]> err.no Git - dotfiles/commitdiff
Initial revision
authortfheen <tfheen@8da78d58-1cd3-0310-bee5-d77bd1b3e8bf>
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 07:03:54 +0000 (07:03 +0000)
committertfheen <tfheen@8da78d58-1cd3-0310-bee5-d77bd1b3e8bf>
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 07:03:54 +0000 (07:03 +0000)
git-svn-id: file:///svn/tfheen/trunk/dotfiles@1 8da78d58-1cd3-0310-bee5-d77bd1b3e8bf

emacs [new file with mode: 0644]
gnus [new file with mode: 0644]
zshenv [new file with mode: 0644]
zshrc [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/emacs b/emacs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d96cc5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+(setq tfheen-color-preference 'light) ; light or dark
+(if (not (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version))
+    (setq xemacsp nil))
+(if (not xemacsp)
+    (save-excursion 
+       (if (string< "21" emacs-version )
+         (set-language-environment "Latin-1")
+         (let ()
+           (standard-display-european t)
+           (if (string< emacs-version "20")
+               (load-library "iso-syntax") ; emacs 19.x
+             (require 'latin-1))               ; emacs 20.x
+           (set-input-mode (car (current-input-mode))
+                           (nth 1 (current-input-mode))
+                           0)))))
+;(prefer-coding-system "utf-8")
+(add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list (expand-file-name "~/usr/info"))
+;(add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list 
+; (expand-file-name "~/data/emacs/lisp/tramp/texi"))
+(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/data/emacs/lisp"))
+;(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/data/emacs/lisp/tramp/lisp"))
+(require 'bbdb)
+(setq tramp-default-method "rsync")
+(bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message 'w3)
+(setq bbdb-use-pop-up nil
+      bbdb-quiet-about-name-mismatches t
+      bbdb-default-area-code nil
+      bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p nil
+      bbdb-user-mail-names "\(tollef|tfheen\)"
+      bbdb-offer-save 1
+      bbdb-use-pop-up nil
+      mail-setup-hook 'bbdb-insinuate-sendmail)
+(add-hook mail-setup-hook 'bbdb-define-all-aliases)
+(setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)
+(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
+(defun dos-to-unix () 
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (replace-string "\91" "æ")
+    (replace-string "\9b" "ø")
+    (replace-string "\86" "å")
+    (replace-string "\92" "Æ")
+    (replace-string "\9d" "Ø")
+    (replace-string "\8f" "Å")
+    (replace-string "\r" "")
+    (replace-string "\1a" "")
+    )
+  )
+(defun text-to-html () 
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (replace-string "æ" "&aelig;")
+    (replace-string "æ" "&oslash;")
+    (replace-string "å" "&aring;")
+    (replace-string "Æ" "&AElig;")
+    (replace-string "Ø" "&Oslash;")
+    (replace-string "Å" "&Aring;")
+    )
+  )
+(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
+(load-library "mailcrypt")
+(mc-setversion "gpg") 
+(autoload 'mc-install-write-mode "mailcrypt" nil t)
+(autoload 'mc-install-read-mode "mailcrypt" nil t)
+(add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)
+(add-hook 'mail-setup-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)
+(add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook 'mc-install-read-mode)
+(add-hook 'news-reply-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)
+(global-set-key "\M-n" 'browse-url-at-point)
+(global-set-key [(control backspace)] 'undo)
+(global-set-key [(control return)] 'find-tag)
+;;; Custom stuff.
+(setq load-path (cons "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp" load-path))
+(condition-case () (require 'w3-auto "w3-auto") (error nil))
+ '(ecb-source-path (quote ("~/data/ntnu/SIF8005/prosjekt/risk/")))
+ '(w3-user-fonts-take-precedence t)
+ '(browse-url-browser-function (quote browse-url-netscape) t)
+ '(browse-url-new-window-p t t)
+ '(browse-url-generic-program "opera" t)
+ '(browse-url-netscape-program "opera")
+ '(gnuserv-program (concat exec-directory "/gnuserv"))
+ '(tramp-multi-file-name-structure (quote ("\\`/r:\\(\\([a-z0-9]+\\)\\)?\\(\\(%s\\)+\\):\\(.*\\)\\'" 2 3 -1)))
+ '(tramp-make-tramp-file-format "/r:%m/%u@%h:%p")
+ '(tramp-file-name-regexp "\\`/r:")
+ '(tramp-make-multi-tramp-file-format (quote ("/r:%m" "/%m:%u@%h" ":%p")))
+ '(tramp-auto-save-directory "/home/tfheen/tmp")
+ '(load-home-init-file t t)
+ '(py-beep-if-tab-change nil)
+ '(tramp-make-tramp-file-user-nil-format "/r:%m/%h:%p")
+ '(tramp-file-name-structure (quote ("\\`/r:\\(\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)/\\)?\\(\\([-a-zA-Z0-9_#/:]+\\)@\\)?\\([-a-zA-Z0-9_#/:@.]+\\):\\(.*\\)\\'" 2 4 5 6)))
+ '(browse-url-temp-dir "~/tmp/")
+ '(nnmail-prepare-incoming-header-hook (quote (nnmail-fix-eudora-headers)))
+ '(jde-bug-vm-includes-jpda-p t)
+ '(w3-user-colors-take-precedence t))
+ (if (eq tfheen-color-preference 'dark) 
+     (custom-set-faces
+      '(w3-style-face-00003 ((t (:foreground "#000000" :background "black"))) t)
+      '(w3-style-face-00002 ((t (:background "black"))) t)
