--- /dev/null
+First you need a file where your users and group are defined in. Therefore
+you need a +.users+ file which is gpg clear signed. For security reasons the
+fingerpint (+gpg --with-colons --fingerprint keyid+) signer needs to be listed
+in +~/.pws-trusted-users+.
+# cat ~/.pws-trusted-users
+cat .users
+# This file needs to be gpg signed by a key whose fingerprint
+# is listed in ~/.pws-trusted-users
+formorer = 6E3966C1E1D15DB973D05B491E45F8CA9DE23B16
+@grml = formorer
+# gpg --clear .users && mv .users.asc .users
+adding a new file
+# pws ed -n file
+editing files
+Every file needs a header like:
+# gpg < file | head -n2
+access: @all
+You can edit the encrypted file with the pws tool: +pwd ed file+.
+updating the keyring
+pws uses its own keyring use +pws update-keyring+ to update the internal