different application extension (eg .app), you need to properly configure this
.IP "-WOAutoOpenInBrowser YES|NO (NO)"
-WOAutoOpenInBrowser is a WO compatibility default and doesn't do anything on
+WOAutoOpenInBrowser is a WO compatibility default and does not do anything on
non MacOSX platforms.
.IP "-WOCGIAdaptorURL url (empty)"
-WOCGIAdaptorURL is a WO compatibility default and doesn't do anything in
-combination with SOPE. SOPE doesn't require those URLs because it is always
+WOCGIAdaptorURL is a WO compatibility default and does not do anything in
+combination with SOPE. SOPE does not require those URLs because it is always
in "direct connect mode".
-.IP "-WOContactSNS = NO"
-.IP "-WOCoreOnApplicationException = NO"
-.IP "-WODebuggingEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-WODefaultSessionTimeOut = 3600"
-.IP "-WODefaultLanguages - array-of-language-codes"
-.IP "-WOExpirationTimeInterval = 120"
-.IP "-WOFrameworksBaseURL = "/WebObjects/Frameworks""
-.IP "-WOGenerateMissingResourceLinks = NO"
-.IP "-WOLogDefaultsOnStartup = NO"
-.IP "-WOLogPageCache = NO"
-.IP "-WOLogScriptDealloc = NO"
-.IP "-WOLogScriptInit = NO"
-.IP "-WOLogScriptKVC = NO"
-.IP "-WONoProxySuffixes = ( )"
-.IP "-WOPageCacheSize = 30"
-.IP "-WOPageRefreshOnBacktrack = YES"
-.IP "-WOPermanentPageCacheSize = 30"
-.IP "-WOProjectSearchPath = ()"
-.IP "-WOSMTPHost = "mail""
-.IP "-WOSendMail = "/usr/lib/sendmail""
-.IP "-WOSessionStore = "WOServerSessionStore""
-.IP "-WOStatsStylesheetName = "WOStats.xsl""
+.IP "-WOContactSNS YES|NO (NO)"
+Whether the application should register with a snsd load balancing server.
+.IP "-WOCoreOnApplicationException YES|NO (NO)"
+If enabled, the application will call the system abort() function in case an
+uncatched exception occures. Abort will generate a coredump, so that you can
+analyze the cause for an exception. Only enable in development environments!
+.IP "-WODebuggingEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+Enable NGObjWeb debug logs.
+.IP "-WODefaultSessionTimeOut duration (3600)"
+Use this option to set the default session timeout. The duration value is in
+specified seconds.
+.IP "-WODefaultLanguages array-of-language-codes"
+The language array specifies for what languages resource lookups are performed.
+.IP "-WOExpirationTimeInterval seconds (120)"
+Sets the interval in which session stores check whether sessions are expired
+and need to be shut down.
+.IP "-WOFrameworksBaseURL url (/WebObjects/Frameworks)"
+WOFrameworksBaseURL is a WO compatibility default and currently does not do
+anything in SOPE.
+.IP "-WOGenerateMissingResourceLinks YES|NO (NO)"
+If a resource (eg a filename in WOImage) could not be found, SOPE will generate
+a replacement URL.
+.IP "-WOLogDefaultsOnStartup YES|NO (NO)"
+When enabled, a SOPE will print all configured defaults to stdout on startup.
+.IP "-WOLogPageCache YES|NO (NO)"
+Print log messages when pages are stored or retrieved from the session page
+.IP "-WONoProxySuffixes array-of-strings (empty array)"
+.IP "-WOPageCacheSize number (30)"
+.IP "-WOPageRefreshOnBacktrack YES|NO (YES)"
+.IP "-WOPermanentPageCacheSize number (30)"
+.IP "-WOProjectSearchPath array-of-pathes (empty array)"
+.IP "-WOSMTPHost hostname (mail)"
+.IP "-WOSendMail path (/usr/lib/sendmail)"
+.IP "-WOSessionStore classname (WOServerSessionStore)"
+.IP "-WOStatsStylesheetName string (WOStats.xsl)"
.SH Component Defaults
This section describes component and template related defaults.
called .woo files. This options enables the loading of those serialized files
at a minor speed hit.
.IP "-WOCompoundElementPool YES|NO (NO)"
-.IP "-WOCoreOnAwakeComponentInCtxDealloc = NO"
-.IP "-WOCoreOnRecursiveSubcomponents = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugActions = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugComponentAwake = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugComponentDefinition = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugComponentLookup = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugCursor = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugKeyPathAssociation = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugResourceLookup = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugStaticLinkProcessing = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugTakeValues = NO"
-.IP "-WODescriptiveElementIDs = NO"
-.IP "-WOEnableComponentsWithoutClasses = NO"
-.IP "-WOFormAlwaysPassDown = YES"
-.IP "-WOKeyPathAssociationsCacheSize = 200"
-.IP "-WOLogComponents = NO"
-.IP "-WONoSelectionString = "WONoSelectionString""
-.IP "-WOParsersUseUTF8 = NO"
-.IP "-WOResourceURLAssociationDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-WOUseRelativeURLs = YES"
-.IP "-WOValueAssociationsCacheSize = 200"
-.IP "-WOxFileExtensions = ( wox, xtmpl, xhtml )"
-.IP "-WOxElemBuilder_LogAssociationMapping = NO"
-.IP "-WOxElemBuilder_LogAssociationCreation = NO"
-.IP "-WOxComponentElemBuilderDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-WOxLogBuilderQueue = NO"
-.IP "-WOxBuilderClasses - array-of-classname"
+Wrap each rendering of a compound template element in an NSAutoreleasePool.
+This can help to find memory bugs hidden in templates. You might also want
+to enable double release checks in the NSAutoreleasePool when using this
+.IP "-WOCoreOnAwakeComponentInCtxDealloc YES|NO (NO)"
+This default can be used to debug situations where a context is being
+deallocated but a component is still awake. In such a situation the framework
+will trigger a coredump using abort() which can be used to investigate.
+Never enable in deployments!
+.IP "-WOCoreOnRecursiveSubcomponents YES|NO (NO)"
+When enabled, the framework will generate a coredump if a component makes a
+recursive call to itself. Note that this is not necessarily a bug.
+.IP "-WODebugActions YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODebugComponentAwake YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODebugComponentDefinition YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODebugComponentLookup YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODebugCursor YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODebugKeyPathAssociation YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODebugResourceLookup YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODebugStaticLinkProcessing YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODebugTakeValues YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODescriptiveElementIDs YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOEnableComponentsWithoutClasses YES|NO (NO)"
+When enabled SOPE will not print a warning if it finds a template but no
+matching Objective-C class or script.
+.IP "-WOFormAlwaysPassDown YES|NO (YES)"
+Disable this option if the WOForm dynamic element should only run the take
+values phase on its child elements if the form URI or element id matches the
+request. This might confuse dynamic elements which are not form elements but
+nevertheless want to take values from the request (like the DnD elements).
+.IP "-WOLogComponents YES|NO (NO)"
+When enabled, the WOContext will log when a component enters or leaves the
+component stack. This is useful to debug how components are activated.
+.IP "-WONoSelectionString string (WONoSelectionString)"
+The string to be used for empty selections in the WOPopUpButton dynamic
+.IP "-WOParsersUseUTF8 YES|NO (NO)"
+Only affects wrapper templates (XML templates use XML to specify the charset).
+When enabled, .html and .wod files will always be parsed in the UTF-8 encoding,
+otherwise the Foundation system (cstring) encoding will be used.
+.IP "-WOResourceURLAssociationDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOUseRelativeURLs YES|NO (YES)"
+.IP "-WOKeyPathAssociationsCacheSize number (200)"
+.IP "-WOValueAssociationsCacheSize number (200)"
+.IP "-WOxFileExtensions array-of-strings ( wox, xtmpl, xhtml )"
+An array of the extensions for files which are to be loaded as WOx (XML based)
+.IP "-WOxElemBuilder_LogAssociationMapping YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOxElemBuilder_LogAssociationCreation YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOxComponentElemBuilderDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOxLogBuilderQueue YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOxBuilderClasses - array-of-classnames"
.IP "-WOxAssociationClassMapping - dict-of-uri-to-classnam"
.SH Request Handler Defaults
.IP "-WOComponentRequestHandlerKey string (wo)"
The name to be used in the URL for component request handler URLs (action
binding URLs).
-.IP "-WODirectActionRequestHandlerKey = "x""
-.IP "-WOPageRequestHandlerDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-WOResourceRequestHandlerKey = "y""
+.IP "-WODirectActionRequestHandlerKey string (x)"
+The name to be used in the URL for direct action request handler URLs. You
+may want to set this option to 'wa' for improved WO compatibility.
+.IP "-WOResourceRequestHandlerKey string (y)"
+The name to be used in the URL for resource request handler URLs.
+.IP "-WOPageRequestHandlerDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+Enable/disable debug logs in the page request handler.
.SH SoObjects Defaults
-.IP "-WOIsRedirectionEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoClassRegistryDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoDebugKeyLookup = NO"
-.IP "-SoDebugTraversal = NO"
-.IP "-SoDebugProductLoading = NO"
-.IP "-SoDebugProductRegistry = NO"
-.IP "-SoDebugRequestClassification = NO"
-.IP "-SoLogSecurityDeclarations = NO"
-.IP "-SoOFSDebugFactory = NO"
-.IP "-SoOFSDebugPlistObject = NO"
-.IP "-SoOFSDebugRestore = NO"
-.IP "-SoOFSDebugNegotiate = NO"
-.IP "-SoOFSDebugAuthLookup = NO"
-.IP "-SoOFSWebMethodDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoOFSResourceManagerDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoObjCClassDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoObjectSOAPDispatcherDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoObjectDataSourceDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoObjectRequestHandlerDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoObjectMethodDispatcherDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoPageInvocationDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoProductResourceManagerDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoRendererDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-SoRedirectToDefaultMethods = YES"
-.IP "-SoSecurityManagerDebugEnabled = NO"
+.IP "-WOIsRedirectionEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoClassRegistryDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoDebugKeyLookup YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoDebugTraversal YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoDebugProductLoading YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoDebugProductRegistry YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoDebugRequestClassification YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoLogSecurityDeclarations YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoOFSDebugFactory YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoOFSDebugPlistObject YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoOFSDebugRestore YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoOFSDebugNegotiate YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoOFSDebugAuthLookup YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoOFSWebMethodDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoOFSResourceManagerDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoObjCClassDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoObjectSOAPDispatcherDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoObjectDataSourceDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoObjectRequestHandlerDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoObjectMethodDispatcherDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoPageInvocationDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoProductResourceManagerDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoRendererDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoRedirectToDefaultMethods YES|NO (YES)"
+.IP "-SoSecurityManagerDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
.IP "-SoRequestDispatcherRules rules-array"
.SH XML-RPC Subsystem Defaults
-.IP "-WOCoreOnXmlRpcFault = NO"
-.IP "-WOLogXmlRpcSelectorMapping = NO"
-.IP "-SoObjectXmlRpcDispatcherDebugEnabled = NO"
+.IP "-WOCoreOnXmlRpcFault YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOLogXmlRpcSelectorMapping YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-SoObjectXmlRpcDispatcherDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)" = NO"
.SH WebDAV Subsystem Defaults
-.IP "-SoObjectDAVDispatcherDebugEnabled = NO"
+.IP "-SoObjectDAVDispatcherDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
.IP "-SoPreferredNamespacePrefixes dict-of-uri-to-name"
.IP "-SoDefaultWebDAVPropertyNames array-of-fqn"
-.IP "-SoWebDAVFormatOutput = NO"
-.IP "-DAVParserDebugProp = NO"
+.IP "-SoWebDAVFormatOutput YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-DAVParserDebugProp YES|NO (NO)"
.IP "-SoWebDAVDefaultAllowMethods array-of-http-mehtods (GET, HEAD, ...)"
.IP "-SoWebDAVDetectionMethods array-of-http-methods (OPTIONS,MKCOL, ...)"
.IP "-WOAdditionalAdaptors array-of-strings (empty)"
While -WOAdaptor selects the primary adaptor SOPE applications will receive
input from, this option allows for any number of additional input ports.
