#include "champlain-perl.h"
+newSVChamplainMapSourceDesc (ChamplainMapSourceDesc *desc) {
+ HV *hash = NULL;
+ SV *sv = NULL;
+ HV *stash = NULL;
+ if (desc == NULL) {
+ return &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ hash = newHV();
+ sv = newRV_noinc((SV *) hash);
+ /* Copy the data members of the struct into the hash */
+ hv_store(hash, "id", 2, newSVGChar(desc->id), 0);
+ hv_store(hash, "name", 4, newSVGChar(desc->name), 0);
+ hv_store(hash, "license", 7, newSVGChar(desc->license), 0);
+ hv_store(hash, "license_uri", 11, newSVGChar(desc->license_uri), 0);
+ hv_store(hash, "min_zoom_level", 14, newSViv(desc->min_zoom_level), 0);
+ hv_store(hash, "max_zoom_level", 14, newSViv(desc->max_zoom_level), 0);
+ hv_store(hash, "projection", 10, newSVChamplainMapProjection(desc->projection), 0);
+ /*
+ This is tricky as we have to wrap the C callback into a Perl sub.
+ hv_store(hash, "constructor", 11, newSVChamplainMapProjection(desc->projection), 0);
+ */
+ /* Bless this stuff */
+ stash = gv_stashpv("Champlain::MapSourceDesc", TRUE);
+ sv_bless(sv, stash);
+ return sv;
MODULE = Champlain::MapSourceFactory PACKAGE = Champlain::MapSourceFactory PREFIX = champlain_map_source_factory_
list = champlain_map_source_factory_get_list(factory);
for (item = list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
-// ChamplainMapSourceDesc *desc = CHAMAPLAIN_MAP_SOURCE_DESC(item->data);
-// XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVChamplainMapSourceDesc(desc)));
+ ChamplainMapSourceDesc *desc = CHAMPLAIN_MAP_SOURCE_DESC(item->data);
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVChamplainMapSourceDesc(desc)));