/* turn off mmu */
bl real_mode
+ /* copy 0x100 bytes starting at start to 0 */
+ li r3,0
+ mr r4,r30 /* start, aka phys mem offset */
+ li r5,0x100
+ li r6,0
+ bl .copy_and_flush /* (dest, src, copy limit, start offset) */
+1: /* assume normal blr return */
+ /* release other cpus to the new kernel secondary start at 0x60 */
+ mflr r5
+ li r6,1
+ stw r6,kexec_flag-1b(5)
/* clear out hardware hash page table and tlb */
ld r5,0(r27) /* deref function descriptor */
mtctr r5
* are the boot cpu ?????
* other device tree differences (prop sizes, va vs pa, etc)...
- /* copy 0x100 bytes starting at start to 0 */
- li r3,0
- mr r4,r30
- li r5,0x100
- li r6,0
- bl .copy_and_flush /* (dest, src, copy limit, start offset) */
-1: /* assume normal blr return */
- /* release other cpus to the new kernel secondary start at 0x60 */
- mflr r5
- li r6,1
- stw r6,kexec_flag-1b(5)
mr r3,r25 # my phys cpu
mr r4,r30 # start, aka phys mem offset
mtlr 4