udev. Closes: #610871
* Mask mtab.service and udev-mtab.service as they are pointless when
/etc/mtab is a symlink to /proc/mounts
+ * Add breaks on lvm2 (<< 2.02.84-1) since older versions have udev rules
+ that don't work well with systemd causing delays on bootup.
-- Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen@debian.org> Thu, 17 Feb 2011 07:36:22 +0100
Recommends: libpam-systemd
Suggests: systemd-gui
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, util-linux (>= 2.17.2-5)
+Breaks: lvm2 (<< 2.02.84-1)
Description: system and service manager
systemd is a replacement for sysvinit. It is dependency-based and
able to read the LSB init script headers in addition to parsing rcN.d