--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $version;
+our $dpkglibdir;
+ $version="1.14.4"; # This line modified by Makefile
+ $dpkglibdir="/usr/lib/dpkg"; # This line modified by Makefile
+ push(@INC,$dpkglibdir);
+require 'controllib.pl';
+use Dpkg::Version qw(compare_versions);
+use Dpkg::Shlibs qw(@librarypaths);
+use Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump;
+use Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile;
+our $progname;
+our (%f, %fi);
+our %p2i;
+our @librarypaths;
+our $host_arch= `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`;
+chomp $host_arch;
+require 'dpkg-gettext.pl';
+my $controlfile = 'debian/control';
+my $changelogfile = 'debian/changelog';
+my $packagebuilddir = 'debian/tmp';
+my $sourceversion;
+my $stdout;
+my $oppackage;
+my $compare = 1; # Bail on missing symbols by default
+my $output;
+my $debug = 0;
+sub version {
+ printf _g("Debian %s version %s.\n"), $progname, $version;
+ printf _g("
+Copyright (C) 2007 Raphael Hertzog.
+ printf _g("
+This is free software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or
+later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
+sub usage {
+ printf _g(
+"Usage: %s [<option> ...]
+ -p<package> generate symbols file for package.
+ -P<packagebuilddir> temporary build dir instead of debian/tmp.
+ -e<library> explicitely list libraries to scan.
+ -v<version> version of the packages (defaults to
+ version extracted from debian/changelog).
+ -c<level> compare generated symbols file with the
+ reference file in the debian directory.
+ Fails if difference are too important
+ (level goes from 0 for no check, to 4
+ for all checks). By default checks at
+ level 1.
+ -O<file> write to <file>, not .../DEBIAN/symbols.
+ -O write to stdout, not .../DEBIAN/symbols.
+ -d display debug information during work.
+ -h, --help show this help message.
+ --version show the version.
+"), $progname;
+my @files;
+while (@ARGV) {
+ $_=shift(@ARGV);
+ if (m/^-p([-+0-9a-z.]+)$/) {
+ $oppackage= $1;
+ } elsif (m/^-c(\d)?$/) {
+ $compare = defined($1) ? $1 : 1;
+ } elsif (m/^-d$/) {
+ $debug = 1;
+ } elsif (m/^-v(.*)/) {
+ $sourceversion = $1;
+ } elsif (m/^-e(.*)/) {
+ my $file = $1;
+ if (-e $file) {
+ push @files, $file;
+ } else {
+ push @files, glob($file);
+ }
+ } elsif (m/^-p(.*)/) {
+ &error(sprintf(_g("Illegal package name \`%s'"), $1));
+ } elsif (m/^-P(.*)$/) {
+ $packagebuilddir = $1;
+ $packagebuilddir =~ s{/+$}{};
+ } elsif (m/^-O$/) {
+ $stdout= 1;
+ } elsif (m/^-O(.+)$/) {
+ $output= $1;
+ } elsif (m/^-(h|-help)$/) {
+ &usage; exit(0);
+ } elsif (m/^--version$/) {
+ &version; exit(0);
+ } else {
+ &usageerr(sprintf(_g("unknown option \`%s'"), $_));
+ }
+if (not defined($sourceversion)) {
+ parsechangelog($changelogfile);
+ $sourceversion = $fi{"L Version"};
+if (not defined($oppackage)) {
+ parsecontrolfile($controlfile);
+ my @packages = grep(m/^C /, keys %p2i);
+ @packages==1 ||
+ &error(sprintf(_g("must specify package since control info has many (%s)"), "@packages"));
+ $oppackage = $packages[0];
+ $oppackage =~ s/^C //;
+my $symfile = Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile->new();
+my $ref_symfile = Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile->new();
+# Load source-provided symbol information
+foreach my $file ($output, "debian/$oppackage.symbols.$host_arch",
+ "debian/symbols.$host_arch", "debian/$oppackage.symbols",
+ "debian/symbols")
+ if (defined $file and -e $file) {
+ print "Using references symbols from $file\n" if $debug;
+ $symfile->load($file);
+ $ref_symfile->load($file) if $compare;
+ last;
+ }
+# Scan package build dir looking for libraries
+if (not scalar @files) {
+ foreach my $path (@librarypaths) {
+ my $libdir = "$packagebuilddir$path";
+ $libdir =~ s{/+}{/}g;
+ next if not -d $libdir;
+ opendir(DIR, "$libdir") ||
+ syserr(sprintf(_g("Can't read directory %s: %s"), $libdir, $!));
+ push @files, grep {
+ /(\.so\.|\.so$)/ &&
+ Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump::is_elf($_);
+ } map { "$libdir/$_" } readdir(DIR);
+ close(DIR);
+ }
+# Merge symbol information
+my $od = Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump->new();
+foreach my $file (@files) {
+ print "Scanning $file for symbol information\n" if $debug;
+ my $objid = $od->parse($file);
+ unless (defined($objid)) {
+ warning(sprintf(_g("Objdump couldn't parse %s\n"), $file));
+ next;
+ }
+ my $object = $od->get_object($objid);
+ if ($object->{SONAME}) { # Objects without soname are of no interest
+ print "Merging symbols from $file as $object->{SONAME}\n" if $debug;
+ if (not $symfile->has_object($object->{SONAME})) {
+ $symfile->create_object($object->{SONAME}, "$oppackage #MINVER#");
+ }
+ $symfile->merge_symbols($object, $sourceversion);
+ } else {
+ print "File $file doesn't have a soname. Ignoring.\n" if $debug;
+ }
+$symfile->clear_except(keys %{$od->{objects}});
+# Write out symbols files
+if ($stdout) {
+ $output = "standard output";
+ $symfile->save("-");
+} else {
+ unless (defined($output)) {
+ $output = "$packagebuilddir/DEBIAN/symbols";
+ mkdir("$packagebuilddir/DEBIAN") if not -e "$packagebuilddir/DEBIAN";
+ }
+ print "Storing symbols in $output.\n" if $debug;
+ $symfile->save($output);
+# Check if generated files differs from reference file
+my $exitcode = 0;
+if ($compare) {
+ use File::Temp;
+ use Digest::MD5;
+ # Compare
+ if ($symfile->has_new_libs($ref_symfile)) {
+ warning(_g("new libraries appeared in the symbols file."));
+ $exitcode = 4 if ($compare >= 4);
+ }
+ if ($symfile->has_lost_libs($ref_symfile)) {
+ warning(_g("some libraries disappeared in the symbols file."));
+ $exitcode = 3 if ($compare >= 3);
+ }
+ if ($symfile->has_new_symbols($ref_symfile)) {
+ warning(_g("some new symbols appeared in the symbols file."));
+ $exitcode = 2 if ($compare >= 2);
+ }
+ if ($symfile->has_lost_symbols($ref_symfile)) {
+ warning(_g("some symbols disappeared in the symbols file."));
+ $exitcode = 1 if ($compare >= 1);
+ }
+ # Output diffs between symbols files if needed
+ my $before = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE=>'dpkg-gensymbolsXXXXXX');
+ my $after = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE=>'dpkg-gensymbolsXXXXXX');
+ $ref_symfile->dump($before); $symfile->dump($after);
+ seek($before, 0, 0); seek($after, 0, 0);
+ my ($md5_before, $md5_after) = (Digest::MD5->new(), Digest::MD5->new());
+ $md5_before->addfile($before);
+ $md5_after->addfile($after);
+ if ($md5_before->hexdigest() ne $md5_after->hexdigest()) {
+ if (defined($ref_symfile->{file})) {
+ warning(sprintf(_g("%s doesn't match completely %s\n"),
+ $output, $ref_symfile->{file}));
+ } else {
+ warning(sprintf(_g("no debian/symbols file used as basis for generating %s\n"), $output));
+ }
+ my ($a, $b) = ($before->filename, $after->filename);
+ system("diff -u $a $b") if -x "/usr/bin/diff";
+ }
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# dpkg-shlibdeps
-# $Id$
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
+use File::Find;
our $progname;
-our $version = ""; # This line modified by Makefile
-our $dpkglibdir = "/usr/lib/dpkg";
+our $version;
+our $dpkglibdir;
my $admindir = "/var/lib/dpkg";
-use English;
-use POSIX qw(:errno_h :signal_h);
+ $version="1.14.4"; # This line modified by Makefile
+ $dpkglibdir="/usr/lib/dpkg"; # This line modified by Makefile
+ push(@INC,$dpkglibdir);
+use Dpkg::Version qw(compare_versions);
+use Dpkg::Shlibs qw(find_library);
+use Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump;
+use Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile;
+our $host_arch= `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`;
+chomp $host_arch;
+my @depfields= qw(Suggests Recommends Depends Pre-Depends); # By increasing importance
+my $i=0; my %depstrength = map { $_ => $i++ } @depfields;
+require 'controllib.pl';
+require 'dpkg-gettext.pl';
my $shlibsoverride= '/etc/dpkg/shlibs.override';
my $shlibsdefault= '/etc/dpkg/shlibs.default';
my $shlibslocal= 'debian/shlibs.local';
-my $shlibsppdir;
-my $shlibsppext= '.shlibs';
-my $varnameprefix= 'shlibs';
+my $packagetype= 'deb';
my $dependencyfield= 'Depends';
my $varlistfile= 'debian/substvars';
-my $packagetype= 'deb';
+my $varnameprefix= 'shlibs';
+my $debug= 0;
+my (@pkg_shlibs, @pkg_symbols);
+if (-d "debian") {
+ find sub {
+ push @pkg_shlibs, $File::Find::name if ($File::Find::name =~ m{/DEBIAN/shlibs$});
+ push @pkg_symbols, $File::Find::name if ($File::Find::name =~ m{/DEBIAN/symbols$});
+ }, "debian";
+my ($stdout, %exec);
+foreach (@ARGV) {
+ if (m/^-T(.*)$/) {
+ $varlistfile= $1;
+ } elsif (m/^-p(\w[-:0-9A-Za-z]*)$/) {
+ $varnameprefix= $1;
+ } elsif (m/^-L(.*)$/) {
+ $shlibslocal= $1;
+ } elsif (m/^-O$/) {
+ $stdout= 1;
+ } elsif (m/^-(h|-help)$/) {
+ usage(); exit(0);
+ } elsif (m/^--version$/) {
+ version(); exit(0);
+ } elsif (m/^--admindir=(.*)$/) {
+ $admindir = $1;
+ -d $admindir ||
+ error(sprintf(_g("administrative directory '%s' does not exist"),
+ $admindir));
+ } elsif (m/^-d(.*)$/) {
+ $dependencyfield= capit($1);
+ defined($depstrength{$dependencyfield}) ||
+ warning(sprintf(_g("unrecognised dependency field \`%s'"), $dependencyfield));
+ } elsif (m/^-e(.*)$/) {
+ $exec{$1} = $dependencyfield;
+ } elsif (m/^-t(.*)$/) {
+ $packagetype = $1;
+ } elsif (m/-v$/) {
+ $debug = 1;
+ } elsif (m/^-/) {
+ usageerr(sprintf(_g("unknown option \`%s'"), $_));
+ } else {
+ $exec{$_} = $dependencyfield;
+ }
-my @depfields= qw(Suggests Recommends Depends Pre-Depends);
-my %depstrength;
-my $i=0; grep($depstrength{$_}= ++$i, @depfields);
+scalar keys %exec || usageerr(_g("need at least one executable"));
-require 'controllib.pl';
+my %dependencies;
+my %shlibs;
-require 'dpkg-gettext.pl';
+my $cur_field;
+foreach my $file (keys %exec) {
+ $cur_field = $exec{$file};
+ print "Scanning $file (for $cur_field field)\n" if $debug;
-#use strict;
-#use warnings;
+ my $dump = Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump->new();
+ my $id = $dump->parse($file);
+ my $obj = $dump->get_object($id);
+ # Load symbols files for all needed libraries (identified by SONAME)
+ my %libfiles;
+ foreach my $soname ($obj->get_needed_libraries) {
+ my $file = my_find_library($soname, $obj->{RPATH}, $obj->{format});
+ warning("Couldn't find library $soname.") unless defined($file);
+ $libfiles{$file} = $soname if defined($file);
