use strict;
use warnings;
-use Clutter::TestHelper tests => 22;
+use Clutter::TestHelper tests => 31;
use Champlain ':coords';
"Maps for Free Relief"
+ # Get the maps available
my @maps = $factory->get_list();
ok(@maps >= 5, "Maps factory has the default maps");
+ # Find the OAM map and check that the it's properly described
+ my @found = grep { $_->{id} eq Champlain::MapSourceFactory->OAM } @maps;
+ is(scalar(@found), 1);
+ if (@found) {
+ my ($oam_map) = @found;
+ isa_ok($oam_map, 'Champlain::MapSourceDesc');
+ is($oam_map->{id}, Champlain::MapSourceFactory->OAM);
+ is($oam_map->{name}, 'OpenAerialMap');
+ is($oam_map->{license}, "(CC) BY 3.0 OpenAerialMap contributor");
+ is($oam_map->{license_uri}, '');
+ is($oam_map->{min_zoom_level}, 0);
+ is($oam_map->{max_zoom_level}, 17);
+ is($oam_map->{projection}, 'mercator');
+ }
+ else {
+ fail("Can't test a Champlain::MapSourceDesc without a map description") for 1 .. 8;
+ }