-find . -name \*~ -o -name \*.orig -o -name \*.rej | xargs rm -f
rm -rf autom4te.cache
-mrproper: distclean
- if [ -f ".gitignore" ]; then \
- find -name Makefile.in | xargs rm -f ; \
- rm -f configure ABOUT-NLS ; \
- rm -rf m4 ; \
- cd config; rm -f `cat ../.gitignore`; cd .. ; \
- cd po; rm -f `cat .gitignore`; cd .. ; \
- fi
ENABLE_ALL = --enable-elvtune --enable-init --enable-kill --enable-last \
--enable-mesg --enable-partx --enable-raw --enable-rdev --enable-reset \
--enable-login-utils --enable-write
* "./autogen.sh" generates all necessary files (run it after checkout from
- * "make mrproper" removes all generates files. You have to call autogen.sh
- after mrproper.
- * "make distclean" is subset of mrproper. It removes all unnecessary files,
- but code is still possible recompile by "./configure; make"
+ * "make distclean" removes all unnecessary files, but code is still possible
+ recompile by "./configure; make"
* "make dist-gzip" (or -bzip2) creates tarball which is possible use without
* diff -u
- * don't include generated (autotools) stuff to your patches
+ * don't include generated (autotools) stuff to your patches (use git-clean [-X])
* patches are delivered via email only. Downloading them from internet
servers is a pain.