--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import clutter, cluttergtk
+import champlain
+import gtk, gobject
+from twisted.internet import gtk2reactor
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+import twisted.web.client as httpclient
+from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
+BASE_URL = "http://en.wikipedia.org"
+CAPITALS_URL = "%s/wiki/List_of_national_capitals" % BASE_URL
+class Capitals:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.win = gtk.Window()
+ self.win.set_title("A Capital Idea")
+ self.capital_uris = []
+ self.markers = []
+ # Create the map stuff
+ self.map = champlain.View()
+ self.embed = cluttergtk.Embed()
+ self.embed.set_size_request(640, 480)
+ self.map.set_property("scroll-mode", champlain.SCROLL_MODE_KINETIC)
+ self.map.set_property("zoom-level", 3)
+ self.layer = champlain.Layer()
+ self.map.add_layer(self.layer)
+ self.win.add(self.embed)
+ self.win.connect("destroy", lambda w: reactor.stop())
+ self.embed.realize()
+ stage = self.embed.get_stage()
+ self.map.set_size(640, 480)
+ stage.add(self.map)
+ self.win.show_all()
+ self.map.center_on(0, 0)
+ # Download the next map after the go-to animation has been completed
+ self.map.connect('animation-completed::go-to', lambda w: gobject.timeout_add_seconds(1, self.download_capital))
+ d = httpclient.getPage(CAPITALS_URL)
+ d.addCallback(self.capitals_main_cb)
+ def capitals_main_cb(self, data):
+ """
+ Called when the main page with all the capitals is downloaded.
+ """
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
+ table = soup.find("table", { "class" : "wikitable sortable" })
+ for row in table.findAll("tr"):
+ cell = row.find("td")
+ if cell:
+ link = cell.find("a")
+ uri = str(link['href'])
+ self.capital_uris.append(uri)
+ self.download_capital()
+ def capital_cb(self, data):
+ """
+ Called when the page of a capital is downloaded. The page is expected to have
+ the coordinates of the capital.
+ """
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
+ heading = soup.find("h1", { "id" : "firstHeading" })
+ if not heading:
+ return
+ name = heading.contents[0]
+ geo = soup.find("span", { "class" : "geo" })
+ if not geo:
+ return
+ latitude, longitude = geo.contents[0].split(";")
+ latitude = float(latitude)
+ longitude = float(longitude)
+ # Keep only a few capitals at each iteration we remove a capital
+ if len(self.markers) == 5:
+ marker = self.markers[0]
+ self.layer.remove(marker)
+ self.markers.remove(marker)
+ font = "Sans 15"
+ white = clutter.Color(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff)
+ orange = clutter.Color(0xf3, 0x94, 0x07, 0xbb)
+ black = clutter.Color(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff)
+ if self.markers:
+ #Change the colour of the last marker's text
+ last = self.markers.pop()
+ self.layer.remove(last)
+ marker = champlain.marker_new_with_label(last.name, font, black, orange)
+ marker.set_position(last.get_property("latitude"), last.get_property("longitude"))
+ self.markers.append(marker)
+ self.layer.add(marker)
+ marker.raise_top()
+ marker = champlain.marker_new_with_label(name, font, white, orange)
+ marker.set_position(latitude, longitude)
+ marker.name = name
+ self.markers.append(marker)
+ self.layer.add(marker)
+ marker.raise_top()
+ self.map.go_to(latitude, longitude)
+ def download_capital(self):
+ if not self.capital_uris:
+ # No more capitals to display
+ return
+ uri = self.capital_uris[0]
+ self.capital_uris.remove(uri)
+ d = httpclient.getPage(BASE_URL + uri)
+ d.addCallback(self.capital_cb)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ gobject.threads_init()
+ clutter.init()
+ Capitals()
+ reactor.run()