-.IP "-WOCoreOnHTTPAdaptorException = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugHttpTransaction = NO"
-.IP "-WODebugZipResponse = NO"
-.IP "-WODontZipResponse = NO"
+.IP "-WOCoreOnHTTPAdaptorException YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODebugHttpTransaction YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODebugZipResponse YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WODontZipResponse YES|NO (NO)"
+In the default configuration SOPE compresses all responses if the browser
+supports that. Enable this option to disable compression which can be useful
+in combination with WOHttpAdaptor_LogStream.
.IP "-WOHttpAdaptorReceiveTimeout = 120"
.IP "-WOHttpAdaptorSendTimeout = 120"
-.IP "-WOHttpAdaptor_LogStream = NO"
-.IP "-WOHttpAllowHost = "localhost""
-.IP "-WOHttpTransactionUseSimpleParser = NO"
-.IP "-WOIncludeCommentsInResponse = YES"
-.IP "-WOListenQueueSize = 5"
-.IP "-WOOutputValidationEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-WOPort = 20000"
-.IP "-WORunMultithreaded = NO"
-.IP "-WOWorkerThreadCount = 0"
-.IP "-WOSimpleHTTPParserDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-WOSimpleHTTPParserFileIOBoundary = 16384"
-.IP "-WOSimpleHTTPParserHeavyDebugEnabled = NO"
-.IP "-WOSimpleHTTPParserMaxUploadSizeInKB = 262144"
+.IP "-WOHttpAdaptor_LogStream YES|NO (NO)"
+Log the complete HTTP transaction on stdout. You might also want to set
+WODontZipResponse to disable zip compression (otherwise you will only see
+'scrambled' output)
+.IP "-WOHttpAllowHost hostname|array-of-hostnames (localhost)"
+SOPE checks the IP of the client prior accepting a connection. Per default it
+only allows connects from localhost. In deployments you should always connect
+applications through Apache/mod_ngobjweb and keep the client restriction.
+.IP "-WOHttpTransactionUseSimpleParser YES|NO (NO)"
+Select whether the more complex/slow MIME parser or the new lightweight HTTP
+parser ('simple parser') should be used. The latter doesn't support all
+features required for HTML forms processing and should only be used for WebDAV
+and XML-RPC clients.
+.IP "-WOIncludeCommentsInResponse YES|NO (YES)"
+When disabled, HTML comments will be stripped from .html wrapper templates
+prior delivery to the client (WOx templates always strip comments). This might
+clash with JavaScript tags in your templates and is therefore enabled per
+.IP "-WOListenQueueSize number (5)"
+This parameter configures the backlog size of the socket listen queue. See the
+listen (2) call for further information.
+.IP "-WOOutputValidationEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOPort number (20000)"
+The port the SOPE application will listen on.
+.IP "-WORunMultithreaded YES|NO (NO)"
+Enable/disable multi threading in SOPE. Note that SOPE 4.3 is not considered
+thread safe.
+.IP "-WOWorkerThreadCount number (0)"
+Configures the number of worker threads which are used to receive/send requests
+and responses in parallel to the application processing. This is currently
+unsupported by the SOPE WOHttpAdaptor.
+.IP "-WOSimpleHTTPParserDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOSimpleHTTPParserFileIOBoundary number (16384)"
+.IP "-WOSimpleHTTPParserHeavyDebugEnabled YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOSimpleHTTPParserMaxUploadSizeInKB number (262144)"
.SH Profiling Defaults
-.IP "-WOProfileApplication = NO"
-.IP "-WOProfileComponents = NO"
-.IP "-WOProfileDirectActionRequestHandler = NO"
-.IP "-WOProfileElements = NO"
-.IP "-WOProfileHttpAdaptor = NO"
-.IP "-WOProfileLoading = NO"
-.IP "-WOProfileResponse = NO"
+.IP "-WOProfileApplication YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOProfileComponents YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOProfileDirectActionRequestHandler YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOProfileElements YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOProfileHttpAdaptor YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOProfileLoading YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOProfileResponse YES|NO (NO)"
+.SH Deprecated Defaults
+.IP "-WOLogScriptDealloc YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOLogScriptInit YES|NO (NO)"
+.IP "-WOLogScriptKVC YES|NO (NO)"
Helge Hess <helge.hess@opengroupware.org>