+ * This file is part of mapper
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Kaj-Michael Lang
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 John Costigan.
+ *
+ * POI and GPS-Info code originally written by Cezary Jackiewicz.
+ *
+ * Default map data provided by http://www.openstreetmap.org/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
#include <config.h>
#define _GNU_SOURCE
cmenu_cb_loc_add_poi(GtkAction * action)
-poi_dialog(ACTION_ADD_POI, x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y));
+poi_info *poi;
+poi_edit_dialog(ACTION_ADD_POI, poi);
return TRUE;
poi_info poi;
gdouble lat, lon;
-unit2latlon(_center.unitx, _center.unity, lat, lon);
+if (_center_mode>0) {
+ lat=_gps.lat;
+ lon=_gps.lon;
+} else {
+ unit2latlon(_center.unitx, _center.unity, lat, lon);
mapper_search_dialog(SEARCH_TYPE_POI, lat, lon);
return TRUE;
cb_poi_add(GtkAction *action)
-guint unitx, unity;
+gdouble lat,lon;
const gchar *name = gtk_action_get_name(action);
+poi_info *p;
-if (_center_mode > 0) {
- latlon2unit(_gps.lat, _gps.lon, unitx, unity);
+if (_center_mode>0) {
+ lat=_gps.lat;
+ lon=_gps.lon;
} else {
- unitx=_center.unitx;
- unity=_center.unity;
+ unit2latlon(_center.unitx, _center.unity, lat, lon);
-if (strcmp(name, "poi_add")==0)
- poi_dialog(ACTION_ADD_POI, unitx, unity);
-else if (strcmp(name, "poi_quick_add")==0)
- poi_quick_dialog(unitx, unity);
+if (strcmp(name, "poi_add")==0) {
+ p=poi_new();
+ p->lat=lat;
+ p->lon=lon;
+ poi_edit_dialog(ACTION_ADD_POI, p);
+} else if (strcmp(name, "poi_quick_add")==0)
+ poi_quick_dialog(lat, lon);
gdouble lat, lon;
-unit2latlon(_center.unitx, _center.unity, lat, lon);
+if (_center_mode>0) {
+ lat=_gps.lat;
+ lon=_gps.lon;
+} else {
+ unit2latlon(_center.unitx, _center.unity, lat, lon);
mapper_search_dialog(SEARCH_TYPE_WAY, lat, lon);
return TRUE;
unity = y2unit(_cmenu_position_y);
unit2latlon(unitx, unity, _dest.lat, _dest.lon);
+#if 0
return TRUE;
gchar buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
GtkWidget *confirm;
- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s:\n%s\n",
- _("Confirm delete of waypoint"), way->desc);
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s:\n%s\n", _("Confirm delete of waypoint"), way->desc);
confirm = hildon_note_new_confirmation(GTK_WINDOW(_window), buffer);
if (GTK_RESPONSE_OK == gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(confirm))) {
WayPoint *way;
-if ((way = find_nearest_waypoint(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y))))
- poi_dialog(ACTION_ADD_POI, way->point->unitx, way->point->unity);
+if ((way = find_nearest_waypoint(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y)))) {
+ poi_info *p;
+ p=poi_new();
+ unit2latlon(way->point->unitx, way->point->unity, p->lat, p->lon);
+ poi_edit_dialog(ACTION_ADD_POI, p);
return TRUE;
poi_info poi;
-if (poi_select(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y), &poi)) {
+if (poi_select(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y), 4, &poi)) {
guint unitx, unity;
latlon2unit(poi.lat, poi.lon, unitx, unity);
cmenu_route_to(unitx, unity);
poi_info poi;
-if (poi_select(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y), &poi)) {
+if (poi_select(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y), 4, &poi)) {
guint unitx, unity;
latlon2unit(poi.lat, poi.lon, unitx, unity);
cmenu_distance_to(unitx, unity);
poi_info poi;
-if (poi_select(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y), &poi)) {
+if (poi_select(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y), 4, &poi)) {
guint unitx, unity;
latlon2unit(poi.lat, poi.lon, unitx, unity);
cmenu_add_route(unitx, unity);
poi_info poi;
-if (poi_select(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y), &poi)) {
+if (poi_select(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y), 4, &poi)) {
guint unitx, unity;
latlon2unit(poi.lat, poi.lon, unitx, unity);
cmenu_route_add_way(unitx, unity);
return TRUE;
+cmenu_cb_poi_show_poi(GtkAction *action)
+/* XXX: Write this */
+return TRUE;
cmenu_cb_poi_edit_poi(GtkAction * action)
-poi_dialog(ACTION_EDIT_POI, x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y));
+poi_info *p;
+gdouble lat, lon;
+unit2latlon(x2unit(_cmenu_position_x), y2unit(_cmenu_position_y), lat, lon);
+p=poi_find_nearest(lat, lon);
+if (!p) {
+ popup_error(_window, _("No POI found at location."));
+ return TRUE;
+poi_edit_dialog(ACTION_EDIT_POI, p);
return TRUE;
+ * This file is part of mapper
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Kaj-Michael Lang
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 John Costigan.
