+++ /dev/null
- * This file is part of mapper
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2007 Kaj-Michael Lang
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 John Costigan.
- *
- * POI and GPS-Info code originally written by Cezary Jackiewicz.
- *
- * Default map data provided by http://www.openstreetmap.org/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <glib/gstdio.h>
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <libintl.h>
-#include <locale.h>
-#include "hildon-mapper.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "map.h"
-#include "osm.h"
-#include "db.h"
-#include "osm-db.h"
-#include "poi.h"
-#include "route.h"
-#include "track.h"
-#include "gps.h"
-#include "mapper-types.h"
-#include "ui-common.h"
-#include "settings.h"
-#include "latlon.h"
-#include "gpx.h"
-#include "speak.h"
-#include "map-poi.h"
-#include "map-download.h"
-#include "announcements.h"
-#include "gtkcompass.h"
-#include "dialogs.h"
-#include "image-cache.h"
-#define DEBUG_MAP_TIME 1
-#define MAP_THUMB_MARGIN_X (100)
-#define MAP_THUMB_MARGIN_Y (75)
-/* Initial size */
-#define BUF_WIDTH_TILES (4)
-#define BUF_HEIGHT_TILES (3)
-#define BUF_WIDTH_PIXELS (1024)
-#define BUF_HEIGHT_PIXELS (768)
-static guint buf_width_tiles=BUF_WIDTH_TILES;
-static guint buf_height_tiles=BUF_HEIGHT_TILES;
-static guint buf_width_pixels=BUF_WIDTH_PIXELS;
-static guint buf_height_pixels=BUF_HEIGHT_PIXELS;
-#ifdef WITH_GL
-#include <GL/gl.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkgl.h>
-GdkGLConfig* map_gl_config=NULL;
-gboolean map_gl=FALSE;
-#ifdef WITH_CAIRO
-cairo_t *ct_pixmap;
-/** The backing pixmap of map_widget. */
-static GdkPixmap *map_pixmap;
-/* Tile cache, this might need some adjustment */
-#define MAP_CACHE_DEFAULT (64)
-static ImageCache *map_ic;
-/** The "base tile" is the upper-left tile in the pixmap. */
-guint _base_tilex = -5;
-guint _base_tiley = -5;
-static guint map_max_zoom=MAX_ZOOM;
-guint _zoom = 3; /* zoom level, from 0 to MAX_ZOOM. */
-Point _min_center = { -1, -1 };
-Point _max_center = { -1, -1 };
-Point _focus = { -1, -1 };
-/* current center location, X. */
-Point _center = { -1, -1 };
-CenterMode _center_mode = CENTER_LEAD;
-/* Drag */
-static guint press[2] = { 0, 0 };
-static guint release[2] = { 0, 0 };
-static guint before[2] = { 0, 0 };
-static guint map_drag_id = 0;
-static gboolean map_dragged;
-static gint mark_x1;
-static gint mark_x2;
-static gint mark_y1;
-static gint mark_y2;
-static gint mark_minx;
-static gint mark_miny;
-static gint mark_width;
-static gint mark_height;
-static GdkRectangle scale_rect;
-static PangoContext *scale_context;
-static PangoFontDescription *scale_font;
-static PangoLayout *scale_layout;
-static GdkGC *speed_gc1;
-static GdkGC *speed_gc2;
-static PangoContext *speed_context;
-static PangoLayout *speed_layout;
-static PangoFontDescription *speed_fontdesc;
-static gint zoom_timeout_sid=0;
-static gint map_mode=0;
-static gboolean map_data_needs_refresh=FALSE;
-osm_location map_loc = {NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 };
-static GTimer *map_timer;
-/* Tile max age, 1 week */
-#define TILE_MAX_AGE (604800)
-#define KM10KNOTS (5.39956803)
-static void map_update_location(gdouble lat, gdouble lon, gboolean force);
-static void map_speed_draw(void);
-static void map_draw_position_icon(Position *pos, const gchar *icon);
-static gboolean map_cb_after_realize(GtkWidget *map_widget, gpointer data);
-static gboolean map_cb_configure(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event);
-static gboolean map_cb_expose(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventExpose * event);
-static gboolean map_cb_button_press(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * event);
-static gboolean map_cb_button_release(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * event);
-static gboolean map_cb_scroll_event(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventScroll * event);
-GtkWidget *
-GtkWidget *map_widget;
-gtk_widget_set_extension_events(GTK_WIDGET(map_widget), GDK_EXTENSION_EVENTS_ALL);
-#ifdef WITH_GL
-map_gl_config=gdk_gl_config_new_by_mode(GDK_GL_MODE_RGB | GDK_GL_MODE_DEPTH);
-if (map_gl_config) {
- g_print("OpenGL version: %s\n", glGetString (GL_VERSION));
- g_print("OpenGL vendor: %s\n", glGetString (GL_VENDOR));
- g_print("OpenGL renderer: %s\n", glGetString (GL_RENDERER));
- gtk_widget_set_gl_capability(map_widget, map_gl_config, NULL, TRUE, GDK_GL_RGBA_TYPE);
- map_gl=TRUE;
-g_signal_connect_after(G_OBJECT(map_widget), "realize", G_CALLBACK(map_cb_after_realize), NULL);
-g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(map_widget), "configure_event", G_CALLBACK(map_cb_configure), NULL);
-return map_widget;
-map_set_cache_size(guint cache_size)
-image_cache_set_size(map_ic, cache_size);
-static gboolean
-map_cb_after_realize(GtkWidget *map_widget, gpointer data)
-GdkColor color;
-g_debug("MAP: after_realize");
-pango_font_description_set_size(scale_font, 12 * PANGO_SCALE);
-pango_layout_set_font_description(scale_layout, scale_font);
-/* Speed limit, over limit color */
-gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(speed_gc1, &color);
-/* Speed limit, under limit color */
-gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(speed_gc2, &color);
-pango_font_description_set_size(speed_fontdesc, 48 * PANGO_SCALE);
-pango_layout_set_font_description(speed_layout, speed_fontdesc);
-pango_layout_set_alignment(speed_layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
-/* Signals */
-g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(map_widget), "expose_event", G_CALLBACK(map_cb_expose), NULL);
-g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(map_widget), "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(map_cb_button_press), NULL);
-g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(map_widget), "button_release_event",G_CALLBACK(map_cb_button_release), NULL);
-g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(map_widget), "scroll_event", G_CALLBACK(map_cb_scroll_event), NULL);
-return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-map_cb_configure(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event)
-guint tw, th;
-if (map_pixmap==NULL) {
- map_pixmap=gdk_pixmap_new(widget->window, tw, th, -1);
-} else {
- if (tw>buf_width_pixels || th>buf_height_pixels) {
- g_object_unref(map_pixmap);
- map_pixmap=gdk_pixmap_new(widget->window, tw, th, -1);
- } else if (tw<buf_width_pixels-(TILE_SIZE_PIXELS*2) || th<buf_height_pixels-(TILE_SIZE_PIXELS*2)) {
- g_object_unref(map_pixmap);
- map_pixmap=gdk_pixmap_new(widget->window, tw, th, -1);
- }
-_screen_width_pixels = widget->allocation.width;
-_screen_height_pixels = widget->allocation.height;
-_screen_grids_halfwidth = pixel2grid(_screen_width_pixels) / 2;
-_screen_grids_halfheight = pixel2grid(_screen_height_pixels) / 2;
-/* Set scale_rect. */
-scale_rect.x = (_screen_width_pixels - SCALE_WIDTH) / 2;
-scale_rect.width = SCALE_WIDTH;
-_min_center.unitx = pixel2unit(grid2pixel(_screen_grids_halfwidth));
-_min_center.unity = pixel2unit(grid2pixel(_screen_grids_halfheight));
-_max_center.unitx = WORLD_SIZE_UNITS - grid2unit(_screen_grids_halfwidth) - 1;
-_max_center.unity = WORLD_SIZE_UNITS - grid2unit(_screen_grids_halfheight) - 1;
-return TRUE;
- * Draw the current mark (representing the current GPS location) onto
- * _map_widget. This method does not queue the draw area.
- */
-static void
-map_draw_mark(Gps *gps)
-gdk_draw_arc(_map_widget->window, gps->io.conn == RCVR_FIXED ? _gc[COLORABLE_MARK] : _gc[COLORABLE_MARK_OLD], FALSE,
- mark_x1 - _draw_width, mark_y1 - _draw_width, 2 * _draw_width, 2 * _draw_width, 0, 360 * 64);
-gdk_draw_line(_map_widget->window, gps->io.conn == RCVR_FIXED ? (_show_velvec ? _gc[COLORABLE_MARK_VELOCITY] : _gc[COLORABLE_MARK]) : _gc[COLORABLE_MARK_OLD],
- mark_x1, mark_y1, mark_x2, mark_y2);
- * "Set" the mark, which translates the current GPS position into on-screen
- * units in preparation for drawing the mark with map_draw_mark().
