my $view = Champlain::View->new();
isa_ok($view, 'Champlain::View');
+ # Set a proper zoom-level otherwise the test will fail because we would be
+ # zoomed in Antartica.
+ $view->set_property("zoom-level", 4);
# Place the view in the center
$view->center_on(0, 0);
is($view->get('latitude'), 0, "center_on() reset latitude");
is($view->get('longitude'), 0);
is($view->get('zoom-level'), 6);
- # Must add the view to a stage for this test
- my $stage = Clutter::Stage->get_default();
- $view->set_size(400, 400);
- $stage->add($view);
# Ensure that 2 points are visible
my (@marker1) = (48.218611, 17.146397);
my (@marker2) = (48.21066, 16.31476);
- $view->ensure_visible(@marker1, @marker2, TRUE);
+ # Must start the animations from the event loop
+ Glib::Idle->add(sub {
+ diag("Start ensure visible");
+ $view->ensure_visible(@marker1, @marker2, TRUE);
+ return FALSE;
+ });
# Check if we got somewhere close to the middle of the markers
sub run_animation_loop {
my ($view) = @_;
- # Set a proper zoom-level otherwise the test will fail because we would be
- # zoomed in Antartica.
- $view->set_property("zoom-level", 4);
-# if (!$view->get_stage) {
-# my $stage = Clutter::Stage->get_default();
-# $stage->add($view);
-# $stage->set_size(400, 400);
-# #$stage->show_all();
-# }
+ if (!$view->get_stage) {
+ my $stage = Clutter::Stage->get_default();
+ $stage->add($view);
+ $stage->set_size(400, 400);
+ $view->set_size($stage->get_size);
+ #$stage->show_all();
+ }
# Give us a bit of time to get there since this is an animation and it