#import "UIxMailPartHTMLViewer.h"
+#if 0
#define showWhoWeAre() NSLog(@"invoked '%@'", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd))
+#define showWhoWeAre()
@interface _UIxHTMLMailContentHandler : NSObject <SaxContentHandler, SaxLexicalHandler>
/* SaxContentHandler */
- (void) startDocument
+ showWhoWeAre();
if (crumb)
[crumb release];
if (result)
unsigned int count, max;
+ showWhoWeAre();
max = [crumb count];
if (max > 0)
for (count = max - 1; count > -1; count--)
NSMutableString *resultPart;
BOOL skipAttribute;
+ showWhoWeAre();
if (inStyle || inScript)
else if ([_localName caseInsensitiveCompare: @"body"] == NSOrderedSame)
namespace: (NSString *) _ns
rawName: (NSString *) _rawName
+ showWhoWeAre();
if (inStyle)
if ([_localName caseInsensitiveCompare: @"style"] == NSOrderedSame)
NSString *tmpString;
+ showWhoWeAre();
if (!inScript)
if (inStyle)
- (void) comment: (unichar *) _chars
length: (int) _len
+ showWhoWeAre();
if (inStyle)
[self _appendStyle: _chars length: _len];
bodyId = [part objectForKey: @"bodyId"];
if ([bodyId length] > 0)
- NSLog(@"%@", part);
if ([bodyId hasPrefix: @"<"])
bodyId = [bodyId substringFromIndex: 1];
if ([bodyId hasSuffix: @">"])
id <NSObject, SaxXMLReader> parser;
_UIxHTMLMailContentHandler *handler;
- NSString *preparsedContent, *content, *css;
+ NSString *css;
+ NSMutableString *content;
+ NSData *preparsedContent;
+ content = [NSMutableString string];
- preparsedContent = [super flatContentAsString];
+ preparsedContent = [super decodedFlatContent];
parser = [[SaxXMLReaderFactory standardXMLReaderFactory]
createXMLReaderForMimeType: @"text/html"];
handler = [_UIxHTMLMailContentHandler new];
[handler setAttachmentIds: [self _attachmentIds]];
[parser setContentHandler: handler];
- [parser setProperty: @"http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler"
- to: handler];
[parser parseFromSource: preparsedContent];
css = [handler css];
if ([css length])
- content
- = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<style type=\"text/css\">%@</style>%@",
- css, [handler result]];
- else
- content = [handler result];
+ [content appendFormat: @"<style type=\"text/css\">%@</style>", css];
+ [content appendString: [handler result]];
[handler release];
return content;
+++ /dev/null
-/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
-// TODO: add umlauts!
-/* Day */
-"Sunday" = "Sonntag";
-"Monday" = "Montag";
-"Tuesday" = "Dienstag";
-"Wednesday" = "Mittwoch";
-"Thursday" = "Donnerstag";
-"Friday" = "Freitag";
-"Saturday" = "Samstag";
-"a2_Sunday" = "So";
-"a2_Monday" = "Mo";
-"a2_Tuesday" = "Di";
-"a2_Wednesday" = "Mi";
-"a2_Thursday" = "Do";
-"a2_Friday" = "Fr";
-"a2_Saturday" = "Sa";
-"dayLabelFormat" = "%Y-%m-%d";
-"today" = "heute";
-/* Week */
-"Week" = "Woche";
-"this week" = "aktuelle Woche";
-/* Month */
-"this month" = "aktueller Monat";
-"January" = "Januar";
-"February" = "Februar";
-"March" = "Maerz"; // TODO: umlaut
-"April" = "April";
-"May" = "Mai";
-"June" = "Juni";
-"July" = "Juli";
-"August" = "August";
-"September" = "September";
-"October" = "Oktober";
-"November" = "November";
-"December" = "Dezember";
-"a3_January" = "Jan";
-"a3_February" = "Feb";
-"a3_March" = "Mae"; // TODO: umlaut
-"a3_April" = "Apr";
-"a3_May" = "Mai";
-"a3_June" = "Jun";
-"a3_July" = "Jul";
-"a3_August" = "Aug";
-"a3_September" = "Sep";
-"a3_October" = "Okt";
-"a3_November" = "Nov";
-"a3_December" = "Dez";
-/* Year */
-"this year" = "aktuelles Jahr";
-/* Menu */
-"Calendar" = "Kalendar";
-"Contacts" = "Kontakte";
-/* Misc */
-"OpenGroupware.org" = "OpenGroupware.org";
-"Forbidden" = "Verboten";
-/* Button titles */
-"new" = "neu";
-"printview" = "Druckansicht";
-"edit" = "bearbeiten";
-"delete" = "loeschen"; // TODO: umlauts
-"proposal" = "Terminvorschlag";
-"Save" = "Speichern";
-"Cancel" = "Abbrechen";
