--- /dev/null
+TS_TOPDIR="$(dirname $0)/../.."
+. $TS_TOPDIR/functions.sh
+ts_init "$*"
+# Init device
+modprobe --dry-run --quiet scsi_debug
+[ "$?" == 0 ] || ts_skip "missing scsi_debug module"
+rmmod scsi_debug &> /dev/null
+modprobe scsi_debug dev_size_mb=50 sector_size=512
+[ "$?" == 0 ] || ts_die "Cannot init device"
+sleep 3
+DEVNAME=$(grep scsi_debug /sys/block/*/device/model | awk -F '/' '{print $4}')
+[ "x${DEVNAME}" == "x" ] && ts_die "Cannot found device"
+# Create filesystem
+mkfs.ext3 -F -L $LABEL $DEVICE -U $UUID &> /dev/null || ts_die "Cannot make ext3 on $DEVICE" $DEVICE
+ts_device_has_uuid $DEVICE || ts_die "Cannot found UUID on $DEVICE" $DEVICE
+# Label in fstab
+echo "LABEL=$LABEL /mnt/mountpoint auto defaults" > $FSTAB
+ts_init_subtest "fstab-label2uuid"
+$TESTPROG --find-forward $FSTAB source "UUID=$UUID" &> $TS_OUTPUT
+sed -i -e 's/fs: 0x.*/fs:/g' $TS_OUTPUT
+ts_init_subtest "fstab-label2dev"
+$TESTPROG --find-forward $FSTAB source $DEVICE &> $TS_OUTPUT
+sed -i -e 's/fs: 0x.*/fs:/g' $TS_OUTPUT
+# Add more enties for the same device
+echo "UUID=$UUID /mnt/mountpoint2 auto defaults" >> $FSTAB
+ts_init_subtest "fstab-uuid"
+# has to return /mnt/mountpoint2
+$TESTPROG --find-forward $FSTAB source "UUID=$UUID" &> $TS_OUTPUT
+sed -i -e 's/fs: 0x.*/fs:/g' $TS_OUTPUT
+ts_init_subtest "fstab-label"
+# has to return /mnt/mountpoint
+$TESTPROG --find-forward $FSTAB source "LABEL=$LABEL" &> $TS_OUTPUT
+sed -i -e 's/fs: 0x.*/fs:/g' $TS_OUTPUT
+ts_init_subtest "fstab-dev2label"
+# has to return /mnt/mountpoint
+$TESTPROG --find-forward $FSTAB source $DEVICE &> $TS_OUTPUT
+sed -i -e 's/fs: 0x.*/fs:/g' $TS_OUTPUT
+# Add devname
+echo "$DEVICE /mnt/mountpoint3 auto defaults" >> $FSTAB
+ts_init_subtest "fstab-dev"
+# has to return /mnt/mountpoint3
+$TESTPROG --find-forward $FSTAB source $DEVICE &> $TS_OUTPUT
+sed -i -e 's/fs: 0x.*/fs:/g' $TS_OUTPUT
+sed -i -e 's/source: .*//g' $TS_OUTPUT # devname is generated, remove it
+sleep 3
+rmmod scsi_debug