# -*- perl -*-
-# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
-# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Parse-DebianChangelog.t'
-# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
-use XML::Simple;
- my $no_examples = 3;
+ my $no_examples = 2;
my $no_err_examples = 1;
- my $no_tests = $no_examples * 13
+ my $no_tests = $no_examples * 4
+ $no_err_examples * 2
- + 49;
+ + 48;
require Test::More;
- import Test::More tests => $no_tests, ;
+ import Test::More tests => $no_tests;
- use_ok('Parse::DebianChangelog');
- use_ok('Parse::DebianChangelog::ChangesFilters', ':all' );
+ use_ok('Dpkg::Changelog');
+ use_ok('Dpkg::Changelog::Debian');
+my $srcdir = $ENV{srcdir} || '.';
+$srcdir .= '/t/600_Dpkg_Changelog';
-my $test = Parse::DebianChangelog->init( { infile => '/nonexistant',
- quiet => 1 } );
+my $test = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->init( { infile => '/nonexistant',
+ quiet => 1 } );
ok( !defined($test), "fatal parse errors lead to init() returning undef");
my $save_data;
-foreach my $file (qw(Changes t/examples/countme t/examples/shadow)) {
+foreach my $file ("$srcdir/countme", "$srcdir/shadow") {
- my $changes = Parse::DebianChangelog->init( { infile => $file,
- quiet => 1 } );
+ my $changes = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->init( { infile => $file,
+ quiet => 1 } );
my $errors = $changes->get_parse_errors();
my $basename = basename( $file );
ok( @data, "data is not empty" );
- my $html_out = $changes->html( { outfile => "t/$basename.html.tmp",
- template => "tmpl/default.tmpl" } );
- is( `tidy -qe t/$basename.html.tmp 2>&1`, '',
- 'Generated HTML has no tidy errors' );
- ok( ($changes->delete_filter( 'html::changes',
- \&common_licenses ))[0]
- == \&common_licenses );
- ok( ! $changes->delete_filter( 'html::changes',
- \&common_licenses ) );
- $changes->html( { outfile => "t/$basename.html.tmp.2",
- template => "tmpl/default.tmpl" } );
- is( `tidy -qe t/$basename.html.tmp.2 2>&1`, '',
- 'Generated HTML has no tidy errors' );
- $changes->add_filter( 'html::changes',
- \&common_licenses );
- my $html_out2 = $changes->html();
- # remove timestamps since they will differ
- $html_out =~ s/Generated .*? by//go;
- $html_out2 =~ s/Generated .*? by//go;
- is( $html_out, $html_out2 )
- and unlink "t/$basename.html.tmp", "t/$basename.html.tmp.2";
my $str = $changes->dpkg_str();
- is( $str, `dpkg-parsechangelog -l$file`,
- 'Output of dpkg_str equal to output of dpkg-parsechangelog' );
+# is( $str, `dpkg-parsechangelog -l$file`,
+# 'Output of dpkg_str equal to output of dpkg-parsechangelog' );
- if ($file eq 't/examples/countme') {
+ if ($file eq "$srcdir/countme") {
$save_data = $changes->rfc822_str({ all => 1 });
# test range options
#TODO: test combinations
- if ($file eq 'Changes') {
- my $v = $data[0]->Version;
- $v =~ s/[a-z]$//;
- cmp_ok( $v, 'eq', $Parse::DebianChangelog::VERSION,
- 'version numbers in module and Changes match' );
- }
+# if ($file eq 'Changes') {
+# my $v = $data[0]->Version;
+# $v =~ s/[a-z]$//;
+# cmp_ok( $v, 'eq', $Parse::DebianChangelog::VERSION,
+# 'version numbers in module and Changes match' );
+# }
my $oldest_version = $data[-1]->Version;
$str = $changes->dpkg_str({ since => $oldest_version });
- is( $str, `dpkg-parsechangelog -v$oldest_version -l$file`,
- 'Output of dpkg_str equal to output of dpkg-parsechangelog' )
- or diag("oldest_version=$oldest_version");
+# is( $str, `dpkg-parsechangelog -v$oldest_version -l$file`,
+# 'Output of dpkg_str equal to output of dpkg-parsechangelog' )
+# or diag("oldest_version=$oldest_version");
$str = $changes->rfc822_str();
$str = $changes->rfc822_str({ since => $oldest_version });
ok( 1 );
- $str = $changes->xml( { outfile => "t/$basename.xml.tmp" });
- ok( XMLin($str, ForceArray => {},
- KeyAttr => {} ), "can read in the result of XMLout" );
- ok( (-s "t/$basename.xml.tmp") == length($str) );
- unlink( "t/$basename.xml.tmp" );
-open CHANGES, '<', 't/examples/countme';
+open CHANGES, '<', "$srcdir/countme";
my $string = join('',<CHANGES>);
-my $str_changes = Parse::DebianChangelog->init( { instring => $string,
- quiet => 1 } );
+my $str_changes = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->init( { instring => $string,
+ quiet => 1 } );
my $errors = $str_changes->get_parse_errors();
ok( !$errors,
- "Parse example changelog t/examples/countme without errors from string" );
+ "Parse example changelog $srcdir/countme without errors from string" );
my $str_data = $str_changes->rfc822_str({ all => 1 });
is( $str_data, $save_data,
"Compare result of parse from string with result of parse from file" );
-foreach my $test (( [ 't/examples/misplaced-tz', 6 ])) {
+foreach my $test (( [ "$srcdir/misplaced-tz", 6 ])) {
my $file = shift @$test;
- my $changes = Parse::DebianChangelog->init( { infile => $file,
- quiet => 1 } );
+ my $changes = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->init( { infile => $file,
+ quiet => 1 } );
my @errors = $changes->get_parse_errors();
ok( @errors, 'errors occoured' );
is_deeply( [ map { $_->[1] } @errors ], $test, 'check line numbers' );