+     '(w3-style-face-00001 ((t (:background "black"))) t)
+      '(custom-set-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "blue" :background "black"))))
+      '(font-lock-keyword-face ((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Maroon"))))
+      '(show-paren-mismatch-face ((((class color)) (:bold t :foreground "Red"))))
+      '(gnus-cite-face-3 ((t (:foreground "Green"))))
+      '(gnus-cite-face-2 ((t (:foreground "LightBlue"))))
+      '(gnus-cite-face-1 ((t (:foreground "Yellow"))))
+      '(show-paren-match-face ((((class color)) (:bold t :foreground "White"))))
+      '(font-lock-builtin-face ((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "BlueViolet")))))
+    (custom-set-faces
+     '(w3-style-face-00003 ((t (:foreground "#000000" :background "black"))) t)
+     '(w3-style-face-00002 ((t (:background "black"))) t)
+     '(w3-style-face-00001 ((t (:background "black"))) t)
+     '(custom-set-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "blue" :background "black"))))
+     '(sh-heredoc-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "DarkGreen"))))
+     '(font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground "DarkBlue"))) t)
+     '(font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "Blue"))) t)
+     '(mmm-default-submode-face ((t (:background "White"))) t)
+     '(show-paren-mismatch-face ((((class color)) (:bold t :foreground "Red"))))
+     '(gnus-cite-face-3 ((t (:foreground "DarkGreen"))))
+     '(gnus-cite-face-2 ((t (:foreground "DarkRed"))))
+     '(gnus-cite-face-1 ((t (:foreground "DarkBlue"))))
+     '(show-paren-match-face ((((class color)) (:bold t :foreground "White"))))
+     '(font-lock-builtin-face ((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "BlueViolet"))))))
+;; File modes
+(autoload 'php-mode "php-mode" "PHP editing mode" t)
+(autoload 'css-mode "css-mode")
+(autoload 'pov-mode "pov-mode" "PoVray scene file mode" t)
+(autoload 'jde-mode "jde" "Java Development Environment" t)
+(autoload 'dtml-mode "dtml-mode" "Document Template Markup Language" t)
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.php3$" . php-mode))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.css$" . css-mode))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.pov$" . pov-mode))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.jl$" . lisp-mode))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.java$" . jde-mode))
+;; Set up autoloading and auto-mode
+(autoload 'ps-mode "ps-mode"
+  "Major mode for editing PostScript" t)
+(setq auto-mode-alist
+      (append
+       '(("\\.[eE]?[pP][sS]$" . ps-mode))
+       auto-mode-alist))
+;; Various programming settings and languages
+; K&R
+(setq perl-indent-level 5
+      perl-continued-statement-offset 5
+      perl-continued-brace-offset 0
+      perl-brace-offset -5
+      perl-brace-imaginary-offset 0
+      perl-label-offset -5
+      )
+;(if (not xemacsp) 
+;    (c-set-style "k&r"))
+(setq next-line-add-newlines nil
+      compilation-window-height 10
+      european-calendar-style t)
+(defun reverse-list-in-list (reverse-list)
+  (require 'cl)
+  (let '(bar (copy-list reverse-list))
+    (setq liste (list))
+       (while (car bar) 
+        (let '(elem (car bar))
+          (add-to-list 'liste (reverse elem)))
+        (setq bar (cdr bar)))
+       (reverse liste)))
+(defun reverse-nnml-list-in-list (reverse-list)
+  (require 'cl)
+  (let '(bar (copy-list reverse-list))
+    (setq liste (list))
+    (while (car bar) 
+      (let '(elem (car bar))
+       (print (car elem))
+       (add-to-list 'liste (list (car (cdr elem)) (concat "nnml:" (car elem))))
+       (setq bar (cdr bar))))
+    (reverse liste)))
+(setq py-honor-comment-indentation nil)
+(add-hook 'sgml-mode-hook '(lambda()(local-set-key "\C-c>" 'sgml-insert-end-tag)))
+(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook '(lambda()(local-set-key "\C-j" 'find-function)))
+(setq mc-temp-directory (expand-file-name "~/tmp")
+      mc-encrypt-for-me t
+      mc-gpg-user-id "tfheen@opera.no")
+;(require 'template)
+;(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'tmpl-init)
+;(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'auto-insert-file-header)
+(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook (lambda() (local-set-key "\M-\C-x" 'compile)))
+(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook (lambda() (local-set-key "\M-\C-z" 'next-error)))
+(require 'auto-header)
+(setq header-full-name "Tollef Fog Heen"
+      header-email-address "tollef@add.no"
+      add-log-mailing-address "tfheen@debian.org"
+      debian-changelog-mailing-address "tfheen@debian.org"
+      tags-table-list (list (expand-file-name "~/usr/include/")))
+(setq sgml-local-catalogs (list "~/usr/lib/sgml/sgml.catalog"))
+;; Find-file hooks
+; Stolen from Jan Ingvoldstad
+(add-hook 'find-file-hooks
+         '(lambda ()
+         ;; Invoke proper modes when we don't know file extensions
+         (cond ((looking-at "#!.*/perl") (perl-mode))
+               ((looking-at "#!.*/tclsh") (tcl-mode))
+               ((looking-at "#!.*/wish") (tcl-mode))
+               ((looking-at "#!.*/make") (makefile-mode)))))
+;; Visual fluff.
+(if (not xemacsp)
+    (toggle-scroll-bar -1)
+  (setq scrollbars-visible-p nil))
+(setq scroll-bar-mode nil)
+;      show-paren-style 'expression)
+; Highlight matching/nonmatching parens
+;(if (not xemacsp)
+;    (show-paren-mode t)) ; show-paren-mode takes too much cpu
+(if (not xemacsp)
+    (global-font-lock-mode t)
+  (font-lock-mode 1))
+(if (not xemacsp)
+    (server-start))
+;; Multiple mode
+(require 'mmm-auto)
+(setq mmm-global-mode 'maybe)
+ '(w3-style-face-00003 ((t (:foreground "#000000" :background "black"))) t)
+ '(w3-style-face-00002 ((t (:background "black"))) t)
+ '(w3-style-face-00001 ((t (:background "black"))) t)
+ '(font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "Blue"))))
+ '(custom-set-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "blue" :background "black"))))
+ '(font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground "DarkBlue"))))
+ '(show-paren-mismatch-face ((((class color)) (:bold t :foreground "Red"))))
+ '(gnus-cite-face-3 ((t (:foreground "DarkGreen"))))
+ '(gnus-cite-face-2 ((t (:foreground "DarkRed"))))
+ '(gnus-cite-face-1 ((t (:foreground "DarkBlue"))))
+ '(mmm-default-submode-face ((t (:background "White"))))
+ '(show-paren-match-face ((((class color)) (:bold t :foreground "White"))))
+ '(font-lock-builtin-face ((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "BlueViolet")))))
+(setq mc-passwd-timeout 600)
+(if (not xemacsp)
+    (require 'tramp))
+(if (and (not xemacsp) (= emacs-major-version 21))
+    (progn
+      (blink-cursor-mode 0)
+      (tooltip-mode 0)
+      (tool-bar-mode 0)
+      (global-set-key [home] 'beginning-of-buffer)
+      (global-set-key [end] 'end-of-buffer)
+      (setq cursor-in-non-selected-windows nil)))
+(global-set-key [C-tab] 'dabbrev-expand)
+(setq mail-open-quote "«")
+(setq mail-close-quote "»")
+(defun mail-insert-quote (arg)
+  "Insert the appropriate quote marks for Norwegian mail.
+Inserts the value of `mail-open-quote' (normally «) or `mail-close-quote'
+\(normally ») depending on the context.  With prefix argument, always
+inserts \" characters."
+  (interactive "*P")
+  (if arg
+      (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+    (insert
+     (cond ((or (bobp)
+               (save-excursion
+                 (forward-char -1)
+                 (looking-at "\\s(\\|\\s \\|\\s>")))
+           mail-open-quote)
+          ((= (preceding-char) ?\\)
+           ?\")
+          (t
+           mail-close-quote)))))
+(add-hook 'diary-hook 'appt-make-list)
+(add-hook 'diary-hook 'appt-make-list)
+(diary 0)
+(setq show-trailing-whitespace t)
+(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
+(define-coding-system-alias 'iso885915 'iso-8859-15)
diff --git a/gnus b/gnus
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3c1b40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnus
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+;;  -*- lisp -*-
+(defun tfheen-random-from-list (list)
+  (let ((r (random (list-length list))))
+    (while (> r 0)
+      (setq r (- r 1))
+      (setq list (cdr list)))
+    (car list)))
+(setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "localhost")
+      gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml ""))
+;                                    (nntp "news.sunsite.dk"))
+;      gnus-summary-limit-to-unread nil
+      nnml-crosspost nil
+      nnmail-crosspost nil
+      debug-on-error t
+      gnus-novice-user nil
+      gnus-interactive-exit nil
+      message-default-charset 'iso-8859-1
+      message-default-headers "Mail-Copies-To: never"
+      message-send-mail-partially-limit nil)
+(add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods '(nntp "news.hardware.no"))
+(add-hook 'nntp-server-opened-hook 'nntp-send-authinfo)
+(add-hook 'nntp-server-opened-hook 'nntp-send-mode-reader)
+(setq nnmail-split-methods 
+      (list '("junk.2002" "^From:.*Cron")
+           '("spam" "^From:.*lifeminders.com")
+           '("spam" "^Subject: =\\?ks_c_5601-1987")
+           '("spam" "^Subject:.*Boost Your Windows Reliability!")
+           '("spam" "^Subject:.*Xsamplesampledesktopdesktopsamplesampledesktopsamplesamplesamplesamplesampledesktopsamplesamplesamplesampledesktopsamplesampledesktopdesktopsamplesamplesampledesktopsampledesktopdesktopdesktopdesktopdesktopsamplesampledesktopdesktopsampledesktopsampledesktadd.nodesktop")
+           '("spam" "^From: spam_filter@linuxfreemail.com")
+           '("spam" "^Content-Type: text/html; charset=KS_C_5601-1987")
+           '("spam" "^Subject:.*±¤°í\\")
+            ; Hand-moderated lists over automatic spam detection
+           '("bugtraq.2002" "^Delivered-To:.*bugtraq@securityfocus.com")
+            '("maybe-spam" "^X-Spam-Status: Yes")
+           '("infobeat" "^From:.*InfoBeat")
+           '("in-2002-news" "^Delivered-To:.*tollef-news")
+           '("www.zope.div" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*zope@\\(zope\\|egroups.com\\)")
+           '("drift.fagerborg" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*drift@.*fagerborg")
+           '("drift.fagerborg" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*fa-drift")
+           '("drift.pvv" "^\\(Delivered-To\\|\\):.*drift@pvv")
+           '("drift.pvv.tk" "^\\(Delivered-To\\|\\):.*tk@pvv")
+           '("drift.pvv.cert" "^\\(Delivered-To\\|\\):.*cert@pvv")
+           '("drift.pvv.root" "^\\(Delivered-To\\|\\):.*root@pvv")
+           '("drift.pvv.sherlock" "^\\(Delivered-To\\|\\):.*sherlock@pvv")
+           '("drift.pvv.nerds" "^\\(Delivered-To\\|\\):.*nerds@pvv")
+           '("drift.pvv.abuse" "^\\(Delivered-To\\|\\):.*abuse@pvv")
+           '("drift.opera.diverse" "^\\(X-BeenThere\\|To\\|Cc\\):.*server@opera")
+           '("drift.opera.www.opera.com" "^From:.*root@opera.com")
+           '("drift.opera.security" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*\\(security\\|security-issues\\)@opera")
+           '("jobb.opera.elektra" "^List-Id:.*elektra.opera")
+           '("drift.uio" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*linux-drift@uio")
+           '("drift.egroups" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*egroups-managers")
+           '("drift.opera.news" "\\(To\\|From\\):.*\\(usenet@\\|news@\\).*opera")
+           '("drift.opera.news" "\\(To\\|From\\):.*\\(usenet@\\|news@\\).*pvv")
+           '("drift.opera.epost" "^To:.*\\(postmaster\\|root\\)@opera")
+           '("drift.opera.backup" "^To:.*tollef-opera-backup")
+           '("drift.opera.staff" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*staff@.*opera")
+           '("drift.opera.oslo" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*oslo@.*opera")
+           '("drift.opera.linux" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*opera-linux@opera")
+           '("drift.opera.panic" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*panic@opera")
+            '("drift.opera.mac-developer" "^List-Id:.*mac-developer.opera.no")
+           '("drift.opera.epostlister" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*admin@opera")
+           '("drift.opera.epostlister" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*owner@opera")
+           '("drift.opera.emergency" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*tfheen-netsaint@opera")
+           '("drift.hardware.sherlock" "^\\(To\\|Delivered-To\\|Envelope-to\\):.*sherlock@hardware")
+           '("drift.hardware.emergency" "^From:.*netsaint@.*hardware")
+           '("drift.hardware.news" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Delivered-To\\):.*usenet@.*hardware.no")
+           '("drift.hardware.drift" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Delivered-To\\):.*drift@hardware.no")
+           '("drift.samfundet.gsf" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*gsf@.*\\(samfundet\\|stud\\)")
+           '("drift.samfundet.gsk" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*gsk@.*\\(samfundet\\|stud\\)")
+            '("drift.isfit.it-admin" "Delivered-To:.*it-admin@isfit.org")
+            '("drift.isfit.mail" "Subject: bayer.isfit.org Daily Mail Report")
+            '("drift.isfit.logwatch" "Subject: LogWatch for bayer.isfit.org")
+           '("drift.lis.drift" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Delivered-To\\):.*drift@sk[ou]lelinux.no")
+            '("drift.itk.arpwatch" "From:.*arpwatch@samfundet.no")
+           '("drift.itk.kort" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*kort@.*\\(samfundet\\|stud\\)")
+           '("drift.itk.itk" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*itk@.*\\(samfundet\\|stud\\)")
+           '("drift.itk.uka" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*itk@.*uka")
+           '("drift.itk.unix" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*unix@.*samfundet")
+           '("drift.itk.leder" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*itk-leder@.*samfundet")
+           '("drift.itk.lister" "^From: mailman-owner@lists.samfundet.no")
+           '("drift.itk.news" "\\(To\\|From\\):.*\\(usenet@\\|news@\\).*samfundet.no")
+           '("drift.itk.uka-gjengsjefer" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*gjengsjefer@.*uka")
+           '("drift.news.nag.intern" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*gullkorn@usenet.no")
+           '("drift.news.nag.submissions" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*no-alt-gullkorn@moderators")
+           '("drift.news.localhost" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*usenet@manon")
+           '("drift.snort.localhost" "^Subject:.*snort daily report")
+           '("anchordesk" "^From:.*AnchorDesk")
+           '("postgres" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*announce@postgresql.org")
+;          '("firma.netscape" "^From:.*@netscape.com")
+           '("firma.java" "^To:.*JDC.*@Sun.com")
+           '("firma.java" "^To:.*devflash@eng.sun.com")
+           '("firma.borland" "To:.*INPR04@BORLAND.COM")
+           '("firma.div_tilbud" "^From:.*clubpdalist@list.pacbus.com")
+           '("firma.div_tilbud" "list.cc-inc.com")
+           '("firma.div_tilbud" "^To:.*Announce@linuxmall.com")
+           '("firma.div_tilbud" "^From:.*salg@infolink.no")
+           '("firma.java" "JDCTechTips@sun.com")
+            '("div.keysign.nuccc-2002" "\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*nuccc\\+keysign@acc.umu.se")
+           '("div.hemsedal" "^\\(To:.*vaermottakere@skiinfo.no\\|From:.*vaer@skiinfo.no\\)")
+           '("div.samfundet.diskusjon" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*diskusjon@samfundet.no")
+           '("div.samfundet.info" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*info@samfundet.no")
+           '("div.samfundet.gjenger" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*gjenger@samfundet.no")
+            '("div.ntnu.klatring" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*tindegruppa@stud.ntnu.no")
+           '("programmering.banal" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*banal@starnix.com")
+           '("programmering.together" "^To:.*@lists.oi.com")
+           '("programmering.qt.snapshot" "^\\(To\\|Cc:\\).*snapshot-users@troll")
+           '("div.hn" "^To:.*hn@coollist.com")
+           '("div.hn" "^To:.*hw-intern")
+           '("div.linux-i-skolen" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Reply-To\\):.*linuxisk[ou]len")
+           '("linux.linux-i-skolen.info" "^List-Id:.*info.skolelinux.no")
+           '("div.registrar" "\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*registrar@norid.no")
+           '("div.tut" "\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*tut@nvg")
+           '("firma.ibm" "^To:.*techconnect")
+           '("div.tipworld" "^To:.*tollef-tipworld")
+            '("freesoftware.cofsino" "List-Id.*cofsino.lists.raw.no")
+           '("freesoftware.nafs" "List-Id.*nafs.mail.nafs.org")
+           '("freesoftware.cvs.info" "List-Id.*info-cvs.gnu.org")
+           '("freesoftware.cvs.bug" "List-Id.*bug-cvs.gnu.org")
+           '("freesoftware.efn.listen" "List-Id.*efn-listen.ifi.uio.no")
+           '("linux.spi.private.2002" "^List.*spi-private.lists.spi-inc.org")
+            '("linux.progeny.pgi-workers" "^List-Id.*pgi-workers.lists.progeny.com")
+           '("linux.debian.hurd-testdrive" "List-Id.*hurd-testdrive.moneybags.cs.uml.edu")
+           '("linux.debian.dwn.2002" "^Delivered-To.*dwn@debian.org")
+           '("linux.debian.cd.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-cd")
+           '("linux.debian.www.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-www")
+           '("linux.debian.debbugs.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-debbugs")
+           '("linux.debian.laptop.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-laptop")
+           '("linux.debian.ctte.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-ctte")
+           '("linux.debian.devel-changes.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-devel-changes")
+           '("linux.debian.emacsen.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-emacsen")
+           '("linux.debian.policy.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-policy")
