--- /dev/null
+# This script generates a sheet with the Varnish request processing
+# state-graph.
+# $Id$
+echo '
+# The hit path
+define style_hit { outline "hit_color" }
+A: box "request received"
+ arrow down dist style_hit
+C: box "\f(CBvcl_recv{}\fP" "\f(PIreq\fP"
+ arrow " \f(CIlookup\fP" ljust down dist style_hit
+D: box "\f(CBvcl_hash{}\fP" "\f(PIreq\fP"
+ arrow " \f(CIhash\fP" ljust down dist style_hit
+E: box "obj in cache ?"
+ arrow " [yes]" ljust down dist style_hit
+F: box "obj.pass ?"
+ arrow " [no]" ljust down dist style_hit
+G: box "\f(CBvcl_hit{}\fP" "\f(PIreq obj\fP"
+ line invis down dist
+H: box invis
+ line invis down dist
+I: box invis
+ line invis down dist
+J: box invis
+ line invis down dist
+K: box invis
+ line invis down dist
+L: box invis
+ line invis down dist
+M: box "filter" "obj\[->]resp"
+ arrow down dist style_hit
+N: box "\f(CBvcl_deliver{}\fP" "\f(PIresp\fP"
+ arrow " \f(CIdeliver\fP" ljust down dist style_hit
+O: box "send resp+body"
+ arrow down dist style_hit
+P: box "request" "completed"
+ arrow " \f(CIdeliver\fP" ljust from G.s to M.n style_hit
+A0: circle invis rad .1 with .c at A.w - (.7,0)
+A2: box invis with .w at A.e + (.5,0)
+A3: box invis with .w at A2.e + (.5,0)
+A4: circle invis rad .1 with .c at A3.e + (.5,0)
+A5: box invis with .w at A3.e + (1.0,0)
+define style_sleep { outline "sleep_color" }
+T2: box "sleep on busy" with .c at (A2.c, E.c)
+T1: spline from E.ne to 1/2 <E.ne,T2.n> + (0, .5) then to T2.n -> style_sleep
+arrow from T2.w to E.e style_sleep
+' > /tmp/_hit
+echo '
+# The miss path
+define style_miss { outline "miss_color" }
+G2: box "filter" "req\[->]bereq" with .n at (A2.n, G.n)
+ line from E.se down .2 right .2 style_miss
+ line "[no]" above to (G2.n,last line .s) style_miss
+ arrow to G2.n style_miss
+H2: box "\f(CBvcl_miss{}\fP" "\f(PIreq bereq\fP" with .n at (A2.n, H.n)
+ arrow from G2.s to H2.n style_miss
+J2: box "fetch bereq" "from backend" with .n at (A2.n, J.n)
+ line " \f(CIfetch\fP" ljust from H2.s down .3 style_miss
+ arrow to J2.n style_miss
+K2: box "fetch successful ?" with .n at (A2.n, K.n)
+ arrow ljust from J2.s to K2.n style_miss
+L2: box "\f(CBvcl_fetch{}\fP" "\f(PIreq bereq obj\fP" with .n at (A2.n, L.n)
+ arrow " [yes]" ljust from K2.s to L2.n style_miss
+ line " \f(CIdeliver\fP" ljust from L2.s to (L2.s, M.e) style_miss
+ arrow to M.e style_miss
+' > /tmp/_miss
+echo '
+# The pass path
+define style_pass { outline "pass_color" }
+H3: box "filter" "req\[->]bereq" with .w at (A3.w,H.w)
+ line from C.se down .2 right .2 style_pass
+ arrow "\f(CIpass\fP" below to (H3.n, last line .s) style_pass
+ arrow to H3.n style_pass
+ arrow "[yes]" above from F.e to (H3.n, F.e) style_pass
+ line up .2 right .2 from G.ne style_pass
+ arrow "\f(CIpass\fP" below to (H3.n,last line.e) style_pass
+ arrow "\f(CIpass\fP" above from H2.e to H3.w style_pass
+I3: box "\f(CBvcl_pass{}\fP" "\f(PIreq bereq\fP" with .n at (A3.n, I.n)
+ arrow from H3.s to I3.n style_pass
+J3: box "create anon obj" with .n at (A3.n, J.n)
+ arrow " \f(CIpass\fP" ljust from I3.s to J3.n style_pass
+ arrow from J3.w to J2.e style_pass
+M3: box "obj.pass = 1" with .n at (A3.n, M.n)
+ line "\f(CIpass\fP" below from L2.e to (M3.n,L2.e) style_pass
