.version <= cs.version
+ AND c.architecture = b.arch_string
+ AND c.architecture = cs.arch_string
+ ORDER BY c.source, c.version DESC, c.architecture"""
+ return session.execute(query, {'suite': suite, 'base_suite': base_suite})
+ def main():
+ Cnf = utils.get_conf()
+ Arguments = [('h','help','Make-Changelog::Options::Help'),
+ ('s','suite','Make-Changelog::Options::Suite','HasArg'),
+ ('b','base-suite','Make-Changelog::Options::Base-Suite','HasArg'),
+ ('n','binnmu','Make-Changelog::Options::binNMU')]
+ for i in ['help', 'suite', 'base-suite', 'binnmu']:
+ if not Cnf.has_key('Make-Changelog::Options::%s' % (i)):
+ Cnf['Make-Changelog::Options::%s' % (i)] = ''
+ apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv)
+ Options = Cnf.SubTree('Make-Changelog::Options')
+ suite = Cnf['Make-Changelog::Options::Suite']
+ base_suite = Cnf['Make-Changelog::Options::Base-Suite']
+ binnmu = Cnf['Make-Changelog::Options::binNMU']
+ if Options['help'] or not (suite and base_suite):
+ usage()
+ for s in suite, base_suite:
+ if not get_suite(s):
+ utils.fubar('Invalid suite "%s"' % s)
+ session = DBConn().session()
+ if binnmu:
+ uploads = get_binary_uploads(suite, base_suite, session)
+ session.commit()
+ for upload in uploads:
+ print upload[3]
+ else:
+ uploads = get_source_uploads(suite, base_suite, session)
+ session.commit()
+ for upload in uploads:
+ print upload[2]
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()