sample rates (e.g. 44.1kHz of mp3 playback), please let us
know the PCI subsystem vendor/device id's (output of
"lspci -nv").
- If dxs_support=5 does not work, try dxs_support=1; if it
- doesn't work too, try dxs_support=4. If it still doesn't
+ If dxs_support=5 does not work, try dxs_support=4; if it
+ doesn't work too, try dxs_support=1. (dxs_support=1 is
+ usually for old motherboards. The correct implementated
+ board should work with 4 or 5.) If it still doesn't
work and the default setting is ok, dxs_support=3 is the
right choice. If the default setting doesn't work at all,
try dxs_support=2 to disable the DXS channels.