ok(@maps >= 5, "Maps factory has the default maps");
# Find the OAM map and check that the it's properly described
- my @found = grep { $_->get_id eq Champlain::MapSourceFactory->OAM } @maps;
+ my @found = grep { $_->id eq Champlain::MapSourceFactory->OAM } @maps;
is(scalar(@found), 1, "Found a single map matching OAM");
if (! @found) {
fail("Can't test a Champlain::MapSourceDesc without a map description") for 1 .. 22;
# Getters
my ($oam) = @found;
isa_ok($oam, 'Champlain::MapSourceDesc');
- is($oam->get_id, Champlain::MapSourceFactory->OAM, "get_id()");
- is($oam->get_name, 'OpenAerialMap', "get_name()");
- is($oam->get_license, "(CC) BY 3.0 OpenAerialMap contributors", "get_license()");
- is($oam->get_license_uri, 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/', "get_license_uri()");
- is($oam->get_min_zoom_level, 0, "get_min_zoom_level()");
- is($oam->get_max_zoom_level, 17, "get_max_zoom_level()");
- is($oam->get_projection, 'mercator', "get_projection()");
- is($oam->get_uri_format, 'http://tile.openaerialmap.org/tiles/1.0.0/openaerialmap-900913/#Z#/#X#/#Y#.jpg', "get_uri_format()");
+ is($oam->id, Champlain::MapSourceFactory->OAM, "get id()");
+ is($oam->name, 'OpenAerialMap', "get name()");
+ is($oam->license, "(CC) BY 3.0 OpenAerialMap contributors", "get license()");
+ is($oam->license_uri, 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/', "get license_uri()");
+ is($oam->min_zoom_level, 0, "get min_zoom_level()");
+ is($oam->max_zoom_level, 17, "get max_zoom_level()");
+ is($oam->projection, 'mercator', "get projection()");
+ is($oam->uri_format, 'http://tile.openaerialmap.org/tiles/1.0.0/openaerialmap-900913/#Z#/#X#/#Y#.jpg', "get uri_format()");
# Setters
- $oam->set_id('test');
- is($oam->get_id, 'test', "set_id()");
+ $oam->id('test');
+ is($oam->id, 'test', "set id()");
- $oam->set_name("new name");
- is($oam->get_name, "new name", "set_name()");
+ $oam->name("new name");
+ is($oam->name, "new name", "set name()");
- $oam->set_license("free for all");
- is($oam->get_license, "free for all", "set_license()");
+ $oam->license("free for all");
+ is($oam->license, "free for all", "set license()");
- $oam->set_license_uri('file:///tmp/free.txt');
- is($oam->get_license_uri, 'file:///tmp/free.txt', "set_license_uri()");
+ $oam->license_uri('file:///tmp/free.txt');
+ is($oam->license_uri, 'file:///tmp/free.txt', "set license_uri()");
- $oam->set_min_zoom_level(2);
- is($oam->get_min_zoom_level, 2, "set_min_zoom_level()");
+ $oam->min_zoom_level(2);
+ is($oam->min_zoom_level, 2, "set min_zoom_level()");
- $oam->set_max_zoom_level(4);
- is($oam->get_max_zoom_level, 4, "set_max_zoom_level()");
+ $oam->max_zoom_level(4);
+ is($oam->max_zoom_level, 4, "set max_zoom_level()");
# There are no other projections now, we have to trust that the setter works
- $oam->set_projection('mercator');
- is($oam->get_projection, 'mercator', "set_projection()");
+ $oam->projection('mercator');
+ is($oam->projection, 'mercator', "set projection()");
- $oam->set_uri_format('http://tile.oam.org/tiles/#Z#/#X#/#Y#.jpg');
- is($oam->get_uri_format, 'http://tile.oam.org/tiles/#Z#/#X#/#Y#.jpg', "set_uri_format()");
+ $oam->uri_format('http://tile.oam.org/tiles/#Z#/#X#/#Y#.jpg');
+ is($oam->uri_format, 'http://tile.oam.org/tiles/#Z#/#X#/#Y#.jpg', "set uri_format()");
# The constructor is not yet available in the perl bindings
- throws_ok { $oam->get_constructor } qr/\Qdesc->get_constructor() isn't implemented yet/, "get_constructor() isn't implemented";
- throws_ok { $oam->set_constructor(sub{}) } qr/\Qdesc->set_constructor(\&code_ref)/, "set_constructor() isn't implemented";
+ throws_ok { $oam->constructor } qr/\Qdesc->constructor() isn't implemented yet/, "get constructor() isn't implemented";
+ throws_ok { $oam->constructor(sub{}) } qr/\Qdesc->constructor(\&code_ref)/, "set constructor() isn't implemented";
-# Provide nice accessors to the data members of the struct.
+# Provide nice accessors and modifiers to the data members of the struct.
-get_id (ChamplainMapSourceDesc *desc)
+id (ChamplainMapSourceDesc *desc, ...)
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::get_name = 1
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::get_license = 2
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::get_license_uri = 3
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::get_min_zoom_level = 4
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::get_max_zoom_level = 5
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::get_projection = 6
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::get_constructor = 7
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::get_uri_format = 8
+ name = 1
+ license = 2
+ license_uri = 3
+ min_zoom_level = 4
+ max_zoom_level = 5
+ projection = 6
+ constructor = 7
+ uri_format = 8
switch (ix) {
case 0:
RETVAL = newSVGChar(desc->id);
+ if (items > 1) desc->id = g_strdup(SvGChar(ST(1)));
case 1:
RETVAL = newSVGChar(desc->name);
+ if (items > 1) desc->name = g_strdup(SvGChar(ST(1)));
case 2:
RETVAL = newSVGChar(desc->license);
+ if (items > 1) desc->license = g_strdup(SvGChar(ST(1)));
case 3:
RETVAL = newSVGChar(desc->license_uri);
+ if (items > 1) desc->license_uri = g_strdup(SvGChar(ST(1)));
case 4:
RETVAL = newSViv(desc->min_zoom_level);
+ if (items > 1) desc->min_zoom_level = (gint)SvIV(ST(1));
case 5:
RETVAL = newSViv(desc->max_zoom_level);
+ if (items > 1) desc->max_zoom_level = (gint)SvIV(ST(1));
case 6:
RETVAL = newSVChamplainMapProjection(desc->projection);
+ if (items > 1) desc->projection = SvChamplainMapProjection(ST(1));
case 7:
/* This is tricky as we have to wrap the C callback into a Perl sub. */
- croak("$desc->get_constructor() isn't implemented yet");
+ if (items == 1) {
+ croak("$desc->constructor() isn't implemented yet");
+ }
+ else {
+ croak("$desc->constructor(\\&code_ref) isn't implemented yet");
+ }
case 8:
RETVAL = newSVGChar(desc->uri_format);
+ if (items > 1) desc->uri_format = g_strdup(SvGChar(ST(1)));
-# Provide nice modifiers to the data members of the struct.
-set_id (ChamplainMapSourceDesc *desc, SV *sv)
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::set_name = 1
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::set_license = 2
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::set_license_uri = 3
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::set_min_zoom_level = 4
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::set_max_zoom_level = 5
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::set_projection = 6
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::set_constructor = 7
- Champlain::MapSourceDesc::set_uri_format = 8
- switch (ix) {
- case 0:
- desc->id = g_strdup(SvGChar(sv));
- break;
- case 1:
- desc->name = g_strdup(SvGChar(sv));
- break;
- case 2:
- desc->license = g_strdup(SvGChar(sv));
- break;
- case 3:
- desc->license_uri = g_strdup(SvGChar(sv));
- break;
- case 4:
- desc->min_zoom_level = (gint)SvIV(sv);
- break;
- case 5:
- desc->max_zoom_level = (gint)SvIV(sv);
- break;
- case 6:
- desc->projection = SvChamplainMapProjection(sv);
- break;
- case 7:
- /* This is tricky as we have to wrap the Perl sub into a C callback. */
- croak("$desc->set_constructor(\\&code_ref) isn't implemented yet");
- break;
- case 8:
- desc->uri_format = g_strdup(SvGChar(sv));
- break;
- default:
- croak("Unsupported property %s", GvNAME(CvGV(cv)));
- break;
- }