--- /dev/null
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+<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd">
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2013 Simon Josefsson -->
+<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd" [
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+ docName="draft-josefsson-yubikey-config-00">
+ <front>
+ <title abbrev="YubiKey Configuration Format">
+ Yubico YubiKey Configuration Format (YCFG)
+ </title>
+ <author initials="S." surname="Josefsson" fullname="Simon Josefsson">
+ <organization abbrev="Yubico">
+ Yubico
+ </organization>
+ <address>
+ <email>simon@yubico.com</email>
+ <uri>http://www.yubico.com/</uri>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+ <date month="April" year="2013"/>
+ <abstract>
+ <t>The YubiKey Configuration Format (YCFG) is a data format for
+ transportation of configuration parameters for a YubiKey slot.
+ The YubiKey is a small portable device manufactured by Yubico
+ that generate One-Time-Passwords and has room for two separate
+ configuration slots.</t>
+ </abstract>
+ </front>
+ <middle>
+ <section title="Introduction and Background">
+ <t>The YubiKey is a small portable device manufactured by <xref
+ target="YUBICO">Yubico</xref> that generate One-Time-Passwords
+ and has room for two separate configuration slots.</t>
+ <t>The YubiKey Configuration Format (YCFG) is a <xref
+ target="RFC4627">JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)</xref> data
+ format for transportation of configuration parameters for a
+ YubiKey slot.</t>
+ <t>The <xref target="RFC6030">PSKC</xref> format may be used to
+ transport key material for YubiKey tokens. However, for a
+ YubiKey to be personalized in any meaningful way, it also needs
+ a configuration. The YubiKey Configuration Format (YCFG)
+ described in this document provides a convenient way to express
+ all possible configuration variants of a YubiKey.</t>
+ <t>The reference documentation for the YubiKey is available
+ <xref target="YUBIKEY-MANUAL"/> and describes all configuration
+ options.</t>
+ <t>Briefly, each slot can be configured in one of the following
+ modes:
+ <list style="numbers">
+ <t>"yubicoOTP": YubiKey One-Time-Password: consists of a
+ static identifier concatenated with a never-repeating <xref
+ target="FIPS.197.2001">Advanced Encryption Standard
+ (AES)</xref> encrypted part. Personalization of the device
+ consumes several data fields, including a public identifier,
+ an internal identifier and an AES key.</t>
+ <t>"oathHOTP": <xref target="RFC4226">OATH HOTP</xref> mode,
+ using a HMAC-SHA1 secret.</t>
+ <t>"hmacCR": A challenge response mode, using a HMAC-SHA1 secret.</t>
+ <t>"yubicoCR": A challenge response mode which is YubiKey OTP
+ compatible.</t>
+ <t>"staticTicket": A mode that emits a static password.</t>
+ </list></t>
+ <t>There is a number of options that applies to all modes, and
+ some options that is only relevant for a particular mode.</t>
+ </section>
+ <section title="YubiKey Configuration Format Definition">
+ <t>Each YCFG instance is a JSON object with one member with name
+ "yubiProdConfig" having an object value.</t>
+ <t>The following illustrate a small YCFG example.</t>
+ <figure>
+ <artwork><![CDATA[
+ "yubiProdConfig" :
+ {
+ "mode" : "yubicoOTP",
+ "options" :
+ {
+ "appendCR" : true,
+ "serialApiVisible" : true,
+ },
+ "prefix" : "eibn",
+ "protection" : "random"
+ "scope" : "privatePrefix"
+ }
+ </figure>
+ <t>The following members of the "yubiProdConfig" object are
+ always permitted to exist.</t>
+ <t><list style="symbols">
+ <t>"mode": A string, used to specify the basic operation mode
+ of the slot. Permitted values include "unconfigured" to
+ denote bare keys, "yubicoOTP" to denote normal YubiKey OTP
+ mode, "oathHOTP" meaning OATH HOTP mode, "yubicoCR" means
+ Yubico OTP-based challenge response "hmacCR" means HMAC-based
+ challenge response mode, and "staticTicket" means static
+ password mode.</t>
+ <t>"options": An object with configuration parameters, see
+ below for definition.</t>
+ <t>"protection": A string having a value of "random", "none",
+ "batch", or "id", specifying how write access to the slot is
+ to be protected.</t>
+ <t>"scope": A string having a value of "noPublicId",
+ "yubiCloud", or "privatePrefix".</t>
+ <t>"ndefType": A string with the NFC NDEF type.</t>
+ <t>"ndefString": A string with the NFC NDEF content.</t>
+ </list></t>
+ <t>The following members of the "yubiProdConfig" object only
+ exists when "mode" is "yubicoOTP", "yubicoCR", and
+ "oathHOTP".</t>
+ <t><list style="symbols">
+ <t>"prefix": A string, identifying the YubiKey prefix.</t>
+ </list></t>
+ <t>The following members of the "options" object are always
+ permitted to exist.</t>
+ <t><list style="symbols">
+ <t>"allowUpdate": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"appendCR": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"appendDelay1": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"appendDelay2": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"sendRef": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"pacing10ms": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"pacing20ms": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"dormant": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"fastTrig": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"shortTicket": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"protectSecond": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"serialApiVisible": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"serialBtnVisible": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"serialUsbVisible": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"tabBetween": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"tabFirst": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"tabLast": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"useNumericKeypad": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"invertLed": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ </list></t>
+ <t>The following members of the "options" object only exists
+ when "mode" is "oathHOTP".</t>
+ <t><list style="symbols">
+ <t>"fixedSeedValue": A number indicating the OATH
+ HOTP initial moving factor (must be a multiple of 16).</t>
+ <t>"oathDigits": A number indicating the number of
+ digits in OATH HOTP to emit (6 or 8).</t>
+ <t>"randomSeed": A literal (false or true) denoting
+ whether the seed should be initialized to random.</t>
+ </list></t>
+ <t>The following members of the "options" object only exists
+ when "mode" is "hmacCR" or "yubicoCR".</t>
+ <t><list style="symbols">
+ <t>"buttonReqd": A literal (false or true) denoting
+ whether user presence is required.</t>
+ </list></t>
+ <t>The following members of the "options" object only exists
+ when "mode" is "hmacCR".</t>
+ <t><list style="symbols">
+ <t>"hmacLt64": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ </list></t>
+ <t>The following members of the "options" object only exists
+ when "mode" is "staticTicket".</t>
+ <t><list style="symbols">