- */
-map_set_mark(GpsData *gps)
-mark_x1 = unit2x(gps->unitx);
-mark_y1 = unit2y(gps->unity);
-mark_x2 = mark_x1 + (_show_velvec ? gps->vel_offsetx : 0);
-mark_y2 = mark_y1 + (_show_velvec ? gps->vel_offsety : 0);
-mark_minx = MIN(mark_x1, mark_x2) - (2 * _draw_width);
-mark_miny = MIN(mark_y1, mark_y2) - (2 * _draw_width);
-mark_width = abs(mark_x1 - mark_x2) + (4 * _draw_width);
-mark_height = abs(mark_y1 - mark_y2) + (4 * _draw_width);
- * Do an in-place scaling of a pixbuf's pixels at the given ratio from the
- * given source location. It would have been nice if gdk_pixbuf provided
- * this method, but I guess it's not general-purpose enough.
- */
-static void
-map_pixbuf_scale_inplace(GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, guint ratio_p2, guint src_x, guint src_y)
-guint dest_x = 0, dest_y = 0, dest_dim = TILE_SIZE_PIXELS;
-guint rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf);
-guint n_channels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(pixbuf);
-guchar *pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf);
-/* Sweep through the entire dest area, copying as necessary, but
- * DO NOT OVERWRITE THE SOURCE AREA. We'll copy it afterward. */
-do {
- guint src_dim = dest_dim >> ratio_p2;
- guint src_endx = src_x - dest_x + src_dim;
- gint x, y;
- for (y = dest_dim - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
- guint src_offset_y, dest_offset_y;
- src_offset_y = (src_y + (y >> ratio_p2)) * rowstride;
- dest_offset_y = (dest_y + y) * rowstride;
- x = dest_dim - 1;
- if ((unsigned)(dest_y + y - src_y) < src_dim && (unsigned)(dest_x + x - src_x) < src_dim)
- x -= src_dim;
- for (; x >= 0; x--) {
- guint src_offset, dest_offset, i;
- src_offset = src_offset_y + (src_x + (x >> ratio_p2)) * n_channels;
- dest_offset = dest_offset_y + (dest_x + x) * n_channels;
- pixels[dest_offset] = pixels[src_offset];
- for (i = n_channels - 1; i; i--)
- pixels[dest_offset + i] = pixels[src_offset + i];
- if ((unsigned)(dest_y + y - src_y) < src_dim && x == src_endx)
- x -= src_dim;
- }
- }
- /* Reuse src_dim and src_endx to store new src_x and src_y. */
- src_dim = src_x + ((src_x - dest_x) >> ratio_p2);
- src_endx = src_y + ((src_y - dest_y) >> ratio_p2);
- dest_x = src_x;
- dest_y = src_y;
- src_x = src_dim;
- src_y = src_endx;
-while ((dest_dim >>= ratio_p2) > 1);
- * Trim pixbufs that are bigger than tiles. (Those pixbufs result, when
- * captions should be cut off.)
