-template = "section.html"
+template = "index.html"
title = "Hovedside"
page_title = "wiki"
description = ""
## Prosjekter
* [Oppskrifter](@/oppskrifter/_index.md)
-* [[HDR|HDR/index]]
-* [[Wireless_trigger|WirelessTrigger/index]]
-## Planeter
-* [[Planet/Beer]]
## Lister av ymse slag
-* [[Pakkeliste]]
-* [[Tollef/Kjøpeliste]]
-* [[Tollef/Webting]]
-* [[Tollef/Nettjenester]]
-* [[KravSpecHus]]
-* [[HusKostnad]]
-* [[Innflytting]]
-* [[HandlelisteHus]]
-* [[JulegaveListe]]
+* [Pakkeliste](@/pakkeliste.md)
+* [Tollef/Nettjenester](@/tollef/nettjenester.md)
+* [KravSpecHus](@/kravspechus.md)
+* [HusKostnad](@/huskostnad.md)
+* [Innflytting](@/innflytting.md)
+* [HandlelisteHus](@/handlelistehus.md)
+* [JulegaveListe](@/julegaveliste.md)
## Hus
+++ /dev/null
-# Ymse webting
- * [Hamburgerpresse][hamburger]
- * [iphone toolchain](http://www.google.no/search?q=linux+toolchain+iphone)
- * [systemtestrammeverk, crucible](http://crucible.sourceforge.net/docs/tutorial.php)
-# Strobist-stuff
- * [Strobist-stuff i Europa](http://lightingmods.blogspot.com/2007/11/strobist-gear-where-can-i-find-it-in_19.html)
- * [Strobist-stuff i Europa](http://lightingmods.blogspot.com/2007/11/strobist-gear-where-can-i-find-it-in.html)
- [hamburger]: http://www.trend-in.no/cc/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=251
--- /dev/null
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