+           '("linux.debian.project.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-project")
+           '("linux.debian.python.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-python")
+           '("linux.debian.qa.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-qa")
+           '("linux.debian.bsd.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-bsd")
+           '("linux.debian.curiosa.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-curiosa")
+           '("linux.debian.www-cvs.2002" "^To.*joey-www-cvs@master.debian.org")
+           '("linux.debian.java.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-java")
+           '("linux.debian.events-eu.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-events-eu")
+           '("linux.debian.boot.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-boot")
+           '("linux.debian.devel.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-devel")
+           '("linux.debian.private.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-private")
+           '("linux.debian.mentors.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-mentors")
+           '("linux.debian.vote.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-vote")
+           '("linux.debian.newmaint.2002" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-newmaint")
+           '("linux.debian.changes" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-changes")
+           '("linux.debian.news" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-news")
+           '("linux.debian.security" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-security")
+           '("linux.debian.announce" "^X-Mailing-List.*debian-announce")
+           '("linux.debian.deb-pgsql" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Resent-To\\):.*\\(deb-pgsql\\|debian-postgresql\\)")
+           '("linux.debian.deb-pgsql" "^List-Id:.*debian-postgresql")
+           '("linux.helix.updates" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Resent-From\\):.*updates@\\(helixcode.com\\|ximian.com\\)")
+           '("linux.helix.announce" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Resent-From\\):.*announce@\\(helixcode.com\\|ximian.com\\)")
+           '("linux.tuug" "\\(To\\|Cc\\):.*tuug@nvg")
+           '("linux.rh.security" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Resent-From\\):.*linux-security")
+           '("linux.rh.alert" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Resent-From\\):.*tollef-rh-alert")
+           '("linux.rh.announce" "^X-BeenThere: redhat-announce-list@redhat.com")
+           '("linux.rh.watch" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Resent-From\\):.*redhat-watch")
+           '("linux.limacute" "List-Id:.*limacute-list.limacute.org")
+           '("programmering.koffice" "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Resent-From\\):.*koffice")
+           '("programmering.mailman.developer" "^List-Id:.*mailman-developers.python.org")
+           '("programmering.mailman.user" "^List-Id:.*mailman-users.python.org")
+           '("programmering.xml-sig" "^List-Id:.*xml-sig.python.org")
+           '("programmering.ntnu.mugge" "^Delivered-To:.*mugge@samfundet.no")
+           '("drift.opera.mailer-daemon" "To:.*[Mm]ailer-[Dd]aemon@opera")
+           '("drift.opera.bounce" "From:.*[Mm]ailer-[Dd]aemon")
+           '("drift.opera.bounce" "Subject:.*\\([Rr]eturned\\|[Uu]ndeliverable\\) *\\([Mm]ail\\|[Mm]essage\\)")
+           '("drift.opera.bounce" "Subject: *Mail System Error - Returned Mail")
+           '("drift.opera.bounce" "Subject: *Delivery failure")
+           (list (format-time-string "in-%Y-%m") "")))
+(setq gnus-split-methods (reverse-nnml-list-in-list nnmail-split-methods))
+(setq gnus-move-split-methods (reverse-nnml-list-in-list nnmail-split-methods))
+(defun tfheen-maybe-sign ()
+  "Sign if appropiate. Only news. Selects correct sender."
+  (load-library "mc-toplev")
+  (if (message-news-p) (let ((newsgroups (cadr (mail-extract-address-components
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (save-restriction
+                         (message-narrow-to-head)
+                         (message-fetch-field "newsgroups")))))))
+   (if (string-match "^opera" newsgroups) (mc-sign-message "tfheen@opera.no")))))
+(setq gnus-message-archive-group
+       '((if (message-news-p)
+           "misc-news"
+          (format-time-string "nnml:out-%Y-%m"))))
+(setq schizo-default-mail-from "tollef@add.no")
+(setq schizo-default-news-from "tollef-news@add.no")
+(setq schizo-select-list '(("t.f.heen@jus.uio.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "University of Oslo, Norway"
+                               "http://www.uio.no/~tfheen/") 
+                              ("tollef-news@add.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Private"
+                               "http://www.add.no/~tollef/")
+                              ("tollef@add.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Private"
+                               "http://www.add.no/~tollef/")
+                              ("tfheen@pvv.ntnu.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "PVV"
+                               "http://www.pvv.org/")
+                              ("tfheen@idi.ntnu.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Institutt for Datateknikk, FIM, NTNU"
+                               "http://www.idi.ntnu.no/")
+                              ("tfheen@debian.org"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Debian"
+                               "http://www.debian.org/")
+                              ("hostmaster@hardware.no"
+                               "Hostmaster"
+                               "Hardware.no"
+                               "http://www.hardware.no/")
+                              ("tfheen@fa002.fagerborg.vgs.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Fagerborg driftsgruppe"
+                               "http://www.fagerborg.vgs.no/"
+                               )
+                              ("tfheen@fagerborg.net"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Fagerborg driftsgruppe"
+                               "http://www.fagerborg.net/"
+                               )
+                              ("drift@fa002.fagerborg.vgs.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Fagerborg driftsgruppe"
+                               "http://www.fagerborg.vgs.no/"
+                               )
