+sash (3.4-8.2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Non-maintainer upload.
+ * debian/control: Build-depend on a version of zlib without the
+ double-free bug (closes: #137947).
+ -- Colin Watson <cjwatson@debian.org> Sun, 17 Mar 2002 13:58:46 +0000
+sash (3.4-8.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * NMU
+ * Make unstable have at least the same rev as stable. Changelog change only.
+ -- LaMont Jones <lamont@debian.org> Thu, 25 Oct 2001 09:42:55 -0600
+sash (3.4-8) stable; urgency=low
+ * control file cleanup
+ -- Raul Miller <moth@debian.org> Mon, 21 May 2001 10:42:50 -0400
+sash (3.4-7) stable; urgency=low
+ * incorporated workaround for dpkg breakage on /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc
+ (fixes #91634)
+ * adopted adrian bunk's suggestions for build-depends (fixes #94329)
+ * this version being new, will be newer than that in potato (fixes #97561)
+ * no Section: problem was apparently caused by build tools -- a test build
+ shows that 3.4-7 has Section: shells (fixes #84494)
+ * not fixed: no debconf support yet. I'm still considering legacy issues.
+ * not fixed: support for -- as end of options indicator. Meaningless,
+ as sash takes no non-options arguments (it's not designed for scripts).
+ -- Raul Miller <moth@debian.org> Sat, 19 May 2001 19:36:52 -0400
sash (3.4-6) stable; urgency=medium
* incorporated suggestion from Matt Zimmerman <mdz@debian.org>
Section: shells
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Raul Miller <moth@debian.org>
+Standards-Version: 3.2.1
+Build-Depends: zlib1g-dev (>= 1:1.1.3-19.1), debmake
Package: sash
Architecture: any
-Source-Depends: zlib1-altdev | zlib1g-dev
+Section: shells
+Priority: optional
Depends: lockfile-progs
Conflicts: fileutils (<<4.0-1)
-Suggests: doc-debian
+Suggests: doc-debian, debconf
Description: Stand-alone shell.
- The purpose of this program is to make replacing of shared libraries
- easy and safe. It does this by firstly being linked statically, and
- secondly by including many of the standard utilities within itself.
+ sash serves as an interactive substitute for /bin/sh, for use when
+ /bin/sh is unusable. It's statically linked, and inludes many standard
+ utilities as builtins (type "help" at the prompt for a reference list).
+ If you've installed sash before rendering your system unbootable, and
+ you have some knowledge of how your system is supposed to work, you might
+ be able to repair your system using init=/bin/sash at the boot prompt.
+ .
+ Some people also prefer to have sash available as the shell for a
+ root account (perhaps an under an alternate name such as sashroot)
+ Configuration support is included for people who want this.
+ .
+ Note: sash is not intended to serve as /bin/sh, and has few of the
+ interactive features present in bash or ksh. It's designed to be simple
+ and robust, for people who need to do emergency repair work on a system.
- This version offers a variety of choices for those who want more than
- support for init=/bin/sash at the boot prompt.
+ Also note: sash doesn't include a built-in fsck -- fsck is too big
+ and complicated. If you need fsck, you'll have to get at least one
+ partition or disk working well enough to run fsck. More generally,
+ sash is but one tool of many (backups, backup recovery tools, emergency
+ boot disks or partitions, spare parts, testing of disaster plans,
+ etc.) to help you recover a damaged system.
chown -R root.root debian/tmp
chmod -R go=rX debian/tmp
- # guarantee backwards compatability on /usr/doc, if debstd gets it wrong
- [ -f debian/tmp/usr/doc/sash/copyright ] || ( cd debian/tmp/usr&& cp -a share/doc doc && rm -rf share/doc ../DEBIAN/md5sums)
dpkg --build debian/tmp ..
define checkdir
# for use with sash. Try to find the admin's choice as efficiently
# as possible, and optionally remember the result for later.
-# sashconfig will be replaced after debconf is released
-# For the moment, answers are tracked in the form: Q5=Y Q6=N
+# Originally, answers were tracked in the form: Q5=Y Q6=N
# [translation: The answer to question 5 is yes, question 6 is no.]
+# debconf is fairly stable at this point, but is an optional package.
+# The challenge is to support legacy (/var/lib/sash/package-config,
+# or some alternative, specified on the command line) as well as
+# debconf, if available. The following cases must be considered:
+# * new installs, and systems with no saved history
+# * legacy systems, with valid /var/lib/sash/package-config
+# * systems which don't have debconf installed
+# Note: "debconf is not intended to be a registry", so I'm not
+# getting rid of /var/lib/sash/package-config.
# clean up potential damage from earlier versions of sashconfig
if [ -f /etc/shadow ]; then