return pkts;
+ * Polling 'interrupt' - used by things like netconsole to send skbs
+ * without having to re-enable interrupts. It's not called while
+ * the interrupt routine is executing.
+ */
+static void pasemi_mac_netpoll(struct net_device *dev)
+ const struct pasemi_mac *mac = netdev_priv(dev);
+ disable_irq(mac->tx->chan.irq);
+ pasemi_mac_tx_intr(mac->tx->chan.irq, mac->tx);
+ enable_irq(mac->tx->chan.irq);
+ disable_irq(mac->rx->chan.irq);
+ pasemi_mac_rx_intr(mac->rx->chan.irq, mac->rx);
+ enable_irq(mac->rx->chan.irq);
static int pasemi_mac_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu)
struct pasemi_mac *mac = netdev_priv(dev);
dev->mtu = PE_DEF_MTU;
/* 1500 MTU + ETH_HLEN + VLAN_HLEN + 2 64B cachelines */
mac->bufsz = dev->mtu + ETH_HLEN + ETH_FCS_LEN + LOCAL_SKB_ALIGN + 128;
+ dev->poll_controller = pasemi_mac_netpoll;
dev->change_mtu = pasemi_mac_change_mtu;
dev->ethtool_ops = &pasemi_mac_ethtool_ops;