/* estimate risc mem: worst case is one write per page border +
- one write per scan line + syncs + jump (all 2 dwords) */
- instructions = (bpl * lines * fields) / PAGE_SIZE + lines * fields;
- instructions += 3 + 4;
+ one write per scan line + syncs + jump (all 2 dwords). Padding
+ can cause next bpl to start close to a page border. First DMA
+ region may be smaller than PAGE_SIZE */
+ instructions = fields * (1 + ((bpl + padding) * lines) / PAGE_SIZE + lines);
+ instructions += 2;
if ((rc = btcx_riscmem_alloc(pci,risc,instructions*8)) < 0)
return rc;
int rc;
/* estimate risc mem: worst case is one write per page border +
- one write per scan line + syncs + jump (all 2 dwords) */
- instructions = (bpl * lines) / PAGE_SIZE + lines;
- instructions += 3 + 4;
+ one write per scan line + syncs + jump (all 2 dwords). Here
+ there is no padding and no sync. First DMA region may be smaller
+ than PAGE_SIZE */
+ instructions = 1 + (bpl * lines) / PAGE_SIZE + lines;
+ instructions += 1;
if ((rc = btcx_riscmem_alloc(pci,risc,instructions*8)) < 0)
return rc;