- Display geo tagged photos from Flickr
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ key
+Where I<key> is a valid Flickr key.
This sample scripts shows how to interact with the Flickr API and to display
-thumbnails for pictures near a location.
+thumbnails for pictures near a location. The Flickr API interaction is triggered
+when a middle-click in done in a location on the map.
exit main();
sub main {
die "Usage: flickr-key\n" unless @ARGV;
my ($key) = @ARGV;
$window->set_title("Champlain + Flickr - Demo");
$window->signal_connect('destroy' => sub { Gtk2->main_quit() });
- my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(FALSE, 10);
+ my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(FALSE, 10);
# Create the map view
my $gtk2_map = Gtk2::ChamplainEmbed->new();
$gtk2_map->set_size_request(640, 480);
# Create the markers and marker layer
my $layer = Champlain::Layer->new();
my $viewport = Gtk2::Viewport->new();
- # Middle click to get the location in the map
+ # Middle click on a location to trigger the Flickr interaction
my $data = {
layer => $layer,
soup => My::Soup->new('', $key),
$map->signal_connect_after("button-release-event", \&flickr_search, $data);
return 0;
sub flickr_search {
my ($map, $event, $data) = @_;
return FALSE unless $event->button == 2 && $event->click_count == 1;
- my ($latitude, $longitude) = $map->get_coords_from_event($event);
-# $data->{soup} = $soup;
+ my ($latitude, $longitude) = $map->get_coords_from_event($event);
my $args = {
lat => $latitude,
'' => $args,
\&flickr_photos_search_callback, $data,
return TRUE;
sub flickr_photos_search_callback {
my ($soup, $uri, $response, $data) = @_;
my %data = %{ $data };
my $xml = $response->decoded_content;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $doc = $parser->parse_string($xml);
my @nodes = $doc->findnodes('/rsp/photos/photo[position() <= 5]');
my @photos = ();
foreach my $photo_node (@nodes) {
push @photos, $photo;
$data{photos} = \@photos;
flickr_photos_getSizes($soup, \%data);
'' => $args,
\&flickr_photos_getSizes_callback, \%data,
return TRUE;
my $xml = $response->decoded_content;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $doc = $parser->parse_string($xml);
+ # Display only the thumbnails ("Square" images)
my ($node) = $doc->findnodes('/rsp/sizes/size[@label = "Square"]');
if ($node) {
my $url = $node->getAttribute('source');
my $latitude = $data->{photo}{latitude};
my $longitude = $data->{photo}{longitude};
my $uri = $node->getAttribute('source');
# The image download is made from a different server than the RPC calls
my $static_soup = My::Soup->new($uri);
- $uri,
+ $uri,
latitude => $latitude,
+ # Go on to the next photo
flickr_photos_getSizes($soup, $data);
my ($self, $uri, $response, $data) = @_;
if (! $response->is_success) {
- die $response->status_line;
+ warn $response->status_line;
+ return;
# Load the image with a Pixbuf Loader
+ # Add a marker for the image
my $marker = Champlain::Marker->new_with_image($texture);
$marker->set_position($data->{latitude}, $data->{longitude});
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($uri, $key) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, ref $class || $class;
$uri = to_uri($uri);
$self->{port} = $uri->port;
$self->{host} = $uri->host;
$self->{key} = $key;
return $self;
my $self = shift;
my ($uri, $callback, $data) = @_;
$uri = to_uri($uri);
# Note that this is not asynchronous!
$self->http->write_request(GET => $uri->path_query);
my ($code, $message, %headers);
my $content = "";
Glib::IO->add_watch($self->http->fileno, ['in'], sub {
my (undef, $condition) = @_;
# Read the headers
if (!$code) {
eval {
# We abort this I/O watch since another download will be started
return FALSE;
# We return and continue when the server will have more data
return TRUE;
- # Read the content
+ # Read the content
my $line;
my $n = $self->http->read_entity_body($line, 1024);
$content .= $line;
if ($self->http->keep_alive) {
# In the case where the HTTP request has keep-alive we need to see if the
# content has all arrived as read_entity_body() will not tell when the end
# There's still data to read
return TRUE;
# End of the document
my $response = HTTP::Response->new($code, $message, [%headers], $content);
$callback->($self, $uri, $response, $data);