+2005-07-30 Helge Hess <helge.hess@opengroupware.org>
+ * SOGoMailBodyPart.m, SOGoMailObject.m: added default to disable etag
+ delivery/checks for mail objects (SOGoMailDisableETag) (v0.9.124)
2005-07-22 Helge Hess <helge.hess@opengroupware.org>
* v0.9.123
- the header gives much more information about the mail
- eg: spam status
- parsing the mail header takes time
+SOGoMailDisableETag YES|NO - whether or not to check/deliver an etag
+ (void)initialize {
+ NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSAssert2([super version] == 1,
@"invalid superclass (%@) version %i !",
NSStringFromClass([self superclass]), [super version]);
- mailETag = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"\"imap4url_%d_%d_%03d\"",
+ if (![[ud objectForKey:@"SOGoMailDisableETag"] boolValue]) {
+ mailETag = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"\"imap4url_%d_%d_%03d\"",
- NSLog(@"Note(SOGoMailBodyPart): using constant etag for mail parts: '%@'",
- mailETag);
+ NSLog(@"Note(SOGoMailBodyPart): using constant etag for mail parts: '%@'",
+ mailETag);
+ }
+ else
+ NSLog(@"Note(SOGoMailBodyPart): etag caching disabled!");
- (void)dealloc {
[self partInfo]];
// TODO: wrong, could be encoded
- r = [_ctx response];
+ r = [(WOContext *)_ctx response];
[r setHeader:[self davContentType] forKey:@"content-type"];
[r setHeader:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [data length]]
- mailETag = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"\"imap4url_%d_%d_%03d\"",
+ if (![[ud objectForKey:@"SOGoMailDisableETag"] boolValue]) {
+ mailETag = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"\"imap4url_%d_%d_%03d\"",
- NSLog(@"Note(SOGoMailObject): using constant etag for mail parts: '%@'",
- mailETag);
+ NSLog(@"Note(SOGoMailObject): using constant etag for mail parts: '%@'",
+ mailETag);
+ }
+ else
+ NSLog(@"Note(SOGoMailObject): etag caching disabled!");
- (void)dealloc {
reason:@"did not find IMAP4 message"];
- r = [_ctx response];
+ r = [(WOContext *)_ctx response];
[r setHeader:@"message/rfc822" forKey:@"content-type"];
[r setContent:content];
return r;
# Version file
# v0.9.114 requires libNGMime v4.5.229
# v0.9.114 requires libNGExtensions v4.5.165
+2005-07-30 Helge Hess <helge.hess@opengroupware.org>
+ * v0.9.173
+ * product.plist: removed tb.view methods (just use 'view' instead)
2005-07-26 Helge Hess <helge.hess@opengroupware.org>
* UIxMailTree.m: improved block debugging (v0.9.172)
# version file
# v0.9.140 requires SoObjects/Mailer v0.9.100
# v0.9.134 requires libSOGo v0.9.41
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
- "tb.view" = { /* primary entry for mailer actions */
- protectedBy = "View";
- pageName = "UIxMailListView";
- };
index = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailView";
- "tb.view" = { /* primary entry for mailer actions */
- protectedBy = "View";
- pageName = "UIxMailView";
- };
getMail = {
protectedBy = "View";
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailAccountsView";
- "tb.view" = { /* primary entry for mailer actions */
- protectedBy = "View";
- pageName = "UIxMailAccountsView";
- };
getMail = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailAccountsView";
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailAccountView";
- "tb.view" = { /* primary entry for mailer actions */
- protectedBy = "View";
- pageName = "UIxMailAccountView";
- };
getMail = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailAccountView";
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
- "tb.view" = { /* primary entry for mailer actions */
- protectedBy = "View";
- pageName = "UIxMailListView";
- };
getMail = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditor";
- "tb.view" = { /* primary entry for mailer actions */
- protectedBy = "View";
- pageName = "UIxMailEditor";
- };
edit = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditor";
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxFilterList";
- "tb.view" = { /* primary entry for mailer actions */
- protectedBy = "View";
- pageName = "UIxFilterList";
- };
create = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxFilterList";
+2005-07-30 Helge Hess <helge.hess@opengroupware.org>
+ * MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartImageViewer.wox: fixed 'title' attribute
+ of image tag (now displays filename)
+ * MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.wox: use 'view' instead of 'tb.view' to
+ activate links
2005-07-26 Helge Hess <helge.hess@opengroupware.org>
* ContactsUI/UIxContactEditor.wox: removed copy-from-anais button
- var:title="bodyInfo"
+ var:title="filenameForDisplay"
<div class="embedwhite_in">
<var:component className="UIxMailTree"
- const:treeFolderAction="tb.view"
+ const:treeFolderAction="view"
+2005-07-30 Helge Hess <helge.hess@opengroupware.org>
+ * mailer.js: use standard 'view' instead of 'tb.view' method
2005-07-22 Helge Hess <helge.hess@opengroupware.org>
* mailer-toolbar.css: fixed send and attach buttons to use 24x24 images
function clickedUid(sender, msguid) {
- openMessageWindow(sender, msguid, msguid + "/tb.view");
+ openMessageWindow(sender, msguid, msguid + "/view");
return true;
function doubleClickedUid(sender, msguid) {