use URI;
use URI::QueryParam;
use Data::Dumper;
+use FindBin;
+use File::Spec;
exit main();
+ my $icon = Clutter::Texture->new(
+ File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::Bin, 'images', 'flickr.png')
+ );
# Middle click on a location to trigger the Flickr interaction
my $data = {
layer => $layer,
soup => My::Soup->new('', $key),
+ icon => $icon,
$map->signal_connect_after("button-release-event", \&flickr_search, $data);
return FALSE unless $event->button == 2 && $event->click_count == 1;
my ($latitude, $longitude) = $map->get_coords_from_event($event);
+ print "Lookup for ($latitude, $longitude)\n";
my $args = {
lat => $latitude,
sub flickr_photos_search_callback {
my ($soup, $uri, $response, $data) = @_;
- my %data = %{ $data };
my $xml = $response->decoded_content;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my @photos = ();
foreach my $photo_node (@nodes) {
my $id = $photo_node->getAttribute('id');
- my $secret = $photo_node->getAttribute('secret');
my $latitude = $photo_node->getAttribute('latitude');
my $longitude = $photo_node->getAttribute('longitude');
- my $accuracy = $photo_node->getAttribute('accuracy'); # In which zoom level was the photo tagged
+ # Add a marker for the image
+ my $icon = Clutter::Texture::Clone->new($data->{icon});
+ my $marker = Champlain::Marker->new_with_image($icon);
+ $marker->set_position($latitude, $longitude);
+ $data->{layer}->add($marker);
+ $marker->show();
my $photo = {
- id => $id,
- secret => $secret,
- latitude => $latitude,
- longitude => $longitude,
- accuracy => $accuracy,
+ id => $id,
+ marker => $marker,
push @photos, $photo;
- $data{photos} = \@photos;
- flickr_photos_getSizes($soup, \%data);
+ $data->{photos} = \@photos;
+ flickr_photos_getSizes($soup, $data);
if (@{ $data->{photos} } == 0) {
return FALSE;
- my %data = %{ $data };
- my $photo = pop @{ $data{photos} };
- $data{photo} = $photo;
+ my $photo = pop @{ $data->{photos} };
+ $data->{photo} = $photo;
my $args = {
photo_id => $photo->{id},
'' => $args,
- \&flickr_photos_getSizes_callback, \%data,
+ \&flickr_photos_getSizes_callback, $data,
return TRUE;
# Display only the thumbnails ("Square" images)
my ($node) = $doc->findnodes('/rsp/sizes/size[@label = "Square"]');
if ($node) {
- my $url = $node->getAttribute('source');
- my $latitude = $data->{photo}{latitude};
- my $longitude = $data->{photo}{longitude};
my $uri = $node->getAttribute('source');
# The image download is made from a different server than the RPC calls
- {
- latitude => $latitude,
- longitude => $longitude,
- layer => $data->{layer},
- },
+ $data->{photo}{marker},
sub flickr_download_photo_callback {
- my ($self, $uri, $response, $data) = @_;
+ my ($self, $uri, $response, $marker) = @_;
if (! $response->is_success) {
warn $response->status_line;
# Add a marker for the image
- my $marker = Champlain::Marker->new_with_image($texture);
- $marker->set_position($data->{latitude}, $data->{longitude});
- $data->{layer}->add($marker);
- $marker->show();
+ $marker->set_image($texture);
# Note that this is not asynchronous!
$self->http->write_request(GET => $uri->path_query);
+ print $uri->path_query, "\n";
my ($code, $message, %headers);