Mapper TODO
* Finish the audio note taking system
-* Add filter to drop track points if we are on a known way
* Add quick POI interface
* Add printing of current map display
-* Store track points in a database (track -> points)
- * Exporting GPX tracks with filter from the database
+* Store track points in a database (tracks -> points)
+ - Exporting GPX tracks with filter from the database
* Updating OSM data by downloading using API
+* Exporting added POIs to GPX and OSM
+* Uploading GPX track logs directly to OSM
+* Add (simple) OSM data editing
+ - Fixing of way names, ref, int_ref and type
+ - Exporting updated ways to OSM (.osm and/or API ?)
+* Add routing using OSM data
+* Use GeoClue, gpsd, libgpsmgr, etc
+* Allow setting of espeak speaker, speed and pitch