I moved from Sweden to Finland 2.5 years ago, thought it might be time
to update my CREDITS entry (simply removing the address completely
seemed the sanest option).
Signed-off-by: David Weinehall <tao@kernel.org>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@osdl.org>
N: David Weinehall
E: tao@acc.umu.se
+P: 1024D/DC47CA16 7ACE 0FB0 7A74 F994 9B36 E1D1 D14E 8526 DC47 CA16
W: http://www.acc.umu.se/~tao/
-W: http://www.acc.umu.se/~mcalinux/
+D: v2.0 kernel maintainer
D: Fixes for the NE/2-driver
D: Miscellaneous MCA-support
D: Cleanup of the Config-files
-S: Axtorpsvagen 40:20
-S: S-903 37 UMEA
-S: Sweden
N: Matt Welsh
E: mdw@metalab.unc.edu