* be nice to ingo
* get writev() /dev/kmsg support into the F15 kernel
+ https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/4/6/473
+ patched merged into -mm
* fix sd_is_socket() invocation in dbus
+* make sure multiple sockets in a .socket file appear in the order they are listed
+ currently we get:
+ [Socket]
+ ListenSequentialPacket=@/org/kernel/udev/udevd --> 4
+ ListenNetlink=kobject-uevent 1 --> 3
* fix alsa mixer restore to not print error when no config is stored
* don't trim empty cgroups
* Find a way to replace /var/run, /var/lock directories with
symlinks during an RPM package upgrade (filesystem.rpm or systemd.rpm).
+ (lua code to create symlinks right away for new installations is in filesytem.rpm now)
We soon want to get rid of var-run.mount var-lock.mount units:
- if mountpoint /run ; then
- umount /var/run || :
- else
- mount --move /var/run /run || mount --bind /var/run /run
- fi
- mv /var/run /var/.run.save
- ln -s /run /var/run
- echo "R /var/.run.save" > /etc/tmpfiles.d/remove-run-save.conf
+ if mountpoint /run ; then
+ umount /var/run || :
+ else
+ mount --move /var/run /run || mount --bind /var/run /run
+ fi
+ mv /var/run /var/.run.save
+ ln -s /run /var/run
+ echo "R /var/.run.save" > /etc/tmpfiles.d/remove-run-save.conf
* when key file cannot be found, read it from kbd in cryptsetup