+ arrow to M3.n style_pass
+ line from M3.s to (M3.s, M.s) - (0,.2) style_pass
+ line to M.se + (.2,-.2) style_pass
+ arrow to M.se style_pass
+' > /tmp/_pass
+echo '
+# The pipe path
+define style_pipe { outline "pipe_color" }
+C5: box "filter" "req\[->]bereq" with .n at (A5.n, C.n)
+D5: box "\f(CBvcl_pipe{}\fP" "\f(PIreq bereq\fP" with .n at (A5.n, D.n)
+E5: box "send bereq" "to backend" with .n at (A5.n, E.n)
+F5: box "move bytes" "client\[<>]backend" with .n at (A5.n, F.n)
+ line from C.ne up .2 right .2 style_pipe
+ line "\f(CIpipe\fP" above to C5.nw + (-.2, .2) style_pipe
+ arrow to C5.nw style_pipe
+ arrow from C5.s to D5.n style_pipe
+ arrow " \f(CIpipe\fP" ljust from D5.s to E5.n style_pipe
+ arrow from E5.s to F5.n style_pipe
+ line from F5.s to (F5.n,P.e) style_pipe
+ arrow to P.e style_pipe
+' > /tmp/_pipe
+echo '
+# The error path
+define style_error { outline "error_color" }
+N4: box "\f(CBvcl_error{}\fP" "\f(PIresp\fP" with .n at (A4.n, N.n)
+ arrow "\f(CIdeliver\fP" below from N4.w to N.e style_error
+ line from C.e to (A4.w,C.e) style_error
+ arrow "\f(CIerror\fP" rjust above to (A4.n,last line.s) style_error
+ arrow to N4.n style_error
+ line from G.se down .1 right .1 style_error
+ line to (A4.w,last line.s) style_error
+ arrow "\f(CIerror\fP" rjust above to (A4.n,last line.s) style_error
+ line from H2.se down .1 right .1 style_error
+ line to (A4.w,last line.s) style_error
+ arrow "\f(CIerror\fP" rjust above to (A4.n,last line.s) style_error
+ arrow "\f(CIerror\fP" above from I3.e to (A4.n,I3.e) style_error
+ line from K2.e to (A4.w,K2.e) style_error
+ arrow "[no]" rjust above to (A4.n,last line.s) style_error
+ line from L2.ne up .1 right .1 style_error
+ line to (A4.w,last line.e) style_error
+ arrow "\f(CIerror\fP" rjust above to (A4.n,last line.s) style_error
+ arrow "\f(CIerror\fP" above from D5.w to (A4.n,D5.w) style_error
+' > /tmp/_error
+echo '
+# The restart path
+define style_restart { outline "restart_color" }
+ arrow "\f(CIrestart\fP" above from G.w to (A0.c, G.w) style_restart
+ line left from H2.w to H.w style_restart
+ arrow "\f(CIrestart\fP" above to (A0.c, H2.w) style_restart
+ line left from I3.w to I.w style_restart
+ arrow "\f(CIrestart\fP" above to (A0.c, I3.w) style_restart
+ line left from L2.w to L.w style_restart
+ arrow "\f(CIrestart\fP" above to (A0.c, L2.w) style_restart
+ arrow "\f(CIrestart\fP" above from N.w to (A0.c, N.w) style_restart
+ line to (A0.c, C.w) style_restart
+ arrow to C.w style_restart
+' > /tmp/_restart
+rm -f /tmp/_
+for i in hit miss pass pipe error restart
+ cat /tmp/_$i >> /tmp/_
+ echo '
+.sp .1i
+.PSPIC -L ../../../../varnish-logo/logo/varnish-logo.eps 3i
+.sp .52i
+.ft PB
+.ps 30
+.ll 8i
+.ti 3.2i
+Request processing
+.ft PR
+.ps 10
+.sp .2i
+ echo ".defcolor hit_color rgb #009900"
+ echo ".defcolor miss_color rgb #0000cc"
+ echo ".defcolor pass_color rgb #cc0000"
+ echo ".defcolor pipe_color rgb #ff6633"
+ echo ".defcolor error_color rgb #666666"
+ echo ".defcolor restart_color rgb #990099"
+ echo ".defcolor sleep_color rgb #cccc00"
+ echo .PS
+ cat /tmp/_
+ echo .PE
+ if [ $i != "restart" ] ; then
+ echo .bp
+ fi
+) | pic | groff -o6 | tee /tmp/_2.ps |ps2pdf - /tmp/_.pdf