* Explicitly disable cryptsetup support to not accidentally pick up a
libcryptsetup dependency in a tainted build environment, as the library
is currently installed in /usr/lib.
+ * Remove autogenerated man pages and vala C sources, so they are rebuilt.
* Install lsb-base hook which redirects calls to SysV init scripts to
systemctl: /etc/init.d/<foo> <action> → systemctl <action> <foo.service>
* Install a (auto)mount unit to mount /lib/init/rw early during boot.
dh_auto_configure -- --with-rootdir= --with-udevrulesdir=/lib/udev/rules.d --with-gtk \
+ dh_auto_clean
+ rm -f man/*.[1358]
+ rm -f src/systemadm.c
+ rm -f src/gnome-ask-password-agent.c
+ rm -f src/systemd-interfaces.c
rm debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/systemd/LICENSE
rm debian/tmp/lib/security/pam_systemd.la