As autoreconf doesn't like intltool, override dh_autoreconf and call
intltoolize and autoreconf ourselves.
with ACL support.
* Split libsystemd-login and libsystemd-daemon into separate binary
+ * As autoreconf doesn't like intltool, override dh_autoreconf and call
+ intltoolize and autoreconf ourselves.
-- Tollef Fog Heen <> Wed, 14 Sep 2011 08:25:17 +0200
dh_install -plibpam-systemd debian/pam-configs /usr/share
dh_install debian/ifup@.service /lib/systemd/system
+ intltoolize -f
+ autoreconf -f -i
+ dh_autoreconf debian/rules -- autoreconf
dh $@ --parallel