use strict;
use warnings;
-use Clutter::TestHelper tests => 49;
+use Clutter::TestHelper tests => 50;
use Champlain;
is_deeply(\@points, [], "No points on a cleared polygon");
+ $polygon->clear_points();
+ is_deeply(\@points, [], "No points on a cleared polygon (2 times)");
is_color($polygon->get_fill_color, $DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR, "fill_color is set on a new polygon");
is_color($polygon->get_stroke_color, $DEFAULT_STROKE_NAME, "stroke_color is set on a new polygon");
# Clear the polygon (it should be empty after)
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = "Bug in libchamplain";
- $polygon->clear_points();
- is_polygon($polygon, [], "clear_points()");
+ $polygon->clear_points();
+ is_polygon($polygon, [], "clear_points()");
- $polygon->append_point(100, 200);
- is_polygon($polygon, [100, 200], "add_point on a cleared polygon");
- }
+ $polygon->append_point(100, 200);
+ is_polygon($polygon, [100, 200], "add_point on a cleared polygon");