--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
+ This file is part of OpenGroupware.org.
+ OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+ later version.
+ OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+ Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
+#import <Foundation/NSDate.h>
+#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
+#import <Foundation/NSException.h>
+#import <Foundation/NSKeyValueCoding.h>
+#import <Foundation/NSURL.h>
+#import <NGObjWeb/NSException+HTTP.h>
+#import <NGObjWeb/SoObject.h>
+#import <NGObjWeb/SoObject+SoDAV.h>
+#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext+SoObjects.h>
+#import <NGObjWeb/WOApplication.h>
+#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
+#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
+#import <EOControl/EOQualifier.h>
+#import <GDLAccess/EOAdaptorChannel.h>
+#import <GDLContentStore/GCSChannelManager.h>
+#import <GDLContentStore/GCSFolderManager.h>
+#import <GDLContentStore/GCSFolder.h>
+#import <GDLContentStore/GCSFolderType.h>
+#import <GDLContentStore/NSURL+GCS.h>
+#import <SaxObjC/XMLNamespaces.h>
+#import <UI/SOGoUI/SOGoFolderAdvisory.h>
+#import "NSArray+Utilities.h"
+#import "NSString+Utilities.h"
+#import "SOGoContentObject.h"
+#import "SOGoPermissions.h"
+#import "SOGoUser.h"
+#import "SOGoGCSFolder.h"
+static NSString *defaultUserID = @"<default>";
+@implementation SOGoGCSFolder
++ (id) folderWithSubscriptionReference: (NSString *) reference
+ inContainer: (id) aContainer
+ id newFolder;
+ NSArray *elements, *pathElements;
+ NSString *ocsPath, *objectPath, *owner, *ocsName, *folderName;
+ elements = [reference componentsSeparatedByString: @":"];
+ owner = [elements objectAtIndex: 0];
+ objectPath = [elements objectAtIndex: 1];
+ pathElements = [objectPath componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"];
+ if ([pathElements count] > 1)
+ ocsName = [pathElements objectAtIndex: 1];
+ else
+ ocsName = @"personal";
+ ocsPath = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/Users/%@/%@/%@",
+ owner, [pathElements objectAtIndex: 0], ocsName];
+ folderName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@_%@", owner, ocsName];
+ newFolder = [[self alloc] initWithName: folderName
+ inContainer: aContainer];
+ [newFolder setOCSPath: ocsPath];
+ [newFolder setOwner: owner];
+ return newFolder;
+- (id) init
+ if ((self = [super init]))
+ {
+ displayName = nil;
+ ocsPath = nil;
+ ocsFolder = nil;
+ aclCache = [NSMutableDictionary new];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void) dealloc
+ [ocsFolder release];
+ [ocsPath release];
+ [aclCache release];
+ [displayName release];
+ [super dealloc];
+/* accessors */
+- (void) _setDisplayNameFromRow: (NSDictionary *) row
+ NSString *currentLogin, *ownerLogin;
+ NSDictionary *ownerIdentity;
+ displayName
+ = [NSMutableString stringWithString: [row objectForKey: @"c_foldername"]];
+ currentLogin = [[context activeUser] login];
+ ownerLogin = [self ownerInContext: context];
+ if (![currentLogin isEqualToString: ownerLogin])
+ {
+ ownerIdentity = [[SOGoUser userWithLogin: ownerLogin roles: nil]
+ primaryIdentity];
+ [displayName appendFormat: @" (%@ <%@>)",
+ [ownerIdentity objectForKey: @"fullName"],
+ [ownerIdentity objectForKey: @"email"]];
+ }
+ [displayName retain];
+- (void) _fetchDisplayName
+ GCSChannelManager *cm;
+ EOAdaptorChannel *fc;
+ NSURL *folderLocation;
+ NSString *sql;
+ NSArray *attrs;
+ NSDictionary *row;
+ cm = [GCSChannelManager defaultChannelManager];
+ folderLocation
+ = [[GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager] folderInfoLocation];
+ fc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: folderLocation];
+ if (fc)
+ {
+ sql
+ = [NSString stringWithFormat: (@"SELECT c_foldername FROM %@"
+ @" WHERE c_path = '%@'"),
+ [folderLocation gcsTableName], ocsPath];
+ [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql];
+ attrs = [fc describeResults: NO];
+ row = [fc fetchAttributes: attrs withZone: NULL];
+ if (row)
+ [self _setDisplayNameFromRow: row];
+ [fc cancelFetch];
+ [cm releaseChannel: fc];
+ }
+- (NSString *) displayName
+ if (!displayName)
+ [self _fetchDisplayName];
+ return displayName;
+- (void) setOCSPath: (NSString *) _path
+ if (![ocsPath isEqualToString:_path])
+ {
+ if (ocsPath)
+ [self warnWithFormat: @"GCS path is already set! '%@'", _path];
+ ASSIGN (ocsPath, _path);
+ }
+- (NSString *) ocsPath
+ return ocsPath;
+- (GCSFolderManager *) folderManager
+ static GCSFolderManager *folderManager = nil;
+ if (!folderManager)
+ folderManager = [GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager];
+ return folderManager;
+- (GCSFolder *) ocsFolderForPath: (NSString *) _path
+ return [[self folderManager] folderAtPath: _path];
+- (BOOL) folderIsMandatory
+ return [nameInContainer isEqualToString: @"personal"];
+- (NSString *) davDisplayName
+ return [self displayName];
+- (GCSFolder *) ocsFolder
+ GCSFolder *folder;
+ NSString *userLogin;
+ if (!ocsFolder)
+ {
+ ocsFolder = [self ocsFolderForPath: [self ocsPath]];
+ userLogin = [[context activeUser] login];
+ if (!ocsFolder
+ && [userLogin isEqualToString: [self ownerInContext: context]]
+ && [self folderIsMandatory]
+ && [self create])
+ ocsFolder = [self ocsFolderForPath: [self ocsPath]];
+ [ocsFolder retain];
+ }
+ if ([ocsFolder isNotNull])
+ folder = ocsFolder;
+ else
+ folder = nil;
+ return folder;
+- (void) sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: (NSString *) template
+ NSString *pageName;
+ SOGoUser *user;
+ SOGoFolderAdvisory *page;
+ user = [context activeUser];
+ pageName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SOGoFolder%@%@Advisory",
+ [user language], template];
+ page = [[WOApplication application] pageWithName: pageName
+ inContext: context];
+ [page setFolderObject: self];
+ [page setRecipientUID: [user login]];
+ [page send];
+// if (!result) [self sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: @"Addition"];
+- (BOOL) create
+ NSException *result;
+ result = [[self folderManager] createFolderOfType: [self folderType]
+ withName: displayName
+ atPath: ocsPath];
+ return (result == nil);
+- (NSException *) delete
+ NSException *error;
+ // We just fetch our displayName since our table will use it!
+ [self displayName];
+ if ([nameInContainer isEqualToString: @"personal"])
+ error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 403
+ reason: @"folder 'personal' cannot be deleted"];
+ else
+ error = [[self folderManager] deleteFolderAtPath: ocsPath];
+ return error;
+// if (!error) [self sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: @"Removal"];
+- (void) renameTo: (NSString *) newName
+ GCSChannelManager *cm;
+ EOAdaptorChannel *fc;
+ NSURL *folderLocation;
+ NSString *sql;
+ [displayName release];
+ displayName = nil;
+ cm = [GCSChannelManager defaultChannelManager];
+ folderLocation
+ = [[GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager] folderInfoLocation];
+ fc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: folderLocation];
+ if (fc)
+ {
+ sql
+ = [NSString stringWithFormat: (@"UPDATE %@ SET c_foldername = '%@'"
+ @" WHERE c_path = '%@'"),
+ [folderLocation gcsTableName], newName, ocsPath];
+ [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql];
+ [cm releaseChannel: fc];
+// sql = [sql stringByAppendingFormat:@" WHERE %@ = '%@'",
+// uidColumnName, [self uid]];
+ }
+- (NSArray *) fetchContentObjectNames
+ NSArray *fields, *records;
+ fields = [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"c_name"];
+ records = [[self ocsFolder] fetchFields:fields matchingQualifier:nil];
+ if (![records isNotNull])
+ {
+ [self errorWithFormat: @"(%s): fetch failed!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ if ([records isKindOfClass: [NSException class]])
+ return records;
+ return [records objectsForKey: @"c_name"];
+- (BOOL) nameExistsInFolder: (NSString *) objectName
+ NSArray *fields, *records;
+ EOQualifier *qualifier;
+ qualifier
+ = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat:
+ [NSString stringWithFormat: @"c_name='%@'", objectName]];
+ fields = [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"c_name"];
+ records = [[self ocsFolder] fetchFields: fields
+ matchingQualifier: qualifier];
+ return (records
+ && ![records isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]
+ && [records count] > 0);
+- (void) deleteEntriesWithIds: (NSArray *) ids
+ unsigned int count, max;
+ NSString *currentID;
+ SOGoContentObject *deleteObject;
+ max = [ids count];
+ for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
+ {
+ currentID = [ids objectAtIndex: count];
+ deleteObject = [self lookupName: currentID
+ inContext: context acquire: NO];
+ if (![deleteObject isKindOfClass: [NSException class]])
+ [deleteObject delete];
+ }
+- (NSDictionary *) fetchContentStringsAndNamesOfAllObjects
+ NSDictionary *files;
+ files = [[self ocsFolder] fetchContentsOfAllFiles];
+ if (![files isNotNull])
+ {
+ [self errorWithFormat:@"(%s): fetch failed!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ if ([files isKindOfClass:[NSException class]])
+ return files;
+ return files;
+/* reflection */
+- (NSString *) defaultFilenameExtension
+ /*
+ Override to add an extension to a filename
+ Note: be careful with that, needs to be consistent with object lookup!
+ */
+ return nil;
+- (NSArray *) davResourceType
+ NSArray *rType, *groupDavCollection;
+ if ([self respondsToSelector: @selector (groupDavResourceType)])
+ {
+ groupDavCollection
+ = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [self groupDavResourceType],
+ rType = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"collection", groupDavCollection,
+ nil];
+ }
+ else
+ rType = [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"collection"];
+ return rType;
+- (NSArray *) toOneRelationshipKeys
+ /* toOneRelationshipKeys are the 'files' contained in a folder */
+ NSMutableArray *ma;
+ NSArray *names;
+ NSString *name, *ext;
+ unsigned i, count;
+ NSRange r;
+ names = [self fetchContentObjectNames];
+ count = [names count];
+ ext = [self defaultFilenameExtension];
+ if (count && [ext length] > 0)
+ {
+ ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: count];