+ <t>"strongPw1": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"strongPw2": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ <t>"manUpdate": A literal (false or true).</t>
+ </list></t>
+ <t>All literal options have a default of "false"; thus it is
+ only required to include a particular option if there is an
+ intent to indicate a "true" value.</t>
+ </section>
+ <section title="Examples">
+ <t>The following illustrate a slot configured in OATH HOTP
+ mode.</t>
+ <figure>
+ <artwork><![CDATA[
+ "yubiProdConfig" :
+ {
+ "mode" : "oathHOTP",
+ "options" :
+ {
+ "allowUpdate" : false,
+ "appendCR" : false,
+ "dormant" : false,
+ "fastTrig" : false,
+ "fixedSeedValue" : 16,
+ "oathDigits" : 6,
+ "protectSecond" : true,
+ "randomSeed" : false,
+ "serialApiVisible" : true,
+ "serialBtnVisible" : true,
+ "serialUsbVisible" : false,
+ "tabBetween" : false,
+ "tabFirst" : false,
+ "tabLast" : false,
+ "useNumericKeypad" : false
+ },
+ "protection" : "random",
+ "scope" : "noPublicId"
+ }
+ </figure>
+ <t>The following illustrate a slot configured in YubiKey OTP
+ mode.</t>
+ <figure>
+ <artwork><![CDATA[
+ "yubiProdConfig" :
+ {
+ "mode" : "yubicoOTP",
+ "options" :
+ {
+ "allowUpdate" : true,
+ "appendCR" : true,
+ "dormant" : false,
+ "protectSecond" : false,
+ "serialApiVisible" : true,
+ "serialBtnVisible" : true,
+ "serialUsbVisible" : false,
+ "tabBetween" : false,
+ "tabFirst" : false,
+ "tabLast" : false
+ },
+ "prefix" : "eice",
+ "protection" : "none",
+ "scope" : "privatePrefix"
+ }
+ </figure>
+ <t>The following illustrate a slot configured in challenge
+ response mode.</t>
+ <figure>
+ <artwork><![CDATA[
+ "yubiProdConfig" :
+ {
+ "mode" : "hmacCR",
+ "options" :
+ {
+ "buttonReqd" : false,
+ "protectSecond" : false,
+ "serialApiVisible" : true,
+ "serialBtnVisible" : true,
+ "serialUsbVisible" : false
+ },
+ "protection" : "random"
+ }
+ </figure>
+ </section>
+ <section title="Acknowledgements">
+ <t>The following people contributed to the design of the YCFG
+ format: Jakob Ehrensvärd, Fredrik Thulin, Klas Lindfors, and
+ John Salter.</t>
+ </section>
+ <section title="Security Considerations">
+ <t>General security considerations for the YubiKey and of JSON
+ are relevant and critical to safe usage of the YCFG format.</t>
+ <t>YCFG data needs to be integrity protected during transport in
+ order to avoid attacks which causes YubiKeys to be personalized
+ with unintended behaviour.</t>
+ <t>Software that operates in this data format must be
+ implemented properly to not introduce security vulnerabilities
+ triggered by specially crafted input.</t>
+ </section>
+ </middle>
+ <back>
+ <references title="Normative References">
+ &rfc4627;
+ <reference anchor="YUBIKEY-MANUAL">
+ <front>
+ <title>YubiKey Manual</title>
+ <author initials="J." surname="Ehrensvard"
+ fullname="Jakob Ehrensvard"/>
+ </front>
+ <seriesInfo name="WWW" value="http://static.yubico.com/var/uploads/pdfs/YubiKey_Manual_2010-09-16.pdf" />
+ </reference>
+ </references>
+ <references title="Informative References">
+ <reference anchor="YUBICO">
+ <front>
+ <title>Yubico Company Web Page</title>
+ <author initials="" surname="" fullname="A"/>
+ </front>
+ <seriesInfo name="WWW" value="http://www.yubico.com/" />
+ </reference>
+ &aes;
+ &rfc4226;
+ &rfc6030;
+ </references>
+ </back>
{ TKTFLAG_TAB_FIRST, "TAB_FIRST", "tabFirst", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT },
{ TKTFLAG_APPEND_TAB1, "APPEND_TAB1", "tabBetween", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT },
{ TKTFLAG_APPEND_TAB2, "APPEND_TAB2", "tabLast", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT },
- { TKTFLAG_APPEND_DELAY1,"APPEND_DELAY1","appendDelay1", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT }, /* XXX: name? */
- { TKTFLAG_APPEND_DELAY2,"APPEND_DELAY2","appendDelay2", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT }, /* XXX: name? */
+ { TKTFLAG_APPEND_DELAY1,"APPEND_DELAY1","appendDelay1", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT },
+ { TKTFLAG_APPEND_DELAY2,"APPEND_DELAY2","appendDelay2", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT },
{ TKTFLAG_APPEND_CR, "APPEND_CR", "appendCR", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT },
{ TKTFLAG_PROTECT_CFG2, "PROTEXT_CFG2", "protectSecond",capability_has_slot_two, MODE_ALL },
{ TKTFLAG_OATH_HOTP, "OATH_HOTP", 0, capability_has_oath, MODE_OATH_HOTP },
struct map_st _config_flags_map[] = {
{ CFGFLAG_CHAL_YUBICO, "CHAL_YUBICO", 0, capability_has_chal_resp, MODE_CHAL_YUBICO },
{ CFGFLAG_CHAL_HMAC, "CHAL_HMAC", 0, capability_has_chal_resp, MODE_CHAL_HMAC },
- { CFGFLAG_HMAC_LT64, "HMAC_LT64", "hmacLT64", capability_has_chal_resp, MODE_CHAL_HMAC }, /* XXX: name? */
+ { CFGFLAG_HMAC_LT64, "HMAC_LT64", "hmacLt64", capability_has_chal_resp, MODE_CHAL_HMAC },
{ CFGFLAG_CHAL_BTN_TRIG, "CHAL_BTN_TRIG", "buttonReqd", capability_has_chal_resp, MODE_CHAL_RESP },
{ CFGFLAG_OATH_HOTP8, "OATH_HOTP8", 0, capability_has_oath, MODE_OATH_HOTP },
- { CFGFLAG_SEND_REF, "SEND_REF", "sendRef", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT }, /* XXX: name? */
+ { CFGFLAG_SEND_REF, "SEND_REF", "sendRef", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT },
{ CFGFLAG_TICKET_FIRST, "TICKET_FIRST", 0, capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT },
- { CFGFLAG_PACING_10MS, "PACKING_10MS", "pacing10MS", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT }, /* XXX: name? */
- { CFGFLAG_PACING_20MS, "PACING_20MS", "pacing20MS", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT }, /* XXX: name? */
+ { CFGFLAG_PACING_10MS, "PACKING_10MS", "pacing10ms", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT },
+ { CFGFLAG_PACING_20MS, "PACING_20MS", "pacing20ms", capability_has_ticket_mods, MODE_OUTPUT },
{ CFGFLAG_ALLOW_HIDTRIG, "ALLOW_HIDTRIG", 0, capability_has_hidtrig, MODE_OUTPUT },
- { CFGFLAG_SHORT_TICKET, "SHORT_TICKET", "shortTicket", capability_has_static_extras, MODE_STATIC_TICKET }, /* XXX: name? */
- { CFGFLAG_STRONG_PW1, "STRONG_PW1", "strongPw1", capability_has_static_extras, MODE_STATIC_TICKET }, /* XXX: name? */
- { CFGFLAG_STRONG_PW2, "STRONG_PW2", "strongPw2", capability_has_static_extras, MODE_STATIC_TICKET }, /* XXX: name? */
- { CFGFLAG_MAN_UPDATE, "MAN_UPDATE", "manUpdate", capability_has_static_extras, MODE_STATIC_TICKET }, /* XXX: name? */
+ { CFGFLAG_SHORT_TICKET, "SHORT_TICKET", "shortTicket", capability_has_static_extras, MODE_STATIC_TICKET },
+ { CFGFLAG_STRONG_PW1, "STRONG_PW1", "strongPw1", capability_has_static_extras, MODE_STATIC_TICKET },
+ { CFGFLAG_STRONG_PW2, "STRONG_PW2", "strongPw2", capability_has_static_extras, MODE_STATIC_TICKET },
+ { CFGFLAG_MAN_UPDATE, "MAN_UPDATE", "manUpdate", capability_has_static_extras, MODE_STATIC_TICKET },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
struct map_st _modes_map[] = {
{ MODE_OATH_HOTP, 0, "oathHOTP", 0, 0 },
{ MODE_CHAL_HMAC, 0, "hmacCR", 0, 0 },
- { MODE_STATIC_TICKET, 0, "staticTicket", 0, 0 }, /* XXX: name? */
+ { MODE_STATIC_TICKET, 0, "staticTicket", 0, 0 },
{ MODE_CHAL_YUBICO, 0, "yubicoCR", 0, 0 },
{ MODE_OTP_YUBICO, 0, "yubicoOTP", 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }