+class GitDiff
+ def help(parser, code=0, io=STDOUT)
+ io.puts "Usage: #{$program_name} gitdiff <commit> <file>"
+ io.puts parser.summarize
+ io.puts "Shows a diff between the version of <file> in your directory and the"
+ io.puts "version in git at <commit> (or HEAD). Requires that your tree be git"
+ io.puts "managed, obviously."
+ exit(code)
+ end
+ def check_readable(e, label)
+ if !e.readable && !@force
+ STDERR.puts "#{label} is probably not readable."
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ end
+ def get_file_at_commit()
+ label = @commit+':'+@filename
+ (encrypted_content, stderrtxt, exitcode) = GnuPG.open3call('git', '', ['show', label], require_success=true, do_status=false)
+ data = EncryptedData.new(encrypted_content, label)
+ check_readable(data, label)
+ return data.decrypt
+ end
+ def get_file_current()
+ data = EncryptedFile.new(@filename)
+ check_readable(data, @filename)
+ return data.decrypt
+ end
+ def diff()
+ old = get_file_at_commit()
+ cur = get_file_current()
+ t1 = Tempfile.open('pws')
+ t1.puts old
+ t1.flush
+ t2 = Tempfile.open('pws')
+ t2.puts cur
+ t2.flush
+ system("diff", "-u", t1.path, t2.path)
+ t1.seek(0, IO::SEEK_SET)
+ t1.print "\0"*old.length
+ t1.fsync
+ t1.close(true)
+ t2.seek(0, IO::SEEK_SET)
+ t2.print "\0"*cur.length
+ t2.fsync
+ t2.close(true)
+ end
+ def initialize()
+ ARGV.options do |opts|
+ opts.on_tail("-h", "--help" , "Display this help screen") { help(opts) }
+ opts.on_tail("-f", "--force" , "Do it even if the file is probably not readable") { |force| @force=force }
+ opts.parse!
+ end
+ if ARGV.length == 1
+ @commit = 'HEAD'
+ @filename = ARGV.shift
+ elsif ARGV.length == 1
+ @commit = ARGV.shift
+ @filename = ARGV.shift
+ else
+ help(ARGV.options, 1, STDERR)
+ end
+ diff()
+ end
def help(code=0, io=STDOUT)
io.puts "Usage: #{$program_name} ed"
io.puts " #{$program_name} ls"
+ io.puts " #{$program_name} gitdiff"
io.puts " #{$program_name} update-keyring"
io.puts " #{$program_name} help"
io.puts "Call #{$program_name} <command> --help for additional options/parameters"
case ARGV.shift
when 'ls' then Ls.new
when 'ed' then Ed.new
+ when 'gitdiff' then GitDiff.new
when 'get' then Get.new
when 'update-keyring' then KeyringUpdater.new
when 'help' then