2004-06-08 Helge Hess <helge.hess@opengroupware.org>
+ * Scheduler/NOTES: added class hierarchy
* */common.h, GNUmakefile.preamble.: fixed for OSX compile
2004-06-08 Marcus Mueller <znek@mulle-kybernetik.com>
// $Id: NOTES,v 1.1 2003/11/24 01:24:40 helge Exp $
+SOPE based interface for scheduler.
+Class Hierarchy
+ [WOComponent]
+ [SoComponent]
+ OGoAppointmentView
+ OGoCalView
+ OGoCalMonthView
+ OGoCalMonthOverview
+ OGoCalWeekView
+ OGoCalWeekOverview
+ OGoAptTableView
+ SchedulerUIProduct
+ OGoCalDayView
+ OGoCalDayOverview
+ OGoCalDayChart
+ OGoCalDayHChart
+ [OGoCalWeekView]
+ OGoCalWeekColumnView
+ OGoCalWeekChart
+ OGoCalWeekHChart
+ OGoYearOverview - should use aggressive caching in the long run
+ - editor page (which comes up in a new window)
+ - delete page
+ - print views
+editor pages need to use JavaScript to trigger reloads in the parent window
+=> find out how to do that