+ }
+ my $file2pkg = find_packages(keys %libfiles);
+ my $symfile = Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile->new();
+ my $dumplibs_wo_symfile = Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump->new();
+ my @soname_wo_symfile;
+ foreach my $file (keys %libfiles) {
+ my $soname = $libfiles{$file};
+ if (not exists $file2pkg->{$file}) {
+ # If the library is not available in an installed package,
+ # it's because it's in the process of being built
+ # Empty package name will lead to consideration of symbols
+ # file from the package being built only
+ $file2pkg->{$file} = [""];
+ }
+ # Load symbols/shlibs files from packages providing libraries
+ foreach my $pkg (@{$file2pkg->{$file}}) {
+ my $dpkg_symfile;
+ if ($packagetype eq "deb") {
+ # Use fine-grained dependencies only on real deb
+ $dpkg_symfile = find_symbols_file($pkg, $soname);
+ }
+ if (defined $dpkg_symfile) {
+ # Load symbol information
+ print "Using symbols file $dpkg_symfile for $soname\n" if $debug;
+ $symfile->load($dpkg_symfile);
+ # Initialize dependencies as an unversioned dependency
+ my $dep = $symfile->get_dependency($soname);
+ foreach my $subdep (split /\s*,\s*/, $dep) {
+ if (not exists $dependencies{$cur_field}{$subdep}) {
+ $dependencies{$cur_field}{$subdep} = '';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # No symbol file found, fall back to standard shlibs
+ $dumplibs_wo_symfile->parse($file);
+ push @soname_wo_symfile, $soname;
+ add_shlibs_dep($soname, $pkg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Scan all undefined symbols of the binary and resolve to a
+ # dependency
+ my @sonames = $obj->get_needed_libraries;
+ my %used_sonames = map { $_ => 0 } @sonames;
+ foreach my $sym ($obj->get_undefined_dynamic_symbols()) {
+ my $name = $sym->{name};
+ if ($sym->{version}) {
+ $name .= "\@$sym->{version}";
+ } else {
+ $name .= "\@Base";
+ }
+ my $symdep = $symfile->lookup_symbol($name, \@sonames);
+ if (defined($symdep)) {
+ my ($d, $m) = ($symdep->{depends}, $symdep->{minver});
+ $used_sonames{$symdep->{soname}}++;
+ foreach my $subdep (split /\s*,\s*/, $d) {
+ if (exists $dependencies{$cur_field}{$subdep} and
+ defined($dependencies{$cur_field}{$subdep}))
+ {
+ if ($dependencies{$cur_field}{$subdep} eq '' or
+ compare_versions($m, "gt", $dependencies{$cur_field}{$subdep}))
+ {
+ $dependencies{$cur_field}{$subdep} = $m;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $dependencies{$cur_field}{$subdep} = $m;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $syminfo = $dumplibs_wo_symfile->locate_symbol($name);
+ if (not defined($syminfo)) {
+ my $print_name = $name;
+ $print_name =~ s/\@Base$//; # Drop the default suffix for readability
+ warning(sprintf(
+ _g("symbol %s used by %s found in none of the libraries."),
+ $print_name, $file)) unless $sym->{weak};
+ } else {
+ $used_sonames{$syminfo->{soname}}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Warn about un-NEEDED libraries
+ foreach my $soname (@sonames) {
+ unless ($used_sonames{$soname}) {
+ warning(sprintf(
+ _g("%s shouldn't be linked with %s (it uses none of its symbols)."),
+ $file, $soname));
+ }
+ }
+# Open substvars file
+my $fh;
+if ($stdout) {
+ $fh = \*STDOUT;
+} else {
+ open(NEW,"> $varlistfile.new") ||
+ syserr(sprintf(_g("open new substvars file \`%s'"), "$varlistfile.new"));
+ if (-e $varlistfile) {
+ open(OLD,"< $varlistfile") ||
+ syserr(sprintf(_g("open old varlist file \`%s' for reading"), $varlistfile));
+ foreach my $entry (grep { not /^\Q$varnameprefix\E:/ } (<OLD>)) {
+ print(NEW $entry) ||
+ syserr(sprintf(_g("copy old entry to new varlist file \`%s'"), "$varlistfile.new"));
+ }
+ }
+ $fh = \*NEW;
+# Write out the shlibs substvars
+my %depseen;
+foreach my $field (reverse @depfields) {
+ my $dep = "";
+ if (exists $dependencies{$field} and scalar keys %{$dependencies{$field}}) {
+ $dep = join ", ",
+ map {
+ # Translate dependency templates into real dependencies
+ if ($dependencies{$field}{$_}) {
+ s/#MINVER#/(>= $dependencies{$field}{$_})/g;
+ } else {
+ s/#MINVER#//g;
+ }
+ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $_;
+ } grep {
+ # Don't include dependencies if they are already
+ # mentionned in a higher priority field
+ if (not defined($depseen{$_})) {
+ $depseen{$_} = $dependencies{$field}{$_};
+ 1;
+ } else {
+ # Since dependencies can be versionned, we have to
+ # verify if the dependency is stronger than the
+ # previously seen one
+ if (compare_versions($depseen{$_}, "gt",
+ $dependencies{$field}{$_})) {
+ 0;
+ } else {
+ $depseen{$_} = $dependencies{$field}{$_};
+ 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } keys %{$dependencies{$field}};
+ }
+ if ($dep) {
+ print $fh "$varnameprefix:$field=$dep\n";
+ }
+# Replace old file by new one
+if (!$stdout) {
+ close($fh);
+ rename("$varlistfile.new",$varlistfile) ||
+ syserr(sprintf(_g("install new varlist file \`%s'"), $varlistfile));
+## Functions
sub version {
printf _g("Debian %s version %s.\n"), $progname, $version;
printf _g("
Copyright (C) 1996 Ian Jackson.
Copyright (C) 2000 Wichert Akkerman.
-Copyright (C) 2006 Frank Lichtenheld.");
+Copyright (C) 2006 Frank Lichtenheld.
+Copyright (C) 2007 Raphael Hertzog.
printf _g("
This is free software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or
"), $progname, join("/",@depfields);
-my ($stdout, @exec, @execfield);
-foreach (@ARGV) {
- if (m/^-T/) {
- $varlistfile= $POSTMATCH;
- } elsif (m/^-p(\w[-:0-9A-Za-z]*)$/) {
- $varnameprefix= $1;
- } elsif (m/^-L/) {
- $shlibslocal= $POSTMATCH;
- } elsif (m/^-O$/) {
- $stdout= 1;
- } elsif (m/^-(h|-help)$/) {
- usage; exit(0);
- } elsif (m/^--version$/) {
- version; exit(0);
- } elsif (m/^--admindir=/) {
- $admindir = $POSTMATCH;
- -d $admindir ||
- error(sprintf(_g("administrative directory '%s' does not exist"),
- $admindir));
- } elsif (m/^-d/) {
- $dependencyfield= capit($POSTMATCH);
- defined($depstrength{$dependencyfield}) ||
- warning(sprintf(_g("unrecognised dependency field '%s'"), $dependencyfield));
- } elsif (m/^-e/) {
- push(@exec,$POSTMATCH); push(@execfield,$dependencyfield);
- } elsif (m/^-t/) {
- $packagetype= $POSTMATCH;
- } elsif (m/^-/) {
- usageerr(sprintf(_g("unknown option \`%s'"), $_));
- } else {
- push(@exec,$_); push(@execfield,$dependencyfield);
+sub add_shlibs_dep {
+ my ($soname, $pkg) = @_;
+ foreach my $file ($shlibslocal, $shlibsoverride, @pkg_shlibs,
+ "$admindir/info/$pkg.shlibs")
+ {
+ next if not -e $file;
+ my $dep = extract_from_shlibs($soname, $file);
+ if (defined($dep)) {
+ foreach (split(/,\s*/, $dep)) {
+ $dependencies{$cur_field}{$_} = 1;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
-$shlibsppdir = "$admindir/info";
-@exec || usageerr(_g("need at least one executable"));
-sub isbin {
- open (F, $_[0]) || die(sprintf(_g("unable to open '%s' for test"), $_[0]));
- my $d;
- if (read (F, $d, 4) != 4) {
- die (sprintf(_g("unable to read first four bytes of '%s' as magic number"), $_[0]));
- }
- if ($d =~ /^\177ELF$/) { # ELF binary
- return 1;
- } elsif (unpack ('N', $d) == 0x8086010B) { # obsd dyn bin
- return 1;
- } elsif (unpack ('N', $d) == 0x86010B) { # obsd stat bin
- return 1;
- } elsif ($d =~ /^\#\!..$/) { # shell script
- return 0;
- } elsif (unpack ('N', $d) == 0xcafebabe) { # JAVA binary
- return 0;
+sub extract_from_shlibs {
+ my ($soname, $shlibfile) = @_;
+ my ($libname, $libversion);
+ # Split soname in name/version
+ if ($soname =~ /^(.*)\.so\.(.*)$/) {
+ $libname = $1; $libversion = $2;
+ } elsif ($soname =~ /^(.*)-(.*)\.so$/) {
+ $libname = $1; $libversion = $2;
} else {
- die(sprintf(_g("unrecognized file type for '%s'"), $_[0]));
- }
-my @librarypaths = qw( /lib /usr/lib /lib32 /usr/lib32 /lib64 /usr/lib64
- /emul/ia32-linux/lib /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib );
-my %librarypaths = map { $_ => 'default' } @librarypaths;
- foreach (reverse split( /:/, $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} )) {
- s,/+$,,;
- unless (exists $librarypaths{$_}) {
- $librarypaths{$_} = 'env';
- unshift @librarypaths, $_;
- }
+ warning(sprintf(_g("Can't extract name and version from library name \`%s'"), $soname));
+ return;
-# Support system library directories.
-my $ldconfigdir = '/lib/ldconfig';
-if (opendir(DIR, $ldconfigdir)) {
- my @dirents = readdir(DIR);
- closedir(DIR);
- for (@dirents) {
- next if /^\./;
- my $d = `readlink -f $ldconfigdir/$_`;
- chomp $d;
- unless (exists $librarypaths{$d}) {
- $librarypaths{$d} = 'ldconfig';
- push @librarypaths, $d;
+ # Open shlibs file
+ $shlibfile = "./$shlibfile" if $shlibfile =~ m/^\s/;
+ open(SHLIBS, "< $shlibfile") || syserr(sprintf(_g("unable to open shared libs info file \`%s'"), $shlibfile));
+ my $dep;
+ while (<SHLIBS>) {
+ s/\s*\n$//; next if m/^\#/;
+ if (!m/^\s*(?:(\S+):\s+)?(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/) {
+ warning(sprintf(_g("shared libs info file \`%s' line %d: bad line \`%s'"), $shlibfile, $., $_));
+ next;
+ }
+ my $type = defined($1) ? $1 : "deb";
+ next if $type ne $packagetype;
+ if (($libname eq $2) && ($libversion eq $3)) {
+ $dep = $4;
+ last;
+ close(SHLIBS);
+ return $dep;
-open CONF, '</etc/ld.so.conf' or
- warning(sprintf(_g("couldn't open /etc/ld.so.conf: %s"), $!));
-while( <CONF> ) {
- next if /^\s*$/;
- chomp;
- s,/+$,,;
- unless (exists $librarypaths{$_}) {
- $librarypaths{$_} = 'conf';
- push @librarypaths, $_;
- }
-close CONF;
-my (%rpaths, %format);
-my (@libfiles, @libname, @libsoname, @libfield, @libexec);
-for ($i=0;$i<=$#exec;$i++) {
- if (!isbin ($exec[$i])) { next; }
- # Now we get the direct deps of the program
- defined(my $c= open(P,"-|")) || syserr(_g("cannot fork for objdump"));
- if (!$c) {
- exec("objdump", "-p", "--", $exec[$i]) or
- syserr(_g("cannot exec objdump"));
- }
- while (<P>) {
- chomp;
- if (/^\s*\S+:\s*file\s+format\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
- $format{$exec[$i]} = $1;
- } elsif (m,^\s*NEEDED\s+,) {
- if (m,^\s*NEEDED\s+((\S+)\.so\.(\S+))$,) {
- push(@libname,$2); push(@libsoname,$3);
- push(@libfield,$execfield[$i]);
- push(@libfiles,$1);
- push(@libexec,$exec[$i]);
- } elsif (m,^\s*NEEDED\s+((\S+)-(\S+)\.so)$,) {
- push(@libname,$2); push(@libsoname,$3);
- push(@libfield,$execfield[$i]);
- push(@libfiles,$1);
- push(@libexec,$exec[$i]);
- } else {
- m,^\s*NEEDED\s+(\S+)$,;
- warning(sprintf(_g("format of 'NEEDED %s' not recognized"), $1));
- }
- } elsif (/^\s*RPATH\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
- push @{$rpaths{$exec[$i]}}, split(/:/, $1);
+sub find_symbols_file {
+ my ($pkg, $soname) = @_;
+ foreach my $file (@pkg_symbols,
+ "/etc/dpkg/symbols/$pkg.symbols.$host_arch",
+ "/etc/dpkg/symbols/$pkg.symbols",
+ "$admindir/info/$pkg.symbols")
+ {
+ if (-e $file and symfile_has_soname($file, $soname)) {
+ return $file;
- close(P) or subprocerr(sprintf(_g("objdump on \`%s'"), $exec[$i]));
+ return undef;
-# Now: See if it is in this package. See if it is in any other package.
-my @curshlibs;
-sub searchdir {
- my $dir = shift;
- if(opendir(DIR, $dir)) {
- my @dirents = readdir(DIR);
- closedir(DIR);
- for (@dirents) {
- if ( -f "$dir/$_/DEBIAN/shlibs" ) {
- push(@curshlibs, "$dir/$_/DEBIAN/shlibs");
- next;
- } elsif ( $_ !~ /^\./ && ! -e "$dir/$_/DEBIAN" &&
- -d "$dir/$_" && ! -l "$dir/$_" ) {
- &searchdir("$dir/$_");
- }
+sub symfile_has_soname {
+ my ($file, $soname) = @_;
+ open(SYM_FILE, "< $file") || syserr("can't open file $file");
+ my $result = 0;
+ while (<SYM_FILE>) {
+ if (/^\Q$soname\E /) {
+ $result = 1;
+ last;
+ close(SYM_FILE);
+ return $result;
-my $searchdir = $exec[0];
-my $curpackdir = "debian/tmp";
-do { $searchdir =~ s,/[^/]*$,,; } while($searchdir =~ m,/,
- && ! -d "$searchdir/DEBIAN");
-if ($searchdir =~ m,/,) {
- $curpackdir = $searchdir;
- $searchdir =~ s,/[^/]*,,;
- &searchdir($searchdir);
-if (1 || $#curshlibs >= 0) {
- for ($i=0;$i<=$#libname;$i++) {
- if(scanshlibsfile($shlibslocal,$libname[$i],$libsoname[$i],$libfield[$i])
- || scanshlibsfile($shlibsoverride,$libname[$i],$libsoname[$i],$libfield[$i])) {
- splice(@libname, $i, 1);
- splice(@libsoname, $i, 1);
- splice(@libfield, $i, 1);
- splice(@libfiles, $i, 1);
- splice(@libexec, $i, 1);
- $i--;
- next PRELIB;
- }
- for my $shlibsfile (@curshlibs) {
- if(scanshlibsfile($shlibsfile, $libname[$i], $libsoname[$i], $libfield[$i])) {
- splice(@libname, $i, 1);
- splice(@libsoname, $i, 1);
- splice(@libfield, $i, 1);
- splice(@libfiles, $i, 1);
- splice(@libexec, $i, 1);
- $i--;
- next PRELIB;
- }
- }
+# find_library ($soname, \@rpath, $format)
+sub my_find_library {
+ my ($lib, $rpath, $format) = @_;
+ my $file = find_library($lib, $rpath, $format, "");
+ return $file if defined($file);
+ # Look into the packages we're currently building (but only those
+ # that provides shlibs file...)
+ # TODO: we should probably replace that by a cleaner way to look into
+ # the various temporary build directories...
+ foreach my $builddir (map { s{/DEBIAN/shlibs$}{}; $_ } @pkg_shlibs) {
+ $file = find_library($lib, $rpath, $format, $builddir);
+ return $file if defined($file);
+ return undef;
-my %pathpackages;
-if ($#libfiles >= 0) {
- grep(s/\[\?\*/\\$&/g, @libname);
- defined(my $c= open(P,"-|")) || syserr(_g("cannot fork for dpkg --search"));
- if (!$c) {
- my %seen_libfiles;
- my @uniq_libfiles = grep !$seen_libfiles{$_}++, @libfiles;
- close STDERR; # we don't need to see dpkg's errors
- open STDERR, "> /dev/null";
- $ENV{LC_ALL} = "C";
- exec("dpkg", "--search", "--", @uniq_libfiles) or
- syserr(_g("cannot exec dpkg"));
- }
- while (<P>) {
- chomp;
+sub find_packages {
+ my @files = (@_);
+ my $pkgmatch = {};
+ open(DPKG, "dpkg --search -- @files 2>/dev/null |") ||
+ syserr(sprintf(_g("Can't execute dpkg --search: %s"), $!));
+ while(defined($_ = <DPKG>)) {
+ chomp($_);
if (m/^local diversion |^diversion by/) {
warning(_g("diversions involved - output may be incorrect"));
print(STDERR " $_\n") || syserr(_g("write diversion info to stderr"));
- } elsif (m=^(\S+(, \S+)*): (\S+)$=) {
- push @{$pathpackages{$LAST_PAREN_MATCH}}, split(/, /, $1);
+ } elsif (m/^([^:]+): (\S+)$/) {
+ $pkgmatch->{$2} = [ split(/, /, $1) ];
} else {
warning(sprintf(_g("unknown output from dpkg --search: '%s'"), $_));
- close(P);
+ close(DPKG);
+ return $pkgmatch;
- LIB:
- for ($i=0;$i<=$#libname;$i++) {
- my $file = $libfiles[$i];
- my @packages;
- foreach my $rpath (@{$rpaths{$libexec[$i]}}) {
- if (exists $pathpackages{"$rpath/$file"}
- && format_matches($libexec[$i],"$rpath/$file")) {
- push @packages, @{$pathpackages{"$rpath/$file"}};
- }
- }
- foreach my $path (@librarypaths) {
- if (exists $pathpackages{"$path/$file"}
- && format_matches($libexec[$i],"$path/$file")) {
- push @packages, @{$pathpackages{"$path/$file"}};
- }
- }
- if (!@packages) {
- warning(sprintf(_g("could not find any packages for %s"), $libfiles[$i]));
- } else {
- for my $p (@packages) {
- scanshlibsfile("$shlibsppdir/$p$shlibsppext",
- $libname[$i],$libsoname[$i],$libfield[$i])
- && next LIB;
- }
- }
- scanshlibsfile($shlibsdefault,$libname[$i],$libsoname[$i],$libfield[$i])
- && next;
- warning(sprintf(_g("unable to find dependency information for ".
- "shared library %s (soname %s, ".
- "path %s, dependency field %s)"),
- $libname[$i], $libsoname[$i],
- $libfiles[$i], $libfield[$i]));
- }
-sub format_matches {
- my ($file1, $file2) = @_;
- my ($format1, $format2) = (get_format($file1),get_format($file2));
- return $format1 eq $format2;
-sub get_format {
- my ($file) = @_;
- if ($format{$file}) {
- return $format{$file};
- } else {
- defined(my $c= open(P,"-|")) || syserr(_g("cannot fork for objdump"));
- if (!$c) {
- exec("objdump", "-a", "--", $file) or
- syserr(_g("cannot exec objdump"));
- }
- while (<P>) {
- chomp;
- if (/^\s*\S+:\s*file\s+format\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
- $format{$file} = $1;
- return $format{$file};
- }
- }
- close(P) or subprocerr(sprintf(_g("objdump on \`%s'"), $file));
- }
-my (%predefdepfdep, %unkdepfdone, %unkdepf);
-sub scanshlibsfile {
- my ($fn,$ln,$lsn,$lf) = @_;
- my ($da,$dk);
- $fn= "./$fn" if $fn =~ m/^\s/;
- if (!open(SLF,"< $fn")) {
- $! == ENOENT || syserr(sprintf(_g("unable to open shared libs info file \`%s'"), $fn));
- return 0;
- }
- while (<SLF>) {
- s/\s*\n$//; next if m/^\#/;
- if (!m/^\s*(?:(\S+):\s+)?(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
- warning(sprintf(_g("shared libs info file '%s' line %d: bad line '%s'"), $fn, $., $_));
- next;
- }
- next if defined $1 && $1 ne $packagetype;
- next if $2 ne $ln || $3 ne $lsn;
- return 1 if $fn eq "$curpackdir/DEBIAN/shlibs";
- $da= $POSTMATCH;
- last if defined $1; # exact match, otherwise keep looking
- }
- close(SLF);
- return 0 unless defined $da;
- for my $dv (split(/,/,$da)) {
- $dv =~ s/^\s+//; $dv =~ s/\s+$//;
- if (defined($depstrength{$lf})) {
- if (!defined($predefdepfdep{$dv}) ||
- $depstrength{$predefdepfdep{$dv}} < $depstrength{$lf}) {
- $predefdepfdep{$dv}= $lf;
- }
- } else {
- $dk= "$lf: $dv";
- if (!defined($unkdepfdone{$dk})) {
- $unkdepfdone{$dk}= 1;
- $unkdepf{$lf} .= ', ' if defined($unkdepf{$lf});
- $unkdepf{$lf}.= $dv;
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
-my $fh;
-if (!$stdout) {
- open(Y,"> $varlistfile.new") ||
- syserr(sprintf(_g("open new substvars file \`%s'"), "$varlistfile.new"));
- unless ($REAL_USER_ID) {
- chown(getfowner(), "$varlistfile.new") ||
- syserr(sprintf(_g("chown of \`%s'"), "$varlistfile.new"));
- }
- if (open(X,"< $varlistfile")) {
- while (<X>) {
- s/\n$//;
- next if m/^(\w[-:0-9A-Za-z]*):/ && $1 eq $varnameprefix;
- print(Y "$_\n") ||
- syserr(sprintf(_g("copy old entry to new varlist file \`%s'"), "$varlistfile.new"));
- }
- } elsif ($! != ENOENT) {
- syserr(sprintf(_g("open old varlist file \`%s' for reading"), $varlistfile));
- }
- $fh = \*Y;
-} else {
- $fh = \*STDOUT;
-my %defdepf;
-for my $dv (sort keys %predefdepfdep) {
- my $lf= $predefdepfdep{$dv};
- $defdepf{$lf} .= ', ' if defined($defdepf{$lf});
- $defdepf{$lf}.= $dv;
-for my $lf (reverse @depfields) {
- next unless defined($defdepf{$lf});
- print($fh "$varnameprefix:$lf=$defdepf{$lf}\n")
- || syserr(_g("write output entry"));
-for my $lf (sort keys %unkdepf) {
- print($fh "$varnameprefix:$lf=$unkdepf{$lf}\n")
- || syserr(_g("write userdef output entry"));
-close($fh) || syserr(_g("close output"));
-if (!$stdout) {
- rename("$varlistfile.new",$varlistfile) ||
- syserr(sprintf(_g("install new varlist file \`%s'"), $varlistfile));
--- /dev/null
+package Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump;
+require 'dpkg-gettext.pl';
+sub new {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $class = ref($this) || $this;
+ my $self = { 'objects' => {} };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+sub parse {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ local $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
+ open(OBJDUMP, "objdump -w -p -T $file |") || syserr(sprintf(_g("Can't execute objdump: %s"), $!));
+ my $obj = Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump::Object->new($file);
+ my $section = "none";
+ while (defined($_ = <OBJDUMP>)) {
+ chomp($_);
+ next if (/^\s*$/);
+ if ($_ =~ /^DYNAMIC SYMBOL TABLE:/) {
+ $section = "dynsym";
+ next;
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^Dynamic Section:/) {
+ $section = "dyninfo";
+ next;
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^Program Header:/) {
+ $section = "header";
+ next;
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^Version definitions:/) {
+ $section = "verdef";
+ next;
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^Version References:/) {
+ $section = "verref";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($section eq "dynsym") {
+ $self->parse_dynamic_symbol($_, $obj);
+ } elsif ($section eq "dyninfo") {
+ if ($_ =~ /^\s*NEEDED\s+(\S+)/) {
+ push @{$obj->{NEEDED}}, $1;
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*SONAME\s+(\S+)/) {
+ $obj->{SONAME} = $1;
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*HASH\s+(\S+)/) {
+ $obj->{HASH} = $1;
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*GNU_HASH\s+(\S+)/) {
+ $obj->{GNU_HASH} = $1;
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*RPATH\s+(\S+)/) {
+ push @{$obj->{RPATH}}, split (/:/, $1);
+ }
+ } elsif ($section eq "none") {
+ if ($_ =~ /^\s*\S+:\s*file\s+format\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
+ $obj->{format} = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(OBJDUMP);
+ if ($section eq "none") {
+ return undef;
+ } else {
+ my $id = $obj->{SONAME} || $obj->{file};
+ $self->{objects}{$id} = $obj;
+ return $id;
+ }
+# Output format of objdump -w -T
+# /lib/libc.so.6: format de fichier elf32-i386
+# 00056ef0 g DF .text 000000db GLIBC_2.2 getwchar
+# 00000000 g DO *ABS* 00000000 GCC_3.0 GCC_3.0
+# 00069960 w DF .text 0000001e GLIBC_2.0 bcmp
+# 00000000 w D *UND* 00000000 _pthread_cleanup_pop_restore
+# 0000b788 g DF .text 0000008e Base .protected xine_close
+# | ||||||| | | | |
+# | ||||||| | | Version str (.visibility) + Symbol name
+# | ||||||| | Alignment
+# | ||||||| Section name (or *UND* for an undefined symbol)
+# | ||||||F=Function,f=file,O=object
+# | |||||d=debugging,D=dynamic
+# | ||||I=Indirect
+# | |||W=warning
+# | ||C=constructor
+# | |w=weak
+# | g=global,l=local,!=both global/local
+# Size of the symbol
+# GLIBC_2.2 is the version string associated to the symbol
+# (GLIBC_2.2) is the same but the symbol is hidden, a newer version of the
+# symbol exist
+sub parse_dynamic_symbol {
+ my ($self, $line, $obj) = @_;
+ my $vis = '(?:\s+(?:\.protected|\.hidden|\.internal|0x\S+))?';
+ if ($line =~ /^[0-9a-f]+ (.{7})\s+(\S+)\s+[0-9a-f]+\s+(\S+)?(?:$vis\s+(\S+))/) {
+ my ($flags, $sect, $ver, $name) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ my $symbol = {
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'version' => defined($ver) ? $ver : '',
+ 'section' => $sect,
+ 'dynamic' => substr($flags, 5, 1) eq "D",
+ 'debug' => substr($flags, 5, 1) eq "d",
+ 'type' => substr($flags, 6, 1),
+ 'weak' => substr($flags, 1, 1) eq "w",
+ 'hidden' => 0,
+ 'defined' => $sect ne '*UND*'
+ };
+ # Handle hidden symbols
+ if (defined($ver) and $ver =~ /^\((.*)\)$/) {
+ $ver = $1;
+ $symbol->{'version'} = $1;
+ $symbol->{'hidden'} = 1;
+ }
+ # Register symbol
+ $obj->add_dynamic_symbol($symbol);
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^[0-9a-f]+ (.{7})\s+(\S+)\s+[0-9a-f]+/) {
+ # Same start but no version and no symbol ... just ignore
+ } else {
+ main::warning(sprintf(_g("Couldn't parse one line of objdump's output: %s"), $line));
+ }
+sub locate_symbol {
+ my ($self, $name) = @_;
+ foreach my $obj (values %{$self->{objects}}) {
+ my $sym = $obj->get_symbol($name);
+ if (defined($sym) && $sym->{defined}) {
+ return $sym;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub get_object {
+ my ($self, $objid) = @_;
+ if (exists $self->{objects}{$objid}) {
+ return $self->{objects}{$objid};
+ }
+ return undef;
+ my %format; # Cache of result
+ sub get_format {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ if (exists $format{$file}) {
+ return $format{$file};
+ } else {
+ local $ENV{LC_ALL} = "C";
+ open(P, "objdump -a -- $file |") || syserr(_g("cannot fork for objdump"));
+ while (<P>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (/^\s*\S+:\s*file\s+format\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
+ $format{$file} = $1;
+ return $format{$file};
+ }
+ }
+ close(P) or main::subprocerr(sprintf(_g("objdump on \`%s'"), $file));
+ }
+ }
+sub is_elf {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ open(FILE, "< $file") || main::syserr(sprintf(_g("Can't open %s for test: %s"), $file, $!));
+ my ($header, $result) = ("", 0);
+ if (read(FILE, $header, 4) == 4) {
+ $result = 1 if ($header =~ /^\177ELF$/);
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ return $result;
+package Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump::Object;
+sub new {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $file = shift || '';
+ my $class = ref($this) || $this;
+ my $self = {
+ 'file' => $file,
+ 'SONAME' => '',
+ 'NEEDED' => [],
+ 'RPATH' => [],
+ 'dynsyms' => {}
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+sub add_dynamic_symbol {
+ my ($self, $symbol) = @_;
+ $symbol->{soname} = $self->{SONAME};
+ if ($symbol->{version}) {
+ $self->{dynsyms}{$symbol->{name} . '@' . $symbol->{version}} = $symbol;
+ } else {
+ $self->{dynsyms}{$symbol->{name}} = $symbol;
+ }
+sub get_symbol {
+ my ($self, $name) = @_;
+ if (exists $self->{dynsyms}{$name}) {
+ return $self->{dynsyms}{$name};
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub get_exported_dynamic_symbols {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return grep { $_->{defined} && $_->{dynamic} }
+ values %{$self->{dynsyms}};
+sub get_undefined_dynamic_symbols {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return grep { (!$_->{defined}) && $_->{dynamic} }
+ values %{$self->{dynsyms}};
+sub get_needed_libraries {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return @{$self->{NEEDED}};
--- /dev/null
+package Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile;
+require 'dpkg-gettext.pl';
+use Dpkg::Version qw(compare_versions);
+sub new {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $class = ref($this) || $this;
+ my $self = { };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ if (defined($file) ) {
+ $self->{file} = $file;
+ $self->load($file) if -e $file;
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub clear {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{objects} = {};
+sub clear_except {
+ my ($self, @ids) = @_;
+ my %has;
+ $has{$_} = 1 foreach (@ids);
+ foreach my $objid (keys %{$self->{objects}}) {
+ delete $self->{objects}{$objid} unless exists $has{$objid};
+ }
+sub load {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ $self->{file} = $file;
+ open(SYM_FILE, "< $file") || main::syserr(sprintf(_g("Can't open %s: %s"), $file));
+ my ($object);
+ while (defined($_ = <SYM_FILE>)) {
+ chomp($_);
+ if (/^\s+(\S+)\s(\S+)(?:\s(\d+))?/) {
+ # New symbol
+ my $sym = {
+ 'minver' => $2,
+ 'dep_id' => defined($3) ? $3 : 0,
+ 'deprecated' => 0
+ };
+ $self->{objects}{$object}{syms}{$1} = $sym;
+ } elsif (/^#DEPRECATED: ([^#]+)#\s*(\S+)\s(\S+)(?:\s(\d+))?/) {
+ my $sym = {
+ 'minver' => $3,
+ 'dep_id' => defined($4) ? $4 : 0,
+ 'deprecated' => $1
+ };
+ $self->{objects}{$object}{syms}{$2} = $sym;
+ } elsif (/^\|\s*(.*)$/) {
+ # Alternative dependency template
+ push @{$self->{objects}{$object}{deps}}, "$1";
+ } elsif (/^(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) {
+ # New object and dependency template
+ $object = $1;
+ $self->{objects}{$object} = {
+ 'syms' => {},
+ 'deps' => [ "$2" ]
+ };
+ } else {
+ main::warning(sprintf(_g("Failed to parse a line in %s: %s"), $file, $_));
+ }
+ }
+ close(SYM_FILE);
+sub save {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ $file = $self->{file} unless defined($file);
+ my $fh;
+ if ($file eq "-") {
+ $fh = \*STDOUT;
+ } else {
+ open(SYM_FILE, "> $file") || main::syserr(sprintf(_g("Can't open %s for writing: %s"), $file, $!));
+ $fh = \*SYM_FILE;
+ }
+ $self->dump($fh);
+ close($fh) if ($file ne "-");
+sub dump {
+ my ($self, $fh) = @_;
+ foreach my $soname (sort keys %{$self->{objects}}) {
+ print $fh "$soname $self->{objects}{$soname}{deps}[0]\n";
+ print $fh "| $_" foreach (@{$self->{objects}{$soname}{deps}}[ 1 .. -1 ]);
+ foreach my $sym (sort keys %{$self->{objects}{$soname}{syms}}) {
+ my $info = $self->{objects}{$soname}{syms}{$sym};
+ print $fh "#DEPRECATED: $info->{deprecated}#" if $info->{deprecated};
+ print $fh " $sym $info->{minver}";
+ print $fh " $info->{dep_id}" if $info->{dep_id};
+ print $fh "\n";
+ }
+ }
+# merge_symbols($object, $minver)
+# Needs $Objdump->get_object($soname) as parameter
+sub merge_symbols {
+ my ($self, $object, $minver) = @_;
+ my $soname = $object->{SONAME} || main::error(_g("Can't merge symbols from objects without SONAME."));
+ my %dynsyms = map { $_ => $object->{dynsyms}{$_} }
+ grep { local $a = $object->{dynsyms}{$_}; $a->{dynamic} && $a->{defined} }
+ keys %{$object->{dynsyms}};
+ # Scan all symbols provided by the objects
+ foreach my $sym (keys %dynsyms) {
+ if (exists $self->{objects}{$soname}{syms}{$sym}) {
+ # If the symbol is already listed in the file
+ my $info = $self->{objects}{$soname}{syms}{$sym};
+ if ($info->{deprecated}) {
+ # Symbol reappeared somehow
+ $info->{deprecated} = 0;
+ $info->{minver} = $minver;
+ next;
+ }
+ # We assume that the right dependency information is already
+ # there.
+ if (compare_versions($minver, "lt", $info->{minver})) {
+ $info->{minver} = $minver;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # The symbol is new and not present in the file
+ my $info = {
+ 'minver' => $minver,
+ 'deprecated' => 0,
+ 'dep_id' => 0
+ };
+ $self->{objects}{$soname}{syms}{$sym} = $info;
+ }
+ }
+ # Scan all symbols in the file and mark as deprecated those that are
+ # no more provided
+ foreach my $sym (keys %{$self->{objects}{$soname}{syms}}) {
+ if (! exists $dynsyms{$sym}) {
+ $self->{objects}{$soname}{syms}{$sym}{deprecated} = $minver;
+ }
+ }
+sub has_object {
+ my ($self, $soname) = @_;
+ return exists $self->{objects}{$soname};
+sub create_object {
+ my ($self, $soname, @deps) = @_;
+ $self->{objects}{$soname} = {
+ "syms" => {},
+ "deps" => [ @deps ]
+ };
+sub get_dependency {
+ my ($self, $soname, $dep_id) = @_;
+ $dep_id = 0 unless defined($dep_id);
+ return $self->{objects}{$soname}{deps}[$dep_id];
+sub lookup_symbol {
+ my ($self, $name, $sonames) = @_;
+ foreach my $so (@{$sonames}) {
+ next if (! exists $self->{objects}{$so});
+ if (exists $self->{objects}{$so}{syms}{$name} and
+ not $self->{objects}{$so}{syms}{$name}{deprecated})
+ {
+ my $dep_id = $self->{objects}{$so}{syms}{$name}{dep_id};
+ return {
+ 'depends' => $self->{objects}{$so}{deps}[$dep_id],
+ 'soname' => $so,
+ %{$self->{objects}{$so}{syms}{$name}}
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub has_lost_symbols {
+ my ($self, $ref) = @_;
+ foreach my $soname (keys %{$self->{objects}}) {
+ my $mysyms = $self->{objects}{$soname}{syms};
+ next if not exists $ref->{objects}{$soname};
+ my $refsyms = $ref->{objects}{$soname}{syms};
+ foreach my $sym (grep { not $refsyms->{$_}{deprecated} }
+ keys %{$refsyms})
+ {
+ if ((not exists $mysyms->{$sym}) or
+ $mysyms->{$sym}{deprecated})
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub has_new_symbols {
+ my ($self, $ref) = @_;
+ foreach my $soname (keys %{$self->{objects}}) {
+ my $mysyms = $self->{objects}{$soname}{syms};
+ next if not exists $ref->{objects}{$soname};
+ my $refsyms = $ref->{objects}{$soname}{syms};
+ foreach my $sym (grep { not $mysyms->{$_}{deprecated} }
+ keys %{$mysyms})
+ {
+ if ((not exists $refsyms->{$sym}) or
+ $refsyms->{$sym}{deprecated})
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub has_new_libs {
+ my ($self, $ref) = @_;
+ foreach my $soname (keys %{$self->{objects}}) {
+ return 1 if not exists $ref->{objects}{$soname};
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub has_lost_libs {
+ my ($self, $ref) = @_;
+ foreach my $soname (keys %{$ref->{objects}}) {
+ return 1 if not exists $self->{objects}{$soname};
+ }
+ return 0;