--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+image.pl - Download an image from the internet and display it
+This sample scripts shows how to use an image from another source than a local
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
+use Clutter qw(-gtk-init);
+use Gtk2 qw(-init);
+use Champlain;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+exit main();
+sub main {
+ my $window = Gtk2::Window->new();
+ $window->set_border_width(10);
+ $window->set_title("Champlain - Demo");
+ $window->signal_connect('destroy' => sub { Gtk2->main_quit() });
+ my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(FALSE, 10);
+ # Create the map view
+ my $map = Champlain::View->new();
+ $map->center_on(47.130885, -70.764141);
+ $map->set('scroll-mode', 'kinetic', 'zoom-level', 5);
+ my $gtk2_map = Gtk2::Champlain::ViewEmbed->new($map);
+ $gtk2_map->set_size_request(640, 480);
+ # Create the markers and marker layer
+ my $layer = create_marker_layer($map);
+ $map->add_layer($layer);
+ my $viewport = Gtk2::Viewport->new();
+ $viewport->set_shadow_type('etched-in');
+ $viewport->add($gtk2_map);
+ $vbox->add($viewport);
+ $window->add($vbox);
+ $window->show_all();
+ Gtk2->main();
+ return 0;
+# Adds a marker which has a picture taken from the Internet.
+sub create_marker_layer {
+ my ($map) = @_;
+ my $layer = Champlain::Layer->new();
+ # Download the image as an actor (Clutter::Texture)
+ my $actor = download_texture('http://hexten.net/cpan-faces/potyl.jpg');
+ # Transform the pixbuf into a Clutter texture
+ my $marker = Champlain::Marker->new_with_actor($actor);
+ $marker->set_position(47.130885, -70.764141);
+ $layer->add($marker);
+ $layer->show();
+ return $layer;
+# Download an image from an arbitrary URL and construct a texture
+# (Clutter::Texture) with it.
+sub download_texture {
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ # Download the image
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+ my $response = $ua->get($url);
+ if (! $response->is_success) {
+ die $response->status_line;
+ }
+ # Load the image with a Pixbuf Loader
+ my $mime = $response->header('content-type');
+ my $loader = Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufLoader->new_with_mime_type($mime);
+ $loader->write($response->content);
+ $loader->close;
+ my $pixbuf = $loader->get_pixbuf;
+ # Transform the Pixbuf into a Clutter::Texture
+ my $actor = Clutter::Texture->new();
+ $actor->set_from_rgb_data(
+ $pixbuf->get_pixels,
+ $pixbuf->get_has_alpha,
+ $pixbuf->get_width,
+ $pixbuf->get_height,
+ $pixbuf->get_rowstride,
+ ($pixbuf->get_has_alpha ? 4 : 3),
+ []
+ );
+ return $actor;