+                              ("tfheen@hardware.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Hardware.no"
+                               "http://www.hardware.no/")
+                              ("tfheen@opera.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Opera Software"
+                               "http://www.opera.no/")
+                              ("tfheen@opera.com"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Opera Software"
+                               "http://www.opera.no/")
+                              ("tfheen@stud.ntnu.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "Private"
+                               "")
+                              ("tfheen@samfundet.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "IT-komiteen - Samfundet"
+                               "http://www.samfundet.no/itk/")
+                              ("tfheen@uka.no"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "IT-komiteen - UKA"
+                               "http://www.uka.no/")
+                              ("tfheen@isfit.org"
+                               "Tollef Fog Heen"
+                               "ISFiT"
+                               "http://www.isfit.org/")))
+(require 'schizo)
+(defun tfheen-de-arntify ()
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (if (string= (message-fetch-field "From") "Arnt Karlsen <arnt@c2i.net>")
+        (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
+              buffer-read-only)
+          (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (replace-regexp "^\\.\\." "")
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (replace-regexp " ? ?;-)$" "")))))
+(defun tfheen-right-quotify ()
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
+          buffer-read-only)
+      (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (re-search-forward "^>+" nil t)
+        (let ((i 0)
+              (str "")
+              (tmp (length (match-string 0))))
+          (while (< i tmp)
+            (setq str (concat str "|"))
+            (setq i (+ i 1)))
+          (setq str (concat str " "))
+          (replace-match str nil nil)))
+      (while (re-search-forward "| |+" nil t)
+        (replace-match "||" nil nil)))))
+(add-hook 'gnus-article-prepare-hook 'tfheen-de-arntify)
+;(add-hook 'gnus-article-prepare-hook 'tfheen-right-quotify)
+(add-hook 'gnus-article-display-hook 'gnus-article-highlight-citation)
+;; Don't _reply_ in news, dimwit!
+(defadvice gnus-summary-reply (around reply-in-news activate)
+  (interactive)
+  (when (or (not (gnus-news-group-p gnus-newsgroup-name))
+            (y-or-n-p "Really reply? "))
+    ad-do-it))
+(setq gnus-home-score-file
+      '(("\\(biz\\|marked\\|annonser\\)" "marked.SCORE")
+       ("^nnml:jobb.opera.elektra" "opera.SCORE")))
+(setq gnus-use-cache t
+      message-kill-buffer-on-exit t
+      nnvirtual-always-rescan t
+      rmail-dont-reply-to-names "tfheen\\|tollef\\|nobody\\|never\\|none"
+      message-dont-reply-to-names rmail-dont-reply-to-names
+(defun tfheen-escape-url () "Puts <URL:> around URLs."
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (replace-regexp "<URL:\\([^>]*\\)>" "\\1")
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (replace-regexp gnus-button-url-regexp "<URL:\\&>")))
+(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'schizo-select)
+(add-hook 'message-mode-hook '(lambda()(local-set-key "\M-c" 'bbdb-complete-name)))
+(add-hook 'message-mode-hook '(lambda()(local-set-key "\M-\S-F" 'tfheen-insert-footnote)))
+(add-hook 'message-mode-hook '(lambda()(local-set-key "\"" 'mail-insert-quote)))
+(add-hook 'gnus-article-display-hook 'gnus-article-hide-pgp)
+;(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'tfheen-escape-url)
+(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'tfheen-maybe-sign)
+(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'tfheen-check-mail-followup-to)
+;(add-hook 'mc-pre-encryption-hook 'tfheen-escape-url)
+;(add-hook 'mc-pre-signature-hook 'tfheen-escape-url)
+(defun tfh-insert-citation-line ()
+  "My own function to insert citation. Inserts a line similar to \"* Tollef Fog Heen\n\n\""
+  (if (string-equal gnus-newsgroup-name "nnml:drift.news.nag.submissions")
+      "  "
+    (when message-reply-headers
+      (let ((author (mail-header-from message-reply-headers)))
+       (string-match "[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+" author)
+       (insert "* "(replace-match "" nil nil author) "\n\n")))))
+(setq gnus-summary-gather-subject-limit 'fuzzy
+      gnus-simplify-subject-fuzzy-regexp "^\\([Aa][Dd]: \\|[Ss][Vv]: \\|[Rr][Ee]: \\)+"
+      mc-gpg-comment "Please see my GPG key at http://www.opera.com/~tfheen/gpgkey.asc"
+      gnus-simplify-ignored-prefixes "^\\([Aa][Dd]: \\|[Ss][Vv]: \\|[Rr][Ee]: \\)+"
+      message-yank-prefix "| "
+      message-citation-line-function 'tfh-insert-citation-line
+      message-cite-function 'tfheen-cite-function
+      gnus-simplify-subject-functions '(gnus-simplify-subject gnus-simplify-subject-fuzzy)
+      gnus-summary-mode-line-format "Gnus: %G [%A] %Z")
+(setq gnus-uncacheable-groups "^nnml")
+; (add-to-list 'mm-discouraged-alternatives "text/html")
+;; text processing definitions
+(setq-default sentence-end "[.?!][]\"')}]*[ \n]+")
+(setq-default paragraph-start "^[|:> \t]*$")
+(setq-default paragraph-separate (default-value 'paragraph-start))
+(setq adaptive-fill-regexp (substring (default-value 'paragraph-start) 1 -1))
+(setq gnus-posting-styles
+  '(;; Du vil sikkert ha mer her enn det følgende:
+    ("drift.news.nag.submissions" ;; Antar at man får
+                                      ;; moderator-mail hit
+     (From
+      ;; settes til bidragsyters adresse ved posting
+      (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+        (message-fetch-field "from" t)))
+     (To nil)
+     (Cc nil)
+     (in-reply-to nil)
+     (references 
+      (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+       (gnus-narrow-to-body)
+       (tfheen-get-header-fuzzy "message-id")
+       (widen)))
+     (newsgroups "no.alt.gullkorn")
+     (approved "no-alt-gullkorn@moderators.usenet.no")
+      (message-id 
+       (concat "<no-alt-gullkorn-"
+        (substring
+        (or (save-excursion
+              (let ((msgid))
+                (gnus-summary-verbose-headers 1)
+                (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+                (gnus-narrow-to-body)
+                (setq msgid (tfheen-get-header-fuzzy "message-id"))
+                (widen)
+                msgid)
+              )
+             "<FIKS MEG NÅ!!!")
