+++ /dev/null
-# /sbin/mount.smbfs
-# by Greg Galperin, MAR99 <grg@ai.mit.edu>
-# ver 1.1 MAR99 GRG docs update: must escape special chars like $
-# ver 1.0 MAR99 GRG original version
-# Intent is to allow calls to mount with -t smbfs to work properly
-# (either manually or from an automounter).
-# bugs:
-# -- possible security hole, as this is a shell script called as root...
-# -- arguments other than rw and ro which mount might supply are not handled
-# To use this from autofs:
-# have an entry of the form
-# key -fstype=smbfs,-Uadministrator,-Ppassword ://host/share
-# in the appropriate /etc/auto.mountpoint file.
-# This makes access to /mountpoint/key/ access smb //host/share/
-# as administrator (or another user, if you specify such) with the given
-# password. You may have to supply a -c <unqualified-localhostname>.
-# Special characters need to be 'escaped' with a backslash ('\') -- for
-# instance, if you want to use the default share names with a "$" at the
-# end (e.g., //host/c$), you must enter ://host/c\$
-# Note that mount/autofs is smart enough to figure out how to unmount
-# this without any extra work on our part!
-# I get called as: /sbin/mount.smbfs //host/shr /mnt/tmp -o rw,arg1,arg2
-# It looks like mount tacks on either "rw" or "ro" as the first argument,
-# so I'm going to count on having exactly 5 arguments.
-# This has been developed and tested with mount-2.7
-# test for correct # args
-if ( $# != 4 ) then
- echo $0 does not know how to handle $# arguments: $*
- exit -1
-# test for args in the form I expect
-if ( "$3" != "-o" ) then
- echo $0 does not know how to handle the 3rd argument not \"-o\" : $3
- exit -1
-setenv COMMAND "/usr/sbin/smbmount $1 $2"
-foreach arg (`echo $4 | /usr/bin/tr ',' ' '`)
- if ( "$arg" == "rw" ) then
- setenv COMMAND "$COMMAND -f777 -d777"
- else if ( "$arg" == "ro" ) then
- setenv COMMAND "$COMMAND -f555 -d555"
- else
- setenv COMMAND "$COMMAND $arg"
- endif