-"show_rejected_apts" = "Abgelehnte Termine anzeigen";
-"hide_rejected_apts" = "Abgelehnte Termine ausblenden";
-/* Schedule */
-"Schedule" = "Terminvorschlaege"; // TODO: umlaut
-"No appointments found" = "Es stehen keine Termine an.";
-"Meetings proposed by you" = "Ihre Terminvorschlaege"; // TODO: umlaut
-"Meetings proposed to you" = "Terminvorschlaege fuer Sie"; // TODO: umlaut
-"sched_startDateFormat" = "%d.%m. %H:%M";
-"action" = "Aktion";
-"accept" = "Annehmen";
-"decline" = "Ablehnen";
-"more participants" = "mehr Teilnehmer";
-"Hide already accepted and rejected appointments" = "Akzeptierte und abgelehnte Termine ausblenden";
-"Show already accepted and rejected appointments" = "Akzeptierte und abgelehnte Termine anzeigen";
-/* Appointments */
-"Appointment viewer" = "Terminansicht";
-"Appointment editor" = "Termineditor";
-"Appointment proposal" = "Terminvorschlag";
-"Appointment on" = "Termin am";
-"Start time" = "Startzeit";
-"End time" = "Endzeit";
-"Start date" = "Startdatum";
-"End date" = "Enddatum";
-"Earliest start time" = "Frueheste Startzeit"; // TODO: Umlaut
-"Latest end time" = "Spaeteste Endzeit"; // TODO: Umlaut
-"browse start date" = "browse start date"; // TODO
-"browse end date" = "browse end date"; // TODO
-"Title" = "Titel";
-"Name" = "Name";
-"Email" = "Email";
-"Status" = "Status";
-"Location" = "Ort";
-"Priority" = "Prioritaet"; // TODO: Umlaut
-"Cycle" = "Zyklus";
-"Cycle End" = "Ende";
-"Categories" = "Kategorien";
-"Classification" = "Klassifizierung";
-"Duration" = "Dauer";
-"Participants" = "Teilnehmer";
-"Resources" = "Ressourcen";
-"Organizer" = "Organisator";
-"Comment" = "Kommentar";
-"attributes" = "Attribute";
-"participants" = "Teilnehmer";
-/* checkbox title */
-"is private" = "ist privat";
-/* classification */
-"Public" = "Oeffentlich"; // TODO: Umlaut
-"Private" = "Privat";
-/* text used in overviews and tooltips */
-"empty title" = "Ohne Titel";
-"private appointment" = "Privater Termin";
-/* Appointments (participation state) */
-"partStat_NEEDS-ACTION" = "Noch nicht entschieden";
-"partStat_ACCEPTED" = "Akzeptiert";
-"partStat_DECLINED" = "Abgelehnt";
-"partStat_TENTATIVE" = "Offen";
-"partStat_DELEGATED" = "Delegiert";
-"partStat_OTHER" = "???";
-/* Appointments (error messages) */
-"Conflicts found!" = "Einer oder mehrere Konflikte wurden erkannt.";
-"Invalid iCal data!" = "Fehlerhafte iCalendar-Daten ...";
-"Could not create iCal data!" = "Konnte iCalendar-Daten nicht erzeugen ...";
-/* Searching */
-"Search" = "Suchen";
-"Search participants" = "Teilnehmer suchen";
-"Search resources" = "Ressourcen suchen";
-"Search appointments" = "Termine suchen";
-"Search in Anais" = "In Anaïs suchen";
-/* calendar modes */
-"Overview" = "Uebersicht"; // TODO: Umlaut
-"Chart" = "Chart";
-"List" = "Liste";
-"Columns" = "Spalten";
-/* Priorities */
-"prio_0" = "-";
-"prio_1" = "Hoch";
-"prio_2" = "Hoch";
-"prio_3" = "Hoch";
-"prio_4" = "Hoch";
-"prio_5" = "Normal";
-"prio_6" = "Niedrig";
-"prio_7" = "Niedrig";
-"prio_8" = "Niedrig";
-"prio_9" = "Niedrig";
-/* Cycles */
-"cycle_once" = "einmal";
-"cycle_daily" = "taeglich"; // TODO: Umlaut
-"cycle_weekly" = "woechentlich"; // TODO: Umlaut
-"cycle_2weeks" = "alle 2 Wochen";
-"cycle_4weeks" = "alle 4 Wochen";
-"cycle_monthly" = "monatlich";
-"cycle_weekday" = "an Arbeitstagen";
-"cycle_yearly" = "jaehrlich"; // TODO: Umlaut
-"cycle_end_never" = "niemals";
-"cycle_end_until" = "zum Datum";
-/* Appointment categories */
-"APPOINTMENT" = "Termin";
-"NOT IN OFFICE" = "Ausserhalb";
-"MEETING" = "Meeting";
-"HOLIDAY" = "Urlaub";
-"PHONE CALL" = "Telefon";
-/* validation errors */
-validate_notitle = "Termintitel fehlt, fortfahren?";
-validate_invalid_startdate = "Startdatum ist fehlerhaft!";
-validate_invalid_enddate = "Enddatum ist fehlerhaft!";
-validate_endbeforestart = "Enddatum liegt vor dem Startdatum!";