use POSIX qw(:errno_h :signal_h);
use Dpkg;
use Dpkg::Gettext;
+use Dpkg::Path qw(relative_to_pkg_root);
use Dpkg::Version qw(vercmp);
use Dpkg::Shlibs qw(find_library);
use Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump;
# Load symbols files for all needed libraries (identified by SONAME)
my %libfiles;
foreach my $soname (@sonames) {
- my $file = my_find_library($soname, $obj->{RPATH}, $obj->{format});
- failure(sprintf(_g("couldn't find library %s (note: only packages with 'shlibs' files are looked into)."), $soname)) unless defined($file);
- $libfiles{$file} = $soname if defined($file);
+ my $lib = my_find_library($soname, $obj->{RPATH}, $obj->{format}, $file);
+ failure(sprintf(_g("couldn't find library %s (note: only packages with 'shlibs' files are looked into)."), $soname)) unless defined($lib);
+ $libfiles{$lib} = $soname if defined($lib);
my $file2pkg = find_packages(keys %libfiles);
my $symfile = Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile->new();
# find_library ($soname, \@rpath, $format)
sub my_find_library {
- my ($lib, $rpath, $format) = @_;
+ my ($lib, $rpath, $format, $execfile) = @_;
my $file;
+ # Create real RPATH in case $ORIGIN is used
+ # Note: also supports $PLATFORM and $LIB but they are
+ # used in real case (yet)
+ my $origin = "/" . relative_to_pkg_root($execfile);
+ $origin =~ s{/+[^/]*$}{};
+ my @RPATH = ();
+ foreach my $path (@{$rpath}) {
+ $path =~ s/\$ORIGIN/$origin/g;
+ $path =~ s/\$\{ORIGIN\}/$origin/g;
+ push @RPATH, $path;
+ }
# Look into the packages we're currently building (but only those
# that provides shlibs file...)
# TODO: we should probably replace that by a cleaner way to look into
# the various temporary build directories...
foreach my $builddir (map { s{/DEBIAN/shlibs$}{}; $_ } @pkg_shlibs) {
- $file = find_library($lib, $rpath, $format, $builddir);
+ $file = find_library($lib, \@RPATH, $format, $builddir);
return $file if defined($file);
# Fallback in the root directory if we have not found what we were
# looking for in the packages
- $file = find_library($lib, $rpath, $format, "");
+ $file = find_library($lib, \@RPATH, $format, "");
return $file if defined($file);
return undef;