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ name = [names objectAtIndex: i];
+ r = [name rangeOfString: @"."];
+ if (r.length == 0)
+ name = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: @"%@.%@", name, ext];
+ [ma addObject: name];
+ }
+ names = ma;
+ }
+ return names;
+/* acls as a container */
+- (NSArray *) aclUsersForObjectAtPath: (NSArray *) objectPathArray;
+ EOQualifier *qualifier;
+ NSString *qs;
+ NSArray *records;
+ qs = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"c_object = '/%@'",
+ [objectPathArray componentsJoinedByString: @"/"]];
+ qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qs];
+ records = [[self ocsFolder] fetchAclMatchingQualifier: qualifier];
+ return [records valueForKey: @"c_uid"];
+- (NSArray *) _fetchAclsForUser: (NSString *) uid
+ forObjectAtPath: (NSString *) objectPath
+ EOQualifier *qualifier;
+ NSArray *records;
+ NSMutableArray *acls;
+ NSString *qs;
+ qs = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(c_object = '/%@') AND (c_uid = '%@')",
+ objectPath, uid];
+ qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qs];
+ records = [[self ocsFolder] fetchAclMatchingQualifier: qualifier];
+ acls = [NSMutableArray array];
+ if ([records count] > 0)
+ {
+ [acls addObject: SOGoRole_AuthorizedSubscriber];
+ [acls addObjectsFromArray: [records valueForKey: @"c_role"]];
+ }
+ return acls;
+- (void) _cacheRoles: (NSArray *) roles
+ forUser: (NSString *) uid
+ forObjectAtPath: (NSString *) objectPath
+ NSMutableDictionary *aclsForObject;
+ aclsForObject = [aclCache objectForKey: objectPath];
+ if (!aclsForObject)
+ {
+ aclsForObject = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ [aclCache setObject: aclsForObject
+ forKey: objectPath];
+ }
+ if (roles)
+ [aclsForObject setObject: roles forKey: uid];
+ else
+ [aclsForObject removeObjectForKey: uid];
+- (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid
+ forObjectAtPath: (NSArray *) objectPathArray
+ NSArray *acls;
+ NSString *objectPath;
+ NSDictionary *aclsForObject;
+ objectPath = [objectPathArray componentsJoinedByString: @"/"];
+ aclsForObject = [aclCache objectForKey: objectPath];
+ if (aclsForObject)
+ acls = [aclsForObject objectForKey: uid];
+ else
+ acls = nil;
+ if (!acls)
+ {
+ acls = [self _fetchAclsForUser: uid forObjectAtPath: objectPath];
+ [self _cacheRoles: acls forUser: uid forObjectAtPath: objectPath];
+ }
+ if (!([acls count] || [uid isEqualToString: defaultUserID]))
+ acls = [self aclsForUser: defaultUserID
+ forObjectAtPath: objectPathArray];
+ return acls;
+- (void) removeAclsForUsers: (NSArray *) users
+ forObjectAtPath: (NSArray *) objectPathArray
+ EOQualifier *qualifier;
+ NSString *uids, *qs, *objectPath;
+ NSMutableDictionary *aclsForObject;
+ if ([users count] > 0)
+ {
+ objectPath = [objectPathArray componentsJoinedByString: @"/"];
+ aclsForObject = [aclCache objectForKey: objectPath];
+ if (aclsForObject)
+ [aclsForObject removeObjectsForKeys: users];
+ uids = [users componentsJoinedByString: @"') OR (c_uid = '"];
+ qs = [NSString
+ stringWithFormat: @"(c_object = '/%@') AND ((c_uid = '%@'))",
+ objectPath, uids];
+ qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qs];
+ [[self ocsFolder] deleteAclMatchingQualifier: qualifier];
+ }
+- (void) _commitRoles: (NSArray *) roles
+ forUID: (NSString *) uid
+ forObject: (NSString *) objectPath
+ EOAdaptorChannel *channel;
+ GCSFolder *folder;
+ NSEnumerator *userRoles;
+ NSString *SQL, *currentRole;
+ folder = [self ocsFolder];
+ channel = [folder acquireAclChannel];
+ userRoles = [roles objectEnumerator];
+ currentRole = [userRoles nextObject];
+ while (currentRole)
+ {
+ SQL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"INSERT INTO %@"
+ @" (c_object, c_uid, c_role)"
+ @" VALUES ('/%@', '%@', '%@')",
+ [folder aclTableName],
+ objectPath, uid, currentRole];
+ [channel evaluateExpressionX: SQL];
+ currentRole = [userRoles nextObject];
+ }