- */
-static GdkPixbuf *
-pixbuf_trim(GdkPixbuf * pixbuf)
-GdkPixbuf *mpixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(pixbuf),
- (gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf) - TILE_SIZE_PIXELS) / 2,
- (gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf) - TILE_SIZE_PIXELS) / 2,
- TILE_SIZE_PIXELS, mpixbuf, 0, 0);
-return mpixbuf;
-GdkPixmap *
-return map_pixmap;
-static GdkPixbuf *
-map_tile_load(guint tilex, guint tiley, gint zoff, gboolean download)
-GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
-GError *error = NULL;
-gchar buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
-gchar key[BUFFER_SIZE];
-struct stat tstat;
-gint se;
-g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%u/%u/%u.jpg", _curr_repo->cache_dir, _zoom + zoff, (tilex >> zoff), (tiley >> zoff));
-g_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s/%u/%u/%u", _curr_repo->cache_dir, _zoom + zoff, (tilex >> zoff), (tiley >> zoff));
-pixbuf=image_cache_get(map_ic, key, buffer);
-if (!pixbuf) {
- g_unlink(buffer);
- if (_auto_download && _curr_repo->type != REPOTYPE_NONE && !((_zoom + zoff - (_curr_repo->double_size ? 1 : 0)) % _curr_repo->dl_zoom_steps)) {
- if (download)
- map_initiate_download(tilex >> zoff, tiley >> zoff, _zoom + zoff, -INITIAL_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES);
- }
- return NULL;
-#if 0
-/* Check if we need to trim. */
-if (gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf) != TILE_SIZE_PIXELS || gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf) != TILE_SIZE_PIXELS)
- pixbuf=pixbuf_trim(pixbuf);
-/* Check tile age, if file date is ower a week old, redownload if autodownload enabled */
-se=stat(buffer, &tstat);
-if (se==0) {
- time_t t;
- t=time(NULL);
- if (t-tstat.st_mtime>TILE_MAX_AGE) {
- if (_auto_download && _curr_repo->type != REPOTYPE_NONE && !((_zoom + zoff - (_curr_repo->double_size ? 1 : 0)) % _curr_repo->dl_zoom_steps)) {
- if (download) {
- g_debug("Tile: %s is old, re-downloading\n", buffer);
- map_initiate_download(tilex >> zoff, tiley >> zoff, _zoom + zoff, -INITIAL_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES);
- image_cache_invalidate(map_ic, key);
- }
- }
- }
-return pixbuf;
-map_render_tile(guint tilex, guint tiley, guint destx, guint desty, gboolean fast_fail)
-GdkPixbuf *pixbuf=NULL;
-gint zoff;
-if (destx > buf_width_pixels || desty > buf_height_pixels)
- return FALSE;
-if (tilex > _world_size_tiles || tiley > _world_size_tiles)
- return FALSE;
-g_debug("MAP RT: %u %u (%u) %u %u (%u, %u)", tilex, tiley, _world_size_tiles, destx, desty, buf_width_tiles, buf_height_tiles);
-/* The tile is possible. */
-for (zoff = (_curr_repo->double_size ? 1 : 0); !pixbuf && (_zoom + zoff) <= map_max_zoom && zoff <= TILE_SIZE_P2; zoff += 1) {
- pixbuf=map_tile_load(tilex, tiley, zoff, !fast_fail);
- if (!pixbuf) {
- if (!fast_fail)
- fast_fail=TRUE;
- } else {
- /* Check if we need to blit. */
- if (zoff) {
- map_pixbuf_scale_inplace(pixbuf, zoff,
- (tilex - ((tilex >> zoff) << zoff)) << (TILE_SIZE_P2 - zoff),
- (tiley - ((tiley >> zoff) << zoff)) << (TILE_SIZE_P2 - zoff));
- image_cache_invalidate_by_image(map_ic, pixbuf);
- }
- }
-if (pixbuf) {
- gdk_draw_pixbuf(map_pixmap, _gc[COLORABLE_MARK],
- pixbuf, 0, 0, destx, desty,
- g_object_unref(pixbuf);
- return TRUE;
-gdk_draw_rectangle(map_pixmap, _map_widget->style->black_gc, TRUE, destx, desty, TILE_SIZE_PIXELS, TILE_SIZE_PIXELS);
-return TRUE;
-/* Don't update if dragging, too much lag */
-if (map_drag_id>0)
- return;
- map_render_all_pois(buf_width_pixels, buf_height_pixels);
-if (_home->valid)
- map_draw_position_icon(_home, "home");
-if (_dest->valid)
- map_draw_position_icon(_dest, "destination");
- map_render_paths();
- * Force a redraw of the entire map_pixmap, including fetching the
- * background maps from disk and redrawing the tracks on top of them.
- */
-guint new_x, new_y;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-gulong tms;
-for (new_y = 0; new_y < buf_height_tiles; ++new_y)
- for (new_x = 0; new_x < buf_width_tiles; ++new_x) {
- map_render_tile(_base_tilex + new_x, _base_tiley + new_y,
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-g_debug("Full redraw: %f sec\n", g_timer_elapsed(map_timer, &tms));
-return _zoom;
- * Set the current zoom level. If the given zoom level is the same as the
- * current zoom level, or if the new zoom is invalid
- * (not MIN_ZOOM <= new_zoom < MAX_ZOOM), then this method does nothing.
- */
-map_set_zoom(guint new_zoom)
-/* Note that, since new_zoom is a guint and MIN_ZOOM is 0, this if
- * condition also checks for new_zoom >= MIN_ZOOM. */
-if (new_zoom > (map_max_zoom - 1))
- return FALSE;
-if (new_zoom == _zoom)
- return FALSE;
-_zoom = new_zoom / _curr_repo->view_zoom_steps * _curr_repo->view_zoom_steps;
-_world_size_tiles = unit2tile(WORLD_SIZE_UNITS);
-/* If we're leading, update the center to reflect new zoom level. */
-MACRO_RECALC_CENTER(_gps->data, _center.unitx, _center.unity);
-/* Update center bounds to reflect new zoom level. */
-_min_center.unitx = pixel2unit(grid2pixel(_screen_grids_halfwidth));
-_min_center.unity = pixel2unit(grid2pixel(_screen_grids_halfheight));
-_max_center.unitx = WORLD_SIZE_UNITS - grid2unit(_screen_grids_halfwidth) - 1;
-_max_center.unity = WORLD_SIZE_UNITS - grid2unit(_screen_grids_halfheight) - 1;
-BOUND(_center.unitx, _min_center.unitx, _max_center.unitx);
-BOUND(_center.unity, _min_center.unity, _max_center.unity);
-_base_tilex = grid2tile((gint) pixel2grid((gint) unit2pixel((gint) _center.unitx)) - (gint) _screen_grids_halfwidth);
-_base_tiley = grid2tile(pixel2grid(unit2pixel(_center.unity)) - _screen_grids_halfheight);
-/* New zoom level, so we can't reuse the old buffer's pixels. */
-/* Update state variables. */
-return TRUE;
- * Center the view on the given unitx/unity.
- */
-map_center_unit(guint new_center_unitx, guint new_center_unity)
-gint new_base_tilex, new_base_tiley;
-guint new_x, new_y;
-guint j, k, base_new_x, base_old_x, old_x, old_y, iox, ioy;
-/* Assure that _center.unitx/y are bounded. */
-BOUND(new_center_unitx, _min_center.unitx, _max_center.unitx);
-BOUND(new_center_unity, _min_center.unity, _max_center.unity);
-_center.unitx = new_center_unitx;
-_center.unity = new_center_unity;
-new_base_tilex = grid2tile((gint) pixel2grid((gint)unit2pixel((gint) _center.unitx)) - (gint)_screen_grids_halfwidth);
-new_base_tiley = grid2tile(pixel2grid(unit2pixel(_center.unity)) - _screen_grids_halfheight);
-/* Same zoom level, so it's likely that we can reuse some of the old
- * buffer's pixels. */
-if (new_base_tilex != _base_tilex || new_base_tiley != _base_tiley) {
- /* If copying from old parts to new parts, we need to make sure we
- * don't overwrite the old parts when copying, so set up new_x,
- * new_y, old_x, old_y, iox, and ioy with that in mind. */
- if (new_base_tiley < _base_tiley) {
- /* New is lower than old - start at bottom and go up. */
- new_y = buf_height_tiles - 1;
- ioy = -1;
- } else {
- /* New is higher than old - start at top and go down. */
- new_y = 0;
- ioy = 1;
- }
- if (new_base_tilex < _base_tilex) {
- /* New is righter than old - start at right and go left. */
- base_new_x = buf_width_tiles - 1;
- iox = -1;
- } else {
- /* New is lefter than old - start at left and go right. */
- base_new_x = 0;
- iox = 1;
- }
- /* Iterate over the y tile values. */
- old_y = new_y + new_base_tiley - _base_tiley;
- base_old_x = base_new_x + new_base_tilex - _base_tilex;
- _base_tilex = new_base_tilex;
- _base_tiley = new_base_tiley;
- for (j = 0; j < buf_height_tiles; ++j, new_y += ioy, old_y += ioy) {
- new_x = base_new_x;
- old_x = base_old_x;
- /* Iterate over the x tile values. */
- for (k = 0; k < buf_width_tiles; ++k, new_x += iox, old_x += iox) {
- /* Can we get this grid block from the old buffer?. */
- if (old_x >= 0 && old_x < buf_width_tiles && old_y >= 0 && old_y < buf_height_tiles) {
- /* Copy from old buffer to new buffer. */
- gdk_draw_drawable(map_pixmap,
- map_pixmap,
- } else {
- map_render_tile(new_base_tilex + new_x,
- new_base_tiley + new_y,
- map_drag_id!=0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
- }
- }
- }
- map_render_data();
- * Pan the view by the given number of units in the X and Y directions.