+ *
+ * POI and GPS-Info code originally written by Cezary Jackiewicz.
+ *
+ * Default map data provided by http://www.openstreetmap.org/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
#include <config.h>
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include "ui-common.h"
#include "db.h"
-#define POI_FONT_SIZE_BIG (12)
-#define POI_FONT_SIZE_SMALL (10)
+#define POI_FONT_SIZE_BIG (10)
+#define POI_FONT_SIZE_SMALL (8)
+/* Hash table for caching POI icons */
static GHashTable *poi_icon_hash = NULL;
+/* POI icon text pango stuff */
static PangoContext *context = NULL;
static PangoLayout *layout = NULL;
static PangoFontDescription *fontdesc = NULL;
static GdkGC *poi_gc;
+/* POI Icon theme. "classic" or "square". Should be made into a configuration option */
static gchar *theme="square";
pango_font_description_set_size(fontdesc, POI_FONT_SIZE_SMALL*PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, fontdesc);
pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
-pango_layout_set_width(layout, 70*PANGO_SCALE);
+pango_layout_set_width(layout, 80*PANGO_SCALE);
return TRUE;
if (error)
return NULL;
-g_printf("Found POI icon: %s.png\n", buffer);
g_hash_table_insert(poi_icon_hash, g_strdup(buffer), pixbuf);
return pixbuf;
+ * Set POI color from given #rrggbb string, fallback to default if it fails
+ */
+static inline GdkGC *
+map_set_poi_fg_color_from_string(gchar *hexcolor, GdkGC *def)
+GdkColor color;
+if (!hexcolor)
+ return def;
+if (gdk_color_parse(hexcolor, &color)) {
+ gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(poi_gc, &color);
+ return poi_gc;
+return def;
- * Render all the POI data. This should be done before rendering track data.
+ * Render all the POI data.
+ * This should be done before rendering track data.
gdouble lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2;
gint poix, poiy;
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
-if (!_db)
- return;
+static GtkListStore *store=NULL;
+GtkTreeIter iter;
+guint pois;
+gboolean valid;
+static gint last_zoom=-1;
+static guint prev_ux=0, prev_uy=0;
if (_poi_zoom <= _zoom)
unity = y2unit(0);
unit2latlon(unitx, unity, lat2, lon2);
-if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 1, lat1)
- || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 2,lat2)
- || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 3,lon1)
- || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 4,lon2)) {
- g_printerr("Failed to bind values for poisql.select_poi");
- return;
+/* Reload POIs if we zoom out or have moved */
+if ((last_zoom<_zoom || prev_ux!=unitx || prev_uy!=unity) && store!=NULL) {
+ gtk_list_store_clear(store);
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(store));
+ store=NULL;
+ g_printf("Reloading POIs\n");
+} else {
+ g_printf("Using cached POIs\n");
+if (store==NULL) {
+ if (poi_get_list_inside(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, &store, &pois)==FALSE)
+ return;
+valid=gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), &iter);
+if (!valid)
+ return;
if (_zoom<2) {
pango_font_description_set_size(fontdesc, POI_FONT_SIZE_BIG*PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, fontdesc);
pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE);
- pango_layout_set_width(layout, 90*PANGO_SCALE);
} else {
pango_font_description_set_size(fontdesc, POI_FONT_SIZE_SMALL*PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, fontdesc);
pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
- pango_layout_set_width(layout, 70*PANGO_SCALE);
-while (SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(poisql.select_poi)) {
- GdkColor color;
+while (valid) {
GdkGC *gc;
+ gchar *label;
+ gchar *icon=NULL, *color=NULL;
- lat1 = sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_poi, 0);
- lon1 = sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_poi, 1);
- gchar *poi_label = sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_poi, 3);
- gchar *cat_icon = sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_poi, 8);
- gchar *cat_color = sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_poi, 9);
- latlon2unit(lat1, lon1, unitx, unity);
- poix = unit2bufx(unitx);
- poiy = unit2bufy(unity);
+ gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store),
+ &iter,
+ ITEM_LAT, &lat1,
+ ITEM_LON, &lon1,
+ ITEM_LABEL, &label,
+ ITEM_ICON, &icon,
+ ITEM_COLOR, &color,
+ -1);
- pixbuf=map_poi_get_icon(cat_icon);
+ pixbuf=map_poi_get_icon(icon);
+ gc=map_set_poi_fg_color_from_string(color, _gc[COLORABLE_POI]);
- // XXX: Cache instead of parsing every time...
- if (gdk_color_parse(cat_color, &color)) {
- gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(poi_gc, &color);
- gc=poi_gc;
- } else {
- gc=_gc[COLORABLE_POI];
- }
+ latlon2unit(lat1, lon1, unitx, unity);
+ poix=unit2bufx(unitx);
+ poiy=unit2bufy(unity);
if (!pixbuf) {
/* No icon for POI or for category - draw default. */
- gdk_draw_arc(_map_pixmap, gc, FALSE,
- poix - _draw_width, poiy - _draw_width,
+ gdk_draw_arc(_map_pixmap, gc, FALSE, poix - _draw_width, poiy - _draw_width,
(MAX_ZOOM-_zoom)/6 * _draw_width, (MAX_ZOOM-_zoom)/6 * _draw_width, 0, 360 * 64);
} else {
guint w,h;
- gdk_draw_pixbuf(_map_pixmap,
- gc,
- pixbuf, 0, 0,
- poix-w/2,
- poiy-h/2,
- 0, 0);
+ gdk_draw_pixbuf(_map_pixmap, gc, pixbuf, 0, 0, poix-w/2, poiy-h/2, -1, -1, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);
+#if 0
+ /* Draw rectangle around icon. Not really need with the square icons */
if (_zoom<2)
gdk_draw_rectangle(_map_pixmap, gc, FALSE, poix-w/2-1, poiy-h/2-1, w+1, h+1);
- if (_zoom<3 && poi_label) {
- map_poi_title(poix, poiy, gc, poi_label);
+ if (_zoom<3 && label) {
+ map_poi_title(poix, poiy, gc, label);
+ valid=gtk_tree_model_iter_next(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), &iter);
if (add_na) {
gtk_list_store_append(store, &iter);
- gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, 0, -1, 1, "[Not set]", -1);
+ gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, 0, -1, 1, _("[No category]"), -1);
while (SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(poisql.selall_cat)) {
guint cid = sqlite3_column_int(poisql.selall_cat, 0);
gtk_list_store_append(store, &iter);
- gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, 0, cid, 1, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.selall_cat, 1), -1);
- if (cid == cat_id) {
- active = iter;
- has_active = TRUE;
+ gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter,
+ 0, cid,
+ 1, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.selall_cat, 1), -1);
+ if (cid==cat_id) {
+ active=iter;
+ has_active=TRUE;
-poi_select(guint unitx, guint unity, poi_info *poi)
+poi_select(guint unitx, guint unity, guint range, poi_info *poi)
GtkListStore *store;
-guint num_cats;
+guint num_pois;
GtkTreeIter iter;
gdouble lat, lon;
-if (poi_get_list_near(unitx, unity, &store, &num_cats)==FALSE)
+if (poi_get_list_near_unit(unitx, unity, range, &store, &num_pois)==FALSE)
return FALSE;
-switch (num_cats) {
+switch (num_pois) {
case 0:
MACRO_BANNER_SHOW_INFO(_window, _("No POIs found."));
return TRUE;
+ * poi_edit_dialog
+ *
+ * Edit or Add POI with given information in poi_info
+ *
+ */
-poi_dialog(POIAction action, guint unitx, guint unity)
+poi_edit_dialog(POIAction action, poi_info *poi)
-poi_info poi;
gchar slat1[10], slon1[10];
gchar *p_latlon;
GtkWidget *dialog;
GtkWidget *txt_label;
GtkWidget *cmb_category;
GtkWidget *txt_desc;
+GtkWidget *txt_postal_code, *txt_url;
GtkWidget *btn_delete = NULL;
GtkWidget *btn_catedit;
GtkWidget *hbox;
PoiCategoryEditInfo pcedit;
gchar tmp1[16], tmp2[16];
-if (action == ACTION_EDIT_POI) {
- if (!poi_select(unitx, unity, &poi))
- return FALSE;
+/* Fatal, poi must be set */
+if (!poi)
+ return FALSE;
+dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(action == ACTION_EDIT_POI ? _("Edit POI") : _("Add POI"),
+ GTK_WINDOW(_window),
- dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(_("Edit POI"),
- GTK_WINDOW(_window),
+if (action == ACTION_EDIT_POI) {
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->action_area), btn_delete = gtk_button_new_with_label(_("Delete")));
- dpoi.dialog = dialog;
- dpoi.txt_label = g_strdup(poi.label);
- dpoi.id = poi.poi_id;
+ dpoi.dialog=dialog;
+ dpoi.txt_label=g_strdup(poi->label);
+ dpoi.id=poi->poi_id;
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(btn_delete), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(poi_delete_confirm), &dpoi);
- gtk_dialog_add_button(GTK_DIALOG(dialog), GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT);
-} else {
- unit2latlon(unitx, unity, poi.lat, poi.lon);
- poi.poi_id = 0;
- poi.cat_id = 0;
- poi.desc = g_strdup("");
- poi.label = g_strdup("");
- dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(_("Add POI"),
- GTK_WINDOW(_window),
/* Set the p_latlon string. */
-lat_format(poi.lat, tmp1);
-lon_format(poi.lon, tmp2);
-p_latlon = g_strdup_printf("%s, %s", tmp1, tmp2);
+lat_format(poi->lat, tmp1);
+lon_format(poi->lon, tmp2);
+p_latlon=g_strdup_printf("%s, %s", tmp1, tmp2);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), table = gtk_table_new(6, 4, FALSE), TRUE, TRUE, 0);
gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 1.f, 0.5f);
gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 4), 1, 2, 3, 4, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, 0, 2, 4);
-cmb_category = category_combo_new();
-gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), cmb_category, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
+gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), cmb_category = category_combo_new(), FALSE, FALSE, 4);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), btn_catedit = gtk_button_new_with_label(_("Edit Categories...")), FALSE, FALSE, 4);
gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(txt_scroll), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
-txt_desc = gtk_text_view_new();
gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(txt_desc), GTK_WRAP_WORD);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(txt_scroll), txt_desc);
gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(txt_scroll), 400, 60);
-desc_txt = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(txt_desc));
/* label */
-gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(txt_label), poi.label);
-/* category */
-poi_category_combo_populate(cmb_category, poi.cat_id, FALSE);
+if (poi->label)
+ gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(txt_label), poi->label);
+if (poi->desc)
+ gtk_text_buffer_set_text(desc_txt, poi->desc, -1);
-/* poi_desc */
-gtk_text_buffer_set_text(desc_txt, poi.desc, -1);
+poi_category_combo_populate(cmb_category, poi->cat_id, FALSE);
/* Connect Signals */
-pcedit.cmb_category = cmb_category;
-pcedit.cat_id = poi.cat_id;
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(btn_catedit), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(poi_edit_cat), &pcedit);
while (GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT == gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))) {
- gchar *poi_label = NULL;
- gchar *poi_desc = NULL;
GtkTreeIter iter;
if (strlen(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(txt_label))))
- poi_label = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(txt_label));
+ poi->label=g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(txt_label)));
else {
popup_error(dialog, _("Please specify a name for the POI."));
gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds(desc_txt, &begin, &end);
- poi_desc = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(desc_txt, &begin, &end, TRUE);
+ poi->desc=gtk_text_buffer_get_text(desc_txt, &begin, &end, TRUE);
- gtk_tree_model_get(gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(cmb_category)), &iter, 0, &poi.cat_id, -1);
+ gtk_tree_model_get(gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(cmb_category)), &iter, 0, &poi->cat_id, -1);
if (action == ACTION_EDIT_POI) {
/* edit poi */
- if (poi_update(poi.poi_id, poi.cat_id, poi_label, poi_desc)==FALSE) {
+ if (poi_update(poi)==FALSE) {
popup_error(_window, _("Problem updating POI"));
} else {
} else {
/* add poi */
- g_ascii_dtostr(slat1, sizeof(slat1), poi.lat);
- g_ascii_dtostr(slon1, sizeof(slon1), poi.lon);
- if (poi_add(poi.lat, poi.lon, poi.cat_id, poi_label, poi_desc)==FALSE) {
+ g_ascii_dtostr(slat1, sizeof(slat1), poi->lat);
+ g_ascii_dtostr(slon1, sizeof(slon1), poi->lon);
+ if (poi_add(poi)==FALSE) {
popup_error(_window, _("Problem adding POI"));
} else {
return TRUE;
static gboolean
poi_quick_button_cb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
-guint cat_id;
-gchar *label;
+poi_info *p;
if (strlen(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(qp.label)))>0) {
- label=g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(qp.label)));
+ p->label=g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(qp.label)));
} else {
- label=g_strdup("");
+ p->label=g_strdup("");
+p->desc=g_strdup("Quick POI, update information please.");
/* poi_add frees the label and desc so strdup */
-if (poi_add(qp.lat, qp.lon, cat_id, label, g_strdup("Quick POI, update information please."))==FALSE) {
+if (poi_add(p)==FALSE) {
popup_error(_window, _("Problem adding POI"));
} else {
return TRUE;
-poi_quick_dialog(guint unitx, guint unity)
+poi_quick_dialog(gdouble lat, gdouble lon)
GtkWidget *table;
GtkWidget *buttons[POI_QUICK_BUTTONS];
guint x,y;
-unit2latlon(unitx, unity, qp.lat, qp.lon);
qp.dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(_("Quick POI"),
#include <glib.h>
#include "poi.h"
-gboolean poi_select(guint unitx, guint unity, poi_info *poi);
-gboolean poi_dialog(POIAction action, guint unitx, guint unity);
+gboolean poi_select(guint unitx, guint unity, guint range, poi_info *poi);
+gboolean poi_edit_dialog(POIAction action, poi_info *poi);
gboolean poi_search_dialog(GtkListStore *store, poi_info *poi, gdouble lat, gdouble lon);
-gboolean poi_quick_dialog(guint unitx, guint unity);
+gboolean poi_quick_dialog(gdouble lat, gdouble lon);
gboolean poi_category_dialog(guint cat_id);
gboolean poi_category_list();
poi_db_prepare(sqlite3 *db)
- /* select from poi */
+ /* Select POIs inside given minmax lat,lon */
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,
"select p.lat, p.lon, p.poi_id, p.label, p.desc,"
" p.cat_id, c.label, c.desc, c.icon, c.color"
" from poi p, category c "
" where p.lat between ? and ? "
" and p.lon between ? and ? "
- " and c.enabled = 1 and p.cat_id = c.cat_id",
+ " and c.enabled=1 and p.cat_id=c.cat_id order by c.priority limit 500",
-1, &poisql.select_poi, NULL)!=SQLITE_OK)
return FALSE;
- /* Search POI label */
+ /* Get POI with given ID */
+ if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,
+ "select p.lat, p.lon, p.poi_id, p.label, p.desc,"
+ " p.cat_id, c.label, c.desc, c.icon, c.color"
+ " from poi p, category c "
+ " where p.poi_id = ? "
+ " and p.cat_id=c.cat_id",
+ -1, &poisql.select_poi_by_id, NULL)!=SQLITE_OK)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Search POIs by label */
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,
"select p.lat, p.lon, p.poi_id, p.label, p.desc,"
" p.cat_id, c.label, c.desc, c.icon, c.color"
" from poi p, category c "
" where p.lat between ? and ? "
" and p.lon between ? and ? "
- " and c.enabled = 1 and p.cat_id = c.cat_id and p.label like ? order by p.label",
+ " and c.enabled=1 and p.cat_id = c.cat_id and p.label like ? order by p.label, c.label",
-1, &poisql.select_poi_search, NULL)!=SQLITE_OK)
return FALSE;
- /* Search POI label && category */
+ /* Search POI by label and specific category */
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,
"select p.lat, p.lon, p.poi_id, p.label, p.desc,"
" p.cat_id, c.label, c.desc, c.icon, c.color"
" from poi p, category c "
" where p.lat between ? and ? "
" and p.lon between ? and ? "
- " and c.enabled = 1 and p.cat_id = c.cat_id and p.label like ? and c.cat_id = ? order by p.label",
+ " and c.enabled=1 and p.cat_id = c.cat_id and p.label like ? and c.cat_id = ? order by p.label",
-1, &poisql.select_poi_search_cat, NULL)!=SQLITE_OK)
return FALSE;
- /* select nearest pois */
+ /* Search specific category */
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,
- "select p.lat, p.lon, p.label, c.label, c.icon, c.color"
+ "select p.lat, p.lon, p.poi_id, p.label, p.desc,"
+ " p.cat_id, c.label, c.desc, c.icon, c.color"
+ " from poi p, category c "
+ " where p.lat between ? and ? "
+ " and p.lon between ? and ? "
+ " and c.enabled=1 and p.cat_id=c.cat_id and c.cat_id=? order by p.label",
+ -1, &poisql.select_poi_by_cat, NULL)!=SQLITE_OK)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Select nearest POI */
+ if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,
+ "select p.lat, p.lon, p.poi_id, p.label, p.desc,"
+ " p.cat_id, c.label, c.desc, c.icon, c.color "
" from poi p, category c "
" where c.enabled = 1 and p.cat_id = c.cat_id "
" and p.lat between $LAT-0.10 and $LAT+0.10 "
-1, &poisql.select_nearest_poi, NULL)!=SQLITE_OK)
return FALSE;
- /* insert poi */
- sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,
- "insert into poi (lat, lon, label, desc, cat_id, public)"
- " values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1)", -1, &poisql.insert_poi, NULL);
+ /* Insert POI */
+ sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "insert into poi (lat, lon, label, desc, url, postal_code, cat_id, public, source)"
+ " values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1, ?)", -1, &poisql.insert_poi, NULL);
/* update poi */
- sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "update poi set label = ?, desc = ?, cat_id = ? where poi_id = ?", -1, &poisql.update_poi, NULL);
+ sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "update poi set label=?, desc=?, cat_id=? where poi_id=?", -1, &poisql.update_poi, NULL);
/* delete from poi */
- sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "delete from poi where poi_id = ?", -1, &poisql.delete_poi, NULL);
+ sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "delete from poi where poi_id=?", -1, &poisql.delete_poi, NULL);
/* delete from poi by cat_id */
- sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "delete from poi where cat_id = ?", -1, &poisql.delete_poi_by_catid, NULL);
- /* get next poilabel */
- sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "select ifnull(max(poi_id) + 1,1) from poi", -1, &poisql.nextlabel_poi, NULL);
+ sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "delete from poi where cat_id=?", -1, &poisql.delete_poi_by_catid, NULL);
/* select from category */
poi_info *
-return g_slice_new0(poi_info);
+poi_info *p;
+/* XXX: Set defaults ? */
+return p;
poi_free(poi_info *p)
+if (p->label)
+ g_free(p->label);
+if (p->desc)
+ g_free(p->desc);
+if (p->url)
+ g_free(p->url);
+if (p->postal_code)
+ g_free(p->postal_code);
+if (p->cat_label)
+ g_free(p->cat_label);
+if (p->cat_desc)
+ g_free(p->cat_desc);
g_slice_free(poi_info, p);
+static GtkListStore *
+poi_list_store_new(void) {
+return gtk_list_store_new(ITEM_NUM_COLUMNS,
+ G_TYPE_INT, /* POI ID */
+ G_TYPE_INT, /* Category ID */
+ G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* Latitude */
+ G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* Longitude */
+ G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* Dist */
+ G_TYPE_STRING, /* Lat/Lon */
+ G_TYPE_STRING, /* Label */
+ G_TYPE_STRING, /* Desc. */
+ G_TYPE_STRING, /* Category Label */
+ G_TYPE_STRING, /* Icon */
+ G_TYPE_STRING); /* Color */
* POI Category functions
poi_category_delete(guint id)
-if (!_db)
+if (!poidb)
return FALSE;
if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.delete_poi_by_catid, 1, id) || SQLITE_DONE != sqlite3_step(poisql.delete_poi_by_catid)) {
poi_delete(guint id)
-if (!_db)
+if (!poidb)
return FALSE;
if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.delete_poi, 1, id) || SQLITE_DONE != sqlite3_step(poisql.delete_poi)) {
gchar *ltext=NULL;
guint rows=0;
gchar tmp1[16], tmp2[16];
+guint range=1;
-if (!_db)
+if (!poidb)
return FALSE;
-g_printf("POI Search: [%s] around %.6f %.6f (%d)\n", text, lat, lon, cat);
+g_printf("POI Search: [%s] around %.6f %.6f (%d %d)\n", text, lat, lon, cat, pst);
switch (pst) {
if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 1, lat-0.5) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 2, lat+0.5) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 3, lon-0.5) ||
SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 4, lon+0.5)) {