+ [folder releaseChannel: channel];
+- (void) setRoles: (NSArray *) roles
+ forUser: (NSString *) uid
+ forObjectAtPath: (NSArray *) objectPathArray
+ NSString *objectPath;
+ NSMutableArray *newRoles;
+ [self removeAclsForUsers: [NSArray arrayWithObject: uid]
+ forObjectAtPath: objectPathArray];
+ newRoles = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: roles];
+ [newRoles removeObject: SOGoRole_AuthorizedSubscriber];
+ [newRoles removeObject: SOGoRole_None];
+ objectPath = [objectPathArray componentsJoinedByString: @"/"];
+ [self _cacheRoles: newRoles forUser: uid
+ forObjectAtPath: objectPath];
+ if (![newRoles count])
+ [newRoles addObject: SOGoRole_None];
+ [self _commitRoles: newRoles forUID: uid forObject: objectPath];
+/* acls */
+- (NSArray *) aclUsers
+ return [self aclUsersForObjectAtPath: [self pathArrayToSOGoObject]];
+- (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid
+ NSMutableArray *acls;
+ NSArray *ownAcls, *containerAcls;
+ acls = [NSMutableArray array];
+ ownAcls = [self aclsForUser: uid
+ forObjectAtPath: [self pathArrayToSOGoObject]];
+ [acls addObjectsFromArray: ownAcls];
+ if ([container respondsToSelector: @selector (aclsForUser:)])
+ {
+ containerAcls = [container aclsForUser: uid];
+ if ([containerAcls count] > 0)
+ {
+ if ([containerAcls containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectReader])
+ [acls addObject: SOGoRole_ObjectViewer];
+#warning this should be checked
+ if ([containerAcls containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEraser])
+ [acls addObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEraser];
+ }
+ }
+ return acls;
+- (void) setRoles: (NSArray *) roles
+ forUser: (NSString *) uid
+ return [self setRoles: roles
+ forUser: uid
+ forObjectAtPath: [self pathArrayToSOGoObject]];
+- (void) removeAclsForUsers: (NSArray *) users
+ return [self removeAclsForUsers: users
+ forObjectAtPath: [self pathArrayToSOGoObject]];
+- (NSString *) defaultUserID
+ return defaultUserID;
+- (NSComparisonResult) _compareByOrigin: (SOGoFolder *) otherFolder
+ NSArray *thisElements, *otherElements;
+ unsigned thisCount, otherCount;
+ NSComparisonResult comparison;
+ thisElements = [nameInContainer componentsSeparatedByString: @"_"];
+ otherElements = [[otherFolder nameInContainer]
+ componentsSeparatedByString: @"_"];
+ thisCount = [thisElements count];
+ otherCount = [otherElements count];
+ if (thisCount == otherCount)
+ {
+ if (thisCount == 1)
+ comparison = NSOrderedSame;
+ else
+ comparison = [[thisElements objectAtIndex: 0]
+ compare: [otherElements objectAtIndex: 0]];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (thisCount > otherCount)
+ comparison = NSOrderedDescending;
+ else
+ comparison = NSOrderedAscending;
+ }
+ return comparison;
+- (NSComparisonResult) _compareByNameInContainer: (SOGoFolder *) otherFolder
+ NSString *otherName;
+ NSComparisonResult comparison;
+ otherName = [otherFolder nameInContainer];
+ if ([nameInContainer hasSuffix: @"personal"])
+ {
+ if ([otherName hasSuffix: @"personal"])
+ comparison = [nameInContainer compare: otherName];
+ else
+ comparison = NSOrderedAscending;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ([otherName hasSuffix: @"personal"])
+ comparison = NSOrderedDescending;
+ else
+ comparison = NSOrderedSame;
+ }
+ return comparison;
+- (NSComparisonResult) compare: (SOGoGCSFolder *) otherFolder
+ NSComparisonResult comparison;
+ comparison = [self _compareByOrigin: otherFolder];
+ if (comparison == NSOrderedSame)
+ {
+ comparison = [self _compareByNameInContainer: otherFolder];
+ if (comparison == NSOrderedSame)
+ comparison
+ = [[self displayName]
+ localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare: [otherFolder displayName]];
+ }
+ return comparison;
+/* description */
+- (void) appendAttributesToDescription: (NSMutableString *) _ms
+ [super appendAttributesToDescription:_ms];
+ [_ms appendFormat:@" ocs=%@", [self ocsPath]];
+@end /* SOGoFolder */