.BI "mount [\-lhV]"
.BI "mount \-a [\-fFnrsvw] [\-t " vfstype "] [\-O " optlist ]
.BI "mount [\-fnrsvw] [\-o " options " [,...]] " "device " | " dir"
.BI "mount [\-fnrsvw] [\-t " vfstype "] [\-o " options "] " "device dir"
All files accessible in a Unix system are arranged in one big
unbindable mount is a private mount which cannot cloned through a bind
operation. Detailed semantics is documented in Documentation/sharedsubtree.txt
file in the kernel source tree.
.B "mount --make-shared mountpoint"
.B "mount --make-slave mountpoint"
.B "mount --make-private mountpoint"
.B "mount --make-unbindable mountpoint"
The following commands allows one to recursively change the type of all the
mounts under a given mountpoint.
.B "mount --make-rshared mountpoint"
.B "mount --make-rslave mountpoint"
.B "mount --make-rprivate mountpoint"
.B "mount --make-runbindable mountpoint"
The command
.BI "mount \-a [\-t " type "] [\-O " optlist ]
(usually given in a bootscript) causes all file systems mentioned in
.I fstab
Thus, given a line
.B "/dev/cdrom /cd iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide"
any user can mount the iso9660 file system found on his CDROM
using the command
.B "mount /dev/cdrom"
.B "mount /cd"
For more details, see
.BR fstab (5).
For example, the command:
.B "mount \-a \-t nomsdos,ext"
mounts all file systems except those of type
.I msdos
.IR ext .
.B \-O
Used in conjunction with
.BR \-a .
For example, the command:
.B "mount \-a \-O no_netdev"
mounts all file systems except those which have the option
.I _netdev
.B \-O
options are cumulative in effect; that is, the command
.B "mount \-a \-t ext2 \-O _netdev"
mounts all ext2 filesystems with the _netdev option, not all filesystems
that are either ext2 or have the _netdev option specified.
.B \-o
Options are specified with a
.B bsddf
behaviour (which is the default) is to subtract the overhead blocks
used by the ext2 file system and not available for file storage. Thus
% mount /k -o minixdf; df /k; umount /k
Sync all data and metadata every
.I nrsec
seconds. The default value is 5 seconds. Zero means default.
.BR user_xattr
Enable Extended User Attributes. See the
The syntax of external mount helpers is:
-.BI "/sbin/mount.<suffix> spec dir [\-sfnv] [\-o options]
+.B "/sbin/mount.<suffix> spec dir [\-sfnv] [\-o options]
where the <suffix> is filesystem type and \-sfnvo options have same meaning like
standard mount options.