+2007-05-10 Wolfgang Sourdeau <wsourdeau@inverse.ca>
+ * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPUserManager.m ([LDAPUserManager
+ -contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail:uid]): check that uid is not empty.
+ * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPSource.m ([LDAPSource
+ -checkLogin:loginToCheckandPassword:passwordToCheck]): check that
+ loginToCheck is not empty.
+ ([LDAPSource -fetchContactsMatching:match]): check that match is
+ not empty.
+ ([LDAPSource -lookupContactEntry:entryID]): check that entryID is
+ not empty.
+ ([LDAPSource -lookupContactEntryWithUIDorEmail:uid]): check that
+ uid is not empty.
2007-05-09 Wolfgang Sourdeau <wsourdeau@inverse.ca>
* SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -primaryEmail]): new name
NSString *userDN;
NGLdapConnection *bindConnection;
- bindConnection = [[NGLdapConnection alloc] initWithHostName: hostname
- port: port];
- userDN = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@=%@,%@",
- IDField, loginToCheck, baseDN];
- didBind = [bindConnection bindWithMethod: @"simple" binddn: userDN
- credentials: passwordToCheck];
+ if ([loginToCheck length] > 0)
+ {
+ bindConnection = [[NGLdapConnection alloc] initWithHostName: hostname
+ port: port];
+ userDN = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@=%@,%@",
+ IDField, loginToCheck, baseDN];
+ didBind = [bindConnection bindWithMethod: @"simple" binddn: userDN
+ credentials: passwordToCheck];
+ didBind = NO;
+ [bindConnection release];
+ }
+ else
didBind = NO;
- [bindConnection release];
return didBind;
NSString *qs;
EOQualifier *qualifier;
- if (filter && [filter length] > 0)
+ if ([filter length] > 0)
if ([filter isEqualToString: @"."])
qs = @"(cn='*')";
contacts = [NSMutableArray array];
- if (!ldapConnection)
- [self _initLDAPConnection];
- entries = [ldapConnection deepSearchAtBaseDN: baseDN
- qualifier: [self _qualifierForFilter: match]
- attributes: [self _searchAttributes]];
- if (entries)
+ if ([match length] > 0)
- currentEntry = [entries nextObject];
- while (currentEntry)
+ if (!ldapConnection)
+ [self _initLDAPConnection];
+ entries = [ldapConnection deepSearchAtBaseDN: baseDN
+ qualifier: [self _qualifierForFilter: match]
+ attributes: [self _searchAttributes]];
+ if (entries)
- [contacts addObject:
- [self _convertLDAPEntryToContact: currentEntry]];
currentEntry = [entries nextObject];
+ while (currentEntry)
+ {
+ [contacts addObject:
+ [self _convertLDAPEntryToContact: currentEntry]];
+ currentEntry = [entries nextObject];
+ }
NSDictionary *contactEntry;
NGLdapEntry *ldapEntry;
- if (!ldapConnection)
- [self _initLDAPConnection];
- ldapEntry
- = [ldapConnection entryAtDN: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@=%@,%@",
- IDField, entryID, baseDN]
- attributes: [self _searchAttributes]];
- if (ldapEntry)
- contactEntry = [self _convertLDAPEntryToContact: ldapEntry];
- else
- contactEntry = nil;
+ contactEntry = nil;
+ if ([entryID length] > 0)
+ {
+ if (!ldapConnection)
+ [self _initLDAPConnection];
+ ldapEntry
+ = [ldapConnection entryAtDN: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@=%@,%@",
+ IDField, entryID, baseDN]
+ attributes: [self _searchAttributes]];
+ if (ldapEntry)
+ contactEntry = [self _convertLDAPEntryToContact: ldapEntry];
+ }
return contactEntry;
NSEnumerator *entries;
EOQualifier *qualifier;
- if (!ldapConnection)
- [self _initLDAPConnection];
- qualifier = [self _qualifierForUIDFilter: uid];
- entries = [ldapConnection deepSearchAtBaseDN: baseDN
- qualifier: qualifier
- attributes: [self _searchAttributes]];
- ldapEntry = [entries nextObject];
- if (ldapEntry)
- contactEntry = [self _convertLDAPEntryToContact: ldapEntry];
- else
- contactEntry = nil;
+ contactEntry = nil;
+ if ([uid length] > 0)
+ {
+ if (!ldapConnection)
+ [self _initLDAPConnection];
+ qualifier = [self _qualifierForUIDFilter: uid];
+ entries = [ldapConnection deepSearchAtBaseDN: baseDN
+ qualifier: qualifier
+ attributes: [self _searchAttributes]];
+ ldapEntry = [entries nextObject];
+ if (ldapEntry)
+ contactEntry = [self _convertLDAPEntryToContact: ldapEntry];
+ }
return contactEntry;
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
+// NSLog (@"getCNForUID: %@", uid);
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid];
return [contactInfos objectForKey: @"cn"];
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
+// NSLog (@"getEmailForUID: %@", uid);
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid];
return [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_email"];
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
+// NSLog (@"getUIDForEmail: %@", email);
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: email];
return [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
NSDate *cleanupDate;
BOOL newUser;
- contactInfos = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- currentUser = [users objectForKey: uid];
- if (!([currentUser objectForKey: @"emails"]
- && [currentUser objectForKey: @"cn"]))
+ if ([uid length] > 0)
- if (!currentUser)
+ contactInfos = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ currentUser = [users objectForKey: uid];
+ if (!([currentUser objectForKey: @"emails"]
+ && [currentUser objectForKey: @"cn"]))
- newUser = YES;
- currentUser = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ if (!currentUser)
+ {
+ newUser = YES;
+ currentUser = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ }
+ else
+ newUser = NO;
+ [self _fillContactInfosForUser: currentUser
+ withUIDorEmail: uid];
+ if (newUser)
+ {
+ if ([[currentUser objectForKey: @"c_uid"] length] > 0)
+ [self _retainUser: currentUser];
+ else
+ currentUser = nil;
+ }
- else
- newUser = NO;
- [self _fillContactInfosForUser: currentUser
- withUIDorEmail: uid];
- if (newUser)
- [self _retainUser: currentUser];
- }
- if (cleanupInterval)
- {
- cleanupDate = [[NSDate date] addTimeInterval: cleanupInterval];
- [currentUser setObject: cleanupDate forKey: @"cleanupDate"];
+ if (cleanupInterval && currentUser)
+ {
+ cleanupDate = [[NSDate date] addTimeInterval: cleanupInterval];
+ [currentUser setObject: cleanupDate forKey: @"cleanupDate"];
+ }
+ else
+ currentUser = nil;
return currentUser;
LDAPSource *currentSource;
contacts = [NSMutableArray array];
ldapSources = [sources objectEnumerator];
currentSource = [ldapSources nextObject];
while (currentSource)
+if (navigator.vendor == "Apple Computer, Inc." || navigator.vendor == "KDE") { // WebCore/KHTML
+ /*
+ Crossbrowser HTMLElement Prototyping
+ Copyright (C) 2005 Jason Davis, http://www.browserland.org
+ Additional thanks to Brothercake, http://www.brothercake.com
+ This code is licensed under the LGPL:
+ http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
+ */
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Object.extend(this, objectInterface);
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-{ width: 100%;
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function configureSortableTableHeaders() {
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+ document.addEventListener('load', onLoadHandler, false);
/* stubs */
function configureDragHandles() {