- */
-map_pan(gint delta_unitx, gint delta_unity)
-if (_center_mode > 0)
- set_action_activate("autocenter_none", TRUE);
-map_center_unit(_center.unitx + delta_unitx, _center.unity + delta_unity);
- * Helper to center map on given lat/lon
- */
-map_center_latlon(gdouble lat, gdouble lon)
-guint unitx, unity;
-latlon2unit(lat, lon, unitx, unity);
-map_center_unit(unitx, unity);
- * Helper to goto given point and update location
- *
- */
-map_goto_position(Position *pos)
-if (pos->valid==FALSE)
- return FALSE;
-map_center_latlon(pos->lat, pos->lon);
-map_set_autozoom(FALSE, 0);
-g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE,(GSourceFunc)map_update_location_from_center, NULL, NULL);
-return TRUE;
- * Initiate a move of the mark from the old location to the current
- * location. This function queues the draw area of the old mark (to force
- * drawing of the background map), then updates the mark, then queus the
- * draw area of the new mark.
- */
-/* Just queue the old and new draw areas. */
- mark_minx<0 ? 0 : mark_minx,
- mark_miny<0 ? 0 : mark_miny,
- mark_width, mark_height);
- mark_minx<0 ? 0 : mark_minx,
- mark_miny<0 ? 0 : mark_miny,
- mark_width, mark_height);
-map_update_location_from_gps(Gps *gps)
-map_update_location(gps->data.lat, gps->data.lon, FALSE);
-return FALSE;
-gdouble lat, lon;
-/* Force re-validation of place if user is clicking around */
-/* XXX: hmm, not the right place for this */
-#if 0
-if (_gps->fix==FIX_NOFIX) {
- _gps->data.unitx=_center.unitx;
- _gps->data.unity=_center.unity;
- unit2latlon(_gps->data.unitx, _gps->data.unity, _gps->data.lat, _gps->data.lon);
-unit2latlon(_center.unitx, _center.unity, lat, lon);
-map_update_location(lat, lon, TRUE);
-return FALSE;
-map_draw_pixbuf_on_buffer(gint x, gint y, GdkPixbuf *p)
-if ((x < 0) || (y < 0))
- return;
-if ((x > buf_width_pixels) || (y > buf_height_pixels))
- return;
-gdk_draw_pixbuf(map_pixmap, _gc[COLORABLE_POI],
- p, 0, 0,
- x - gdk_pixbuf_get_width(p) / 2,
- y - gdk_pixbuf_get_height(p) / 2,
- -1, -1, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);
- * Draw given pixbuf on map, centered on x,y
- */
-map_draw_pixbuf(guint unitx, guint unity, GdkPixbuf *p)
-gint x,y;
-map_draw_pixbuf_on_buffer(x, y, p);
- * Draw an icon at given Position.
- *
- */
-static void
-map_draw_position_icon(Position *pos, const gchar *icon)
-gint x, y;
-guint ux, uy;
-gchar buffer[128];
-GdkPixbuf *p;
-latlon2unit(pos->lat, pos->lon, ux, uy);
-if ((x < 0) || (y < 0))
- return;
-if ((x > buf_width_pixels) || (y > buf_height_pixels))
- return;
-g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/pixmaps/mapper/%s.png", DATADIR, icon);
-p=gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(buffer, NULL);
-if (!p)
- return;
-map_draw_pixbuf_on_buffer(x, y, p);
- * Make sure the mark is up-to-date. This function triggers a panning of
- * the view if the mark is appropriately close to the edge of the view.
- */
-guint new_center_unitx;
-guint new_center_unity;
-MACRO_RECALC_CENTER(_gps->data, new_center_unitx, new_center_unity);
-if ((new_center_unitx - _focus.unitx) < _focus_unitwidth && (new_center_unity - _focus.unity) < _focus_unitheight)
- /* We're not changing the view - just move the mark. */
- map_move_mark();
- map_center_unit(new_center_unitx, new_center_unity);
-/* Draw speed info */
-if (_speed_on)
- map_speed_draw();
-if (_center_mode>0)
- g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE,(GSourceFunc)map_update_location_from_gps, _gps, NULL);
- * Render a single track line to map_pixmap. If either point on the line
- * is a break (defined as unity == 0), a circle is drawn at the other point.
- */
-map_render_segment(GdkGC *gc_norm, GdkGC *gc_alt, guint unitx1, guint unity1, guint unitx2, guint unity2)
-if (!unity1) {
- guint x2, y2;
- x2 = unit2bufx(unitx2);
- y2 = unit2bufy(unity2);
- /* Make sure this circle will be visible. */
- if ((x2 < buf_width_pixels) && (y2 < buf_height_pixels))
- gdk_draw_arc(map_pixmap, gc_alt, FALSE, /* FALSE: not filled. */
- x2 - _draw_width, y2 - _draw_width, 2 * _draw_width, 2 * _draw_width, 0, /* start at 0 degrees. */
- 360 * 64);
-} else if (!unity2) {
- guint x1, y1;
- x1 = unit2bufx(unitx1);
- y1 = unit2bufy(unity1);
- /* Make sure this circle will be visible. */
- if ((x1 < buf_width_pixels) && ((unsigned)y1 < buf_height_pixels))
- gdk_draw_arc(map_pixmap, gc_alt, FALSE, /* FALSE: not filled. */
- x1 - _draw_width, y1 - _draw_width, 2 * _draw_width, 2 * _draw_width, 0, /* start at 0 degrees. */
- 360 * 64);
-} else {
- gint x1, y1, x2, y2;
- x1 = unit2bufx(unitx1);
- y1 = unit2bufy(unity1);
- x2 = unit2bufx(unitx2);
- y2 = unit2bufy(unity2);
- /* Make sure this line could possibly be visible. */
- if (!((x1 > buf_width_pixels && x2 > buf_width_pixels)
- || (x1 < 0 && x2 < 0)
- || (y1 > buf_height_pixels && y2 > buf_height_pixels)
- || (y1 < 0 && y2 < 0)))
- gdk_draw_line(map_pixmap, gc_norm, x1, y1, x2, y2);
- }
-map_render_waypoint(guint x1, guint y1, GdkGC *gc)
-if ((x1 > buf_width_pixels) || (y1 > buf_height_pixels))
- return;
-gdk_draw_arc(map_pixmap, gc, FALSE, x1 - _draw_width, y1 - _draw_width, 2 * _draw_width, 2 * _draw_width, 0, 360 * 64);
- * Render all track data onto the map_pixmap. Note that this does not
- * clear the pixmap of previous track data (use map_force_redraw() for
- * that), and also note that this method does not queue any redraws, so it
- * is up to the caller to decide which part of the track really needs to be
- * redrawn.
- */
-map_render_path(Path *path, GdkGC **gc)
-Point *curr;
-WayPoint *wcurr;
-if (path->head==path->tail)
- return;
-/* gc is a pointer to the first GC to use (for plain points). (gc + 1)
- * is a pointer to the GC to use for waypoints, and (gc + 2) is a pointer
- * to the GC to use for breaks. */
-/* else there is a route to draw. */
-for (curr = path->head, wcurr = path->whead; curr++ != path->tail;) {
- /* Draw the line from (curr - 1) to (curr). */
- map_render_segment(gc[0], gc[2], curr[-1].unitx, curr[-1].unity, curr->unitx, curr->unity);
- /* Now, check if curr is a waypoint. */
- if (wcurr && wcurr <= path->wtail && wcurr->point == curr) {
- guint x1 = unit2bufx(wcurr->point->unitx);
- guint y1 = unit2bufy(wcurr->point->unity);
- map_render_waypoint(x1, y1, _gc[COLORABLE_TRACK_BREAK]);
- wcurr++;
- }
-map_render_next_waypoint(Path *path)
-guint x1, y1;
-if (!path->next_way)
- return;
-if ((x1 < buf_width_pixels) && (y1 < buf_height_pixels)) {
- /* Draw the next waypoint as a break. */
- gdk_draw_arc(map_pixmap, _gc[COLORABLE_ROUTE_BREAK], FALSE,
- x1 - _draw_width, y1 - _draw_width,
- 4 * _draw_width, 4 * _draw_width, 0, 360 * 64);
-if (_show_tracks & ROUTES_MASK) {
- map_render_path(_route, _gc + COