This sample scripts shows how to interact with the Flickr API and to display
thumbnails for pictures near a location. The Flickr API interaction is triggered
-when a middle-click in done in a location on the map.
+when a middle-click in done in a location on the map.
+ #
+ # This is the default icon that will be displayed while the flickr a image
+ # is being downloaded. This exact actor ($icon) will never be displayed,
+ # instead copies of it (clones) will be displayed.
+ #
+ # Since clutter 1.0 an actor can only be cloned if it is added to the stage.
+ # It doesn't need to be visible, just to be in the stage.
+ #
my $icon = Clutter::Texture->new(
File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::Bin, 'images', 'flickr.png')
+ $stage->add($icon);
+ $icon->hide();
# Middle click on a location to trigger the Flickr interaction