struct termios *tp;
struct options *op;
+ speed_t ispeed, ospeed;
+ if (op->flags & F_KEEPSPEED) {
+ ispeed = cfgetispeed(tp); /* save the original setting */
+ ospeed = cfgetospeed(tp);
+ } else
+ ospeed = ispeed = op->speeds[FIRST_SPEED];
* Initial termios settings: 8-bit characters, raw-mode, blocking i/o.
/* flush input and output queues, important for modems! */
(void) tcflush(0, TCIOFLUSH);
+ tp->c_iflag = tp->c_lflag = tp->c_oflag = 0;
if (!(op->flags & F_KEEPCFLAGS))
tp->c_cflag = CS8 | HUPCL | CREAD | (tp->c_cflag & CLOCAL);
- if (!(op->flags & F_KEEPSPEED)) {
- cfsetispeed(tp, op->speeds[FIRST_SPEED]);
- cfsetospeed(tp, op->speeds[FIRST_SPEED]);
- }
+ /* Note that the speed is stored in the c_cflag termios field, so we have
+ * set the speed always when the cflag se reseted.
+ */
+ cfsetispeed(tp, ispeed);
+ cfsetospeed(tp, ospeed);
if (op->flags & F_LOCAL) {
tp->c_cflag |= CLOCAL;
- tp->c_iflag = tp->c_lflag = tp->c_oflag = 0;
tp->c_line = 0;
struct termios *tp;
struct options *op;
- static int baud_index = FIRST_SPEED;/* current speed index */
+ static int baud_index = -1;
+ if (baud_index == -1)
+ /*
+ * if the F_KEEPSPEED flags is set then the FIRST_SPEED is not
+ * tested yet (see termio_init()).
+ */
+ baud_index = (op->flags & F_KEEPSPEED) ? FIRST_SPEED :
+ 1 % op->numspeed;
+ else
+ baud_index = (baud_index + 1) % op->numspeed;
- baud_index = (baud_index + 1) % op->numspeed;
cfsetispeed(tp, op->speeds[baud_index]);
cfsetospeed(tp, op->speeds[baud_index]);
(void) tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, tp);