g_printerr("Failed to bind values for poisql.select_poi\n");
- sqlite3_clear_bindings(sql);
+ sqlite3_clear_bindings(poisql.select_poi);
return FALSE;
ltext=g_strdup_printf("%s%%", text);
- if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi_search, 1, lat-1) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi_search, 2, lat+1) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi_search, 3, lon-1) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi_search, 4, lon+1) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.select_poi_search, 5, ltext, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)) {
+ if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.select_poi_search, 5, ltext, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)) {
g_printerr("Failed to bind values for poisql.select_poi_search\n");
- sqlite3_clear_bindings(sql);
+ sqlite3_clear_bindings(poisql.select_poi_search);
return FALSE;
+ g_free(ltext);
ltext=g_strdup_printf("%s%%", text);
- if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi_search_cat, 1, lat-1) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi_search_cat, 2, lat+1) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi_search_cat, 3, lon-1) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi_search_cat, 4, lon+1) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.select_poi_search_cat, 6, cat) ||
- SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.select_poi_search_cat, 5, ltext, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)) {
+ if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.select_poi_search_cat, 6, cat) ||
+ SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.select_poi_search_cat, 5, ltext, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)) {
g_printerr("Failed to bind values for poisql.select_poi_search_cat\n");
- sqlite3_clear_bindings(sql);
+ sqlite3_clear_bindings(poisql.select_poi_search_cat);
return FALSE;
+ g_free(ltext);
+ if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.select_poi_by_cat, 5, cat)) {
+ g_printerr("Failed to bind values for poisql.select_poi_by_cat\n");
+ sqlite3_clear_bindings(poisql.select_poi_by_cat);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ sql=poisql.select_poi_by_cat;
+ break;
return FALSE;
-*store = gtk_list_store_new(ITEM_NUM_COLUMNS,
- G_TYPE_INT, /* POI ID */
- G_TYPE_INT, /* Category ID */
- G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* Latitude */
- G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* Longitude */
- G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* Distance */
- G_TYPE_STRING, /* Lat/Lon */
- G_TYPE_STRING, /* POI Label */
- G_TYPE_STRING, /* POI Desc. */
- G_TYPE_STRING); /* Category Label */
+/* XXX: Use common bind for common variables */
+if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(sql, 1, lat-range) ||
+ SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(sql, 2, lat+range) ||
+ SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(sql, 3, lon-range) ||
+ SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(sql, 4, lon+range)) {
+ g_printerr("Failed to bind common variables for POI search\n");
+ sqlite3_clear_bindings(sql);
+ return FALSE;
+*store = poi_list_store_new();
while (SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(sql)) {
gdouble rlat, rlon, dist;
-if (ltext)
- g_free(ltext);
return TRUE;
-poi_get_list_near(guint unitx, guint unity, GtkListStore **store, guint *_num_cats)
+poi_get_list_inside(gdouble lat1, gdouble lon1, gdouble lat2, gdouble lon2, GtkListStore **store, guint *num_poi)
-guint x, y;
-gdouble lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2;
GtkTreeIter iter;
gchar tmp1[16], tmp2[16];
-gint num_cats=0;
if (!_db)
return FALSE;
-x = unitx - pixel2unit(3 * _draw_width);
-y = unity + pixel2unit(3 * _draw_width);
-unit2latlon(x, y, lat1, lon1);
-x = unitx + pixel2unit(3 * _draw_width);
-y = unity - pixel2unit(3 * _draw_width);
-unit2latlon(x, y, lat2, lon2);
if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 1, lat1) ||
SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 2, lat2) ||
SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.select_poi, 3, lon1) ||
return FALSE;
-*store = gtk_list_store_new(ITEM_NUM_COLUMNS,
- G_TYPE_INT, /* POI ID */
- G_TYPE_INT, /* Category ID */
- G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* Latitude */
- G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* Longitude */
- G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* Dist */
- G_TYPE_STRING, /* Lat/Lon */
- G_TYPE_STRING, /* Label */
- G_TYPE_STRING, /* Desc. */
- G_TYPE_STRING); /* Category Label */
+*store = poi_list_store_new();
while (SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(poisql.select_poi)) {
gdouble lat, lon, dist=0;
- lat = sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_poi, 0);
- lon = sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_poi, 1);
+ lat=sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_poi, 0);
+ lon=sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_poi, 1);
lat_format(lat, tmp1);
lon_format(lon, tmp2);
gtk_list_store_set(*store, &iter,
ITEM_ID, sqlite3_column_int(poisql.select_poi, 2),
ITEM_CATID, sqlite3_column_int(poisql.select_poi, 5),
- ITEM_LAT, lat,
- ITEM_LON, lon,
- ITEM_DIST, dist,
+ ITEM_LAT, lat,
+ ITEM_LON, lon,
+ ITEM_DIST, dist,
ITEM_LATLON, g_strdup_printf("%s, %s", tmp1, tmp2),
ITEM_LABEL, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_poi, 3),
ITEM_DESC, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_poi, 4),
ITEM_CATLAB, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_poi, 6),
+ ITEM_ICON, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_poi, 8),
+ ITEM_COLOR, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_poi, 9),
- num_cats++;
+ *num_poi++;
return TRUE;
-poi_update(guint poi_id, guint cat_id, gchar *poi_label, gchar *poi_desc)
+poi_get_list_near_unit(guint unitx, guint unity, guint range, GtkListStore **store, guint *num_poi)
-if (!_db)
+gdouble lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2;
+guint x, y;
+unit2latlon(x, y, lat1, lon1);
+unit2latlon(x, y, lat2, lon2);
+return poi_get_list_inside(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, store, num_poi);
+poi_update(poi_info *p)
+if (!poidb)
return FALSE;
-if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.update_poi, 1, poi_label, -1, SQLITE_STATIC)
- || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.update_poi, 2, poi_desc, -1, g_free)
- || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.update_poi, 3, cat_id)
- || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.update_poi, 4, poi_id)
+if (p->poi_id==0)
+ return FALSE;
+if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.update_poi, 1, p->label, -1, SQLITE_STATIC)
+ || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.update_poi, 2, p->desc, -1, SQLITE_STATIC)
+ || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.update_poi, 3, p->cat_id)
+ || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.update_poi, 4, p->poi_id)
|| SQLITE_DONE != sqlite3_step(poisql.update_poi)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
+/* XXX: Add url and postal_code */
-poi_add(gdouble lat, gdouble lon, guint cat_id, gchar *poi_label, gchar *poi_desc)
+poi_add(poi_info *p)
-if (!_db)
+if (!poidb)
return FALSE;
-if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.insert_poi, 1, lat)
- || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.insert_poi, 2, lon)
- || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.insert_poi, 3, poi_label, -1, g_free)
- || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.insert_poi, 4, poi_desc, -1, g_free)
- || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.insert_poi, 5, cat_id)
+if (p->poi_id!=0)
+ return FALSE;
+if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.insert_poi, 1, p->lat)
+ || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.insert_poi, 2, p->lon)
+ || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.insert_poi, 3, p->label, -1, SQLITE_STATIC)
+ || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_text(poisql.insert_poi, 4, p->desc, -1, SQLITE_STATIC)
+ || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_int(poisql.insert_poi, 5, p->cat_id)
+ || SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_bind_double(poisql.insert_poi, 6, p->source)
|| SQLITE_DONE != sqlite3_step(poisql.insert_poi)) {
return FALSE;
poi_info *p;
-if (!_db)
+if (!poidb)
return FALSE;
&& SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(poisql.select_nearest_poi)) {
- p->lat = sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 0);
- p->lon = sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 1);
- p->label=g_strdup(sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 2));
- p->cat_label=g_strdup(sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 3));
+ p->lat=sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 0);
+ p->lon=sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 1);
+ p->poi_id=sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 2);
+ p->label=g_strdup(sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 3));
+ p->desc=g_strdup(sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 4));
+ p->cat_id=sqlite3_column_double(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 5);
+ p->cat_desc=g_strdup(sqlite3_column_text(poisql.select_nearest_poi, 6));
return p;
return NULL;
GtkTreeIter iter;
GtkListStore *store;
-if (!_db)
+if (!poidb)
return NULL;
-store = gtk_list_store_new(CAT_NUM_COLUMNS,
while (SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(poisql.selall_cat)) {
gtk_list_store_append(store, &iter);
gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter,
- CAT_ID, sqlite3_column_int(poisql.selall_cat, 0),
- CAT_ENABLED, sqlite3_column_int(poisql.selall_cat, 3),
- CAT_LABEL, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.selall_cat, 1),
- CAT_DESC, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.selall_cat, 2),
- CAT_POI_CNT, sqlite3_column_int(poisql.selall_cat, 6), -1);
+ CAT_ID, sqlite3_column_int(poisql.selall_cat, 0),
+ CAT_ENABLED, sqlite3_column_int(poisql.selall_cat, 3),
+ CAT_LABEL, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.selall_cat, 1),
+ CAT_DESC, sqlite3_column_text(poisql.selall_cat, 2),
+ CAT_POI_CNT, sqlite3_column_int(poisql.selall_cat, 6), -1);
} poi_search_type;
+typedef enum {
+} poi_source;
typedef struct _poi_db poi_db;
struct _poi_db {
sqlite3 *db;
guint zoom;
-/** Data to describe a POI. */
+ * Data to describe a POI.
+ */
typedef struct _poi_info poi_info;
struct _poi_info {
guint poi_id;
guint cat_id;
- guint is_in;
+ guint is_in_c;
+ guint is_in_p;
+ guint source;
+ time_t addtime;
gdouble lat;
gdouble lon;
+ gboolean public;
gchar *label;
gchar *desc;
gchar *cat_label;
gchar *cat_desc;
+ gchar *postal_code;
+ gchar *url;
-/** Data used during action: add or edit category/poi **/
+ * Data used during action: add or edit category/poi
+ */
typedef struct _delete_poi delete_poi;
struct _delete_poi {
GtkWidget *dialog;
guint id;
+ * Data describing a single POI category
+ */
typedef struct _poi_category poi_category;
struct _poi_category {
guint id;
gchar *desc;
+/* POI SQL */
struct sql_poi_stmt {
sqlite3_stmt *select_poi;
+ sqlite3_stmt *select_poi_by_id;
sqlite3_stmt *select_nearest_poi;
sqlite3_stmt *select_poi_search;
sqlite3_stmt *select_poi_search_cat;
+ sqlite3_stmt *select_poi_by_cat;
sqlite3_stmt *insert_poi;
sqlite3_stmt *update_poi;
sqlite3_stmt *delete_poi;
sqlite3_stmt *delete_poi_by_catid;
- sqlite3_stmt *nextlabel_poi;
sqlite3_stmt *select_cat;
sqlite3_stmt *insert_cat;
sqlite3_stmt *update_cat;
poi_info *poi_new(void);
void poi_free(poi_info *p);
-gboolean poi_get_list_near(guint unitx, guint unity, GtkListStore **store, guint *num_cats);
-gboolean poi_update(guint poi_id, guint cat_id, gchar *poi_label, gchar *poi_desc);
-gboolean poi_add(gdouble lat, gdouble lon, guint cat_id, gchar *poi_label, gchar *poi_desc);
+gboolean poi_get_list_near_unit(guint unitx, guint unity, guint range, GtkListStore **store, guint *num_poi);
+gboolean poi_get_list_inside(gdouble lat1, gdouble lon1, gdouble lat2, gdouble lon2, GtkListStore **store, guint *num_poi);
+gboolean poi_update(poi_info *p);
+gboolean poi_add(poi_info *p);
gboolean poi_delete(guint id);
gboolean poi_search(poi_search_type pst, gdouble lat, gdouble lon, gchar *text, guint cat, GtkListStore **store);
+poi_info *poi_find_nearest(gdouble lat, gdouble lon);
+gboolean poi_get_list_near_unit(guint unitx, guint unity, guint range, GtkListStore **store, guint *num_poi);
poi_category *poi_category_new(void);
void poi_category_free(poi_category *c);
gboolean poi_category_get(guint cat_id, poi_category **c);
gboolean poi_category_delete(guint id);
gboolean poi_category_update(guint cat_id, poi_category *c);
-poi_info *poi_find_nearest(gdouble lat, gdouble lon);
gboolean poi_category_toggle(guint cat_id, gboolean cat_enabled);
GtkListStore *poi_category_generate_store(void);
switch (s->stype) {
- sres=poi_search((cid==-1) ? POI_SEARCH_TEXT : POI_SEARCH_TEXT_CAT, s->lat, s->lon, st, cid, &s->store);
+ sres=poi_search((cid==-1 && slen>0) ? POI_SEARCH_TEXT : (cid!=-1 && slen==0) ? POI_SEARCH_CAT : POI_SEARCH_TEXT_CAT, s->lat, s->lon, st, cid, &s->store);
sres=osm_way_search(s->lat, s->lon, st, &s->store);