More than one key name was mapped to the same key, due to linux/input.h
defining some aliases (in particular, KEY_HANGUEL, KEY_SCREENLOCK,
KEY_MIN_INTERESTING). These caused hash table collisions.
Changed the generation of the tables to ignore these aliases, and updated all
keymaps to use the canonical name.
This was detected by llvm-clang-analyzer. Thanks to Lennart Poettering for
doing these checks and pointing this out!
extras/keymap/keys.txt: /usr/include/linux/input.h
- $(AM_V_GEN)$(AWK) '/^#define.*KEY_/ { if ($$2 != "KEY_MAX" && $$2 != "KEY_CNT") { print $$2 } }' < $< > $@
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(AWK) '/^#define.*KEY_[^ ]+[[:space:]]+[0-9]/ { if ($$2 != "KEY_MAX") { print $$2 } }' < $< > $@
extras/keymap/keys-from-name.gperf: extras/keymap/keys.txt
$(AM_V_GEN)$(AWK) 'BEGIN{ print "struct key { const char* name; unsigned short id; };"; print "%null-strings"; print "%%";} { print $$1 ", " $$1 }' < $< > $@
0x68 up
0x69 down
0x6B fn
-0x6C screenlock # FIXME: lock tablet device/buttons
+0x6C coffee # FIXME: lock tablet device/buttons
0x9B switchvideomode # Display Toggle button
0xA2 playpause # Front panel play/pause
0xA4 stopcd # Front panel stop
-0xD8 screenlock # FIXME: Tablet lock button
+0xD8 coffee # FIXME: Tablet lock button
0xED media # MediaDirect button
0x81 fn_esc
0x89 battery # FnF8
-0x8A screenlock # FnF6
+0x8A coffee # FnF6
0x8B camera
0x8C media # music
0x8E dvd
0xF0 help
-0xF1 screenlock
+0xF1 coffee
0xF3 search
0x5D menu
0x63 fn
-0x66 screenlock
+0x66 coffee
0x67 cyclewindows # bezel circular arrow
0x68 setup # bezel setup / menu
0x6c direction # rotate screen
0x6C f21 # rotate
-0x68 screenlock # screenlock
+0x68 coffee # screenlock
0x6B esc # escape
0x6D right # right on d-pad
0x6E left # left on d-pad
0x01 battery # Fn+F2
-0x02 screenlock # Fn+F3
+0x02 coffee # Fn+F3
0x03 sleep # Fn+F4
0x04 wlan # Fn+F5
0x06 switchvideomode # Fn+F7
-0x1 screenlock # Fn+F2
+0x1 coffee # Fn+F2
0x2 battery # Fn+F3
0x3 sleep # Fn+F4
0x4 wlan # Fn+F5
0x9F f21 # FIXME: Touchpad off
0xB9 nextsong
0xD9 brightnessup
-0xEE screenlock
+0xEE coffee
0xF4 previoussong
0xF7 playpause