use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use Clutter qw(-gtk-init);
use Gtk2 qw(-init);
+use Gtk2::SimpleList;
use Champlain;
- $child = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text();
- my @sources = ();
- foreach my $type qw(osm_mapnik oam mff_relief osm_cyclemap osm_osmarender) {
- my $constructor = "new_$type";
- my $source = Champlain::MapSource->$constructor();
- push @sources, $source;
- $child->append_text($source->get_name);
- }
- $child->set_active(0);
- $child->signal_connect('changed', sub {
- my ($button) = @_;
- my $index = $button->get_active;
- my $source = $sources[$index];
- $map->set('map-source', $source);
- });
- $toolbox->add($child);
+ $toolbox->add(create_combo_box($map));
my $spin = Gtk2::SpinButton->new_with_range(0, 20, 1);
$spin->signal_connect('changed', sub {
+sub create_combo_box {
+ my ($map) = @_;
+ # Create a simple list that will be used as the data model of the ComboBox
+ my $model = Gtk2::ListStore->new(
+ 'Glib::String',
+ 'Glib::String',
+ #'Champlain::MapSourceDesc', doesn't work as it's not are registered type
+ );
+ my $active = 0; # Tells which map source is active
+ my $index = 0;
+ my $current_source = $map->get('map-source')->get_id;
+ my $factory = Champlain::MapSourceFactory->get_default;
+ foreach my $desc (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } $factory->get_list) {
+ my $iter = $model->append();
+ $model->set($iter,
+ 0, $desc->{name},
+ 1, $desc->{id},
+ );
+ if ($current_source eq $desc->{id}) {
+ $active = $index;
+ }
+ ++$index;
+ }
+ my $combo = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text();
+ $combo->set_model($model);
+ $combo->set_active($active);
+ $combo->signal_connect('changed', sub {
+ my ($button) = @_;
+ # Get the ID of the map source selected
+ my $iter = $button->get_active_iter;
+ my $id = $model->get($iter, 1);
+ # Create that map source
+ my $source = $factory->create($id);
+ $map->set_map_source($source);
+ });
+ return $combo;
sub create_marker_layer {
my ($map) = @_;
my $layer = Champlain::Layer->new();
printf "Map was clicked at %f, %f\n", $lat, $lon;
return TRUE;