+        1)))
+     (reply-to "no-alt-gullkorn@moderators.usenet.no")
+     (x-url "http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~jani/OBS/no-alt-gullkorn.shtml")
+     (organization "no-alt-gullkorn@moderators.usenet.no")
+     (signature (concat "Utvalgt av " user-full-name "
+Send bidrag til no-alt-gullkorn@moderators.usenet.no
+OBS: <URL:http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~jani/OBS/no-alt-gullkorn.shtml>")))
+    ((and (message-mail-p) (stringp gnus-newsgroup-name))
+     ("Mail-Followup-To" (gnus-group-get-parameter gnus-newsgroup-name 'to-address)))))
+;    (".*" 
+;     ("X-No-Archive" (tfheen-random-from-list '("Maybe" "Sometimes" "What!?" "That might be an idea"))))))
+(defun tfheen-set-fill-prefix () 
+  "Hook to run when entering no.alt.gullkorn.submissions"
+  (setq message-yank-prefix
+       (if (string-equal gnus-newsgroup-name "nnml:drift.news.nag.submissions")
+           "  " "| ")))
+(defun tfheen-cite-function ()
+  "Which cite function to use -- depend on which you are in"
+  (if (string-equal gnus-newsgroup-name "nnml:drift.news.nag.submissions")
+      (message-cite-original)
+    (message-cite-original-without-signature)))
+(add-hook 'gnus-select-group-hook 'tfheen-set-fill-prefix)
+(add-hook 'gnus-exit-group-hook 'tfheen-set-fill-prefix)
+(defun tfheen-send-approved-mail ()
+  "Sends email to gullkorn@usenet.no when approving an article"
+  (if (string-equal gnus-newsgroup-name "nnml:drift.news.nag.submissions")
+      (save-excursion
+       (setq tmp-gnus-message-setup-hook gnus-message-setup-hook
+             gnus-message-setup-hook nil
+             tmp-gnus-posting-styles gnus-posting-styles
+             gnus-posting-styles nil)
+;      (message (concat "gnus-article-buffer: " gnus-article-buffer))
+;      (message (concat "gnus-message-buffer: " gnus-message-buffer))
+       (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+;      (gnus-summary-verbose-headers 1)
+       (gnus-narrow-to-body)
+       (let ((newsgroups (or (tfheen-get-header-fuzzy "newsgroups") "FIXME"))
+             (subject (or (tfheen-get-header-fuzzy "subject") "FIXME"))
+             (from (or (tfheen-get-header-fuzzy "from") "FIXME"))
+             (date (or (tfheen-get-header-fuzzy "date") "FIXME"))
+             (msgid (or (tfheen-get-header-fuzzy "message-id") "FIXME")))
+         (gnus-summary-mail-other-window)
+         (gnus-narrow-to-body)
+         (insert "Newsgroups: " newsgroups "\n")
+         (insert "Subject: " subject "\n")
+         (insert "From: " from "\n")
+         (insert "Date: " date "\n")
+         (insert "Message-ID: " msgid "\n\n")
+         (message-narrow-to-head)
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (search-forward "Subject: " (point-max) t)
+         (insert (format-time-string "Postet %Y%m%d %H:%M"))
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (search-forward "To: " (point-max) t)
+         (insert "gullkorn@usenet.no")
+         (widen))
+       (setq gnus-message-setup-hook tmp-gnus-message-setup-hook
+             tmp-gnus-message-setup-hook nil
+             gnus-posting-styles tmp-gnus-posting-styles
+             tmp-gnus-posting-styles nil)
+  (gnus-summary-verbose-headers -1))))
+(defun tfheen-fixup-subject ()
+  "Fix subject for no.alt.gullkorn"
+  (if (string-equal gnus-newsgroup-name "nnml:drift.news.nag.submissions")
+      (save-excursion
+       (message (concat "gnus-article-buffer: " gnus-article-buffer))
+       (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
+       (gnus-narrow-to-body)
+       (let ((newsgroups (or (tfheen-get-header-fuzzy "newsgroups") "FIXME"))
+             (subject (or (tfheen-get-header-fuzzy "subject") "FIXME")))
+         (message (concat "gnus-message-buffer: " gnus-message-buffer))
+         (set-buffer gnus-message-buffer)
+         (message-narrow-to-head)
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (search-forward "Subject: " (point-max) t)
+         (replace-regexp "\\(Fwd\\|Re\\):? \\(\\[[A-Za-z,.]+\\]\\)? ?\\(.*\\)" 
+                         (concat "[" newsgroups "] " "\\3"))))))
+; Order is important here!
+;(add-hook 'gnus-message-setup-hook 'tfheen-fixup-subject)
+(add-hook 'gnus-message-setup-hook 'tfheen-send-approved-mail)
+(defun tfheen-get-header-fuzzy (field)
+  "Searches the current buffer for a match to the regexp specified as
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (search-forward-regexp (concat field ":[ \t]*\\(.*\\)") (point-max) t)
+    (match-string 1)))
+(defun tfheen-check-mail-followup-to ()
+  "Checks that mail-followup-to is set to one of the recipients.  Breaks
+on multiple mail-followup-to headers"
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (let ((headers (mail-header-extract))
+       (to-list "")
+       (mail-followup-to ""))
+    (while headers
+      (if (string= (car (car headers)) "to")
+         (setq to-list (concat to-list (cdr (car headers)))))
+      (if (string= (car (car headers)) "cc")
+         (setq to-list (concat to-list (cdr (car headers)))))
+      (if (string= (car (car headers)) "bcc")
+         (setq to-list (concat to-list (cdr (car headers)))))
+      (if (string= (car (car headers)) "mail-followup-to")
+         (setq mail-followup-to (cdr (car headers))))
+      (setq headers (cdr headers)))
+    (if (not (string-match mail-followup-to to-list))
+       (if (not (y-or-n-p "Mail-Followup-To not in recipient list.  Really post?"))
+           (keyboard-quit)))))
+(defun tfheen-insert-footnote ()
+  "Insert footnote and set mark to where you were in the text."
+  (interactive)
+  (make-variable-buffer-local 'tfheen-footnotes)
+  (setq tfheen-footnotes (+ 1 (or tfheen-footnotes 0)))
+  (insert (format "[%d]" tfheen-footnotes))
+  (push-mark (point) t nil)
+  (goto-char (point-max))
+  (re-search-backward "^-- $")
+  (backward-char)
+  (insert (format "\n[%d] " tfheen-footnotes)))
+;; Drittlei av Re: Sv: Re: i subject...
+;; fra Lars Clausen <lrclause@cs.uiuc.edu> paa gnu.emacs.gnus
+;; 27. juli 2000  --  tilpasset norske forhold.
+(defvar message-subject-re-re
+  "^\\(\\(\\([Rr][Ee]?\\|[Ss][Vv]\\): *\\)*\\(\\(R\\|[Ss][Vv]\\): *\\)+\\)"
+  "Regexp that matches any number of \"Re: \"'s and at least a \"Sv: \" at the end")
+(defvar message-re-string
+  "Re: "
+  "The string added to indicate an answer")
+(defun strip-any-re (subject)
+  "Remove \"Re:\" from subject lines, internationalizably"
+  (message subject)
+  (if (string-match message-subject-re-re subject)
+      (progn
+        (message (int-to-string (match-end 1)))
+        (substring subject (match-end 1))
+        )
+    subject))
+(defun message-subject-strip-any-re () 
+  (save-excursion
+    ;; Would have used
+    ;;    (message-goto-subject)
+    ;; but it fails :(
+    (beginning-of-buffer)
+    (let ((subject (mail-fetch-field "Subject")))
+      ;; Stripper Subject: for SV:- graps hvis
+      ;;  - det er et gyldig Subject-felt
+      ;;  - Subject-feltet starter med noe som inneholder minst 1 [Ss][Vv]
+      ;;  - jeg vil at det skal strippes
+      (if (and subject 
+               (not (equal subject ""))
+               (string-match message-subject-re-re subject)
+               (y-or-n-p "Stripp vekk SV: i Subject? "))
+          (let ((replacement (strip-any-re subject)))
+            (message-remove-header "Subject")
+            (message-add-header 
+             (concat "Subject: " message-re-string  replacement)))))))
+(add-hook 'message-header-setup-hook 'message-subject-strip-any-re)
+(setq gnus-treat-display-smileys nil)
diff --git a/zshenv b/zshenv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b50dbe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zshenv
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+export CVSROOT=~/data/cvs
+export EDITOR=/usr/bin/emacs
+export TZ=CET
+export WWW_HOME=http://localhost/~tfheen/services.html
+export LESSOPEN="|$HOME/bin/lesspipe.sh '%s'"
+export LESS="-m"
+export RSYNC_RSH="/usr/bin/ssh"
+export CVS_RSH="/usr/bin/ssh"
+export PILOTRATE=115200
+export PILOTPORT=/dev/tts/0
+[ -z "$LANG" ] && export LANG=no_NO
+export MAIL=/var/spool/mail/tfheen
+export DEBEMAIL=tfheen@debian.org
+export HISTSIZE=1000000000
+export HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history
+export SAVEHIST=30000000
+export CVSEDITOR=vi
+export ldlib=ld-linux.so.2
diff --git a/zshrc b/zshrc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cd127af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+export PATH
+alias mv='nocorrect mv'       # no spelling correction on mv
+alias cp='nocorrect cp'       # no spelling correction on cp
+alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir' # no spelling correction on mkdir
+alias sbeta='ssh beta.hardware.no'
+alias salfa='ssh alfa.hardware.no'
+bindkey -e      # Emacs-style commandline editing
+PROMPT=': %U%n@%m%u %B%30<..<%~%b %(!.#.>) '
+case "$TERM" in
+    linux|xterm|ansi|linux-lat|screen)
+        alias ls="ls --color=tty -FN $LS_OPTIONS"
+    *) 
+        alias ls="ls -FN $LS_OPTIONS"
+alias mirror="wget --mirror --no-parent --convert-links -P $HOME/data/www-mirror "
+# The following lines were added by compinstall
+zstyle ':completion:*' completer _list _expand _complete _ignored _match _prefix
+zstyle ':completion:*' condition 'NUMERIC != 1'
+zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'm:{a-z}={A-Z} l:|=* r:|=*'
+zstyle ':completion:*' match-original both
+zstyle ':completion:*' max-errors 1
+zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/tfheen/.zshrc'
+if [ -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts ]; then
+    hosts=(`awk -F "[, ]" '{print $1}' ~/.ssh/known_hosts`)
+if [ -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts2 ]; then
+    hosts=($hosts `awk -F "[, ]" '{print $1}' ~/.ssh/known_hosts2`)
+if [ -f ~/.ssh/config ]; then
+    hosts=($hosts `grep ^Host ~/.ssh/config | sed s/Host\ // | egrep -v '^\*$'`)
+if [ "$hosts" ]; then
+zstyle ':completion:*:hosts' hosts $hosts
+autoload -U compinit
+# End of lines added by compinstall
+if [ -x /usr/games/fortune ]; then
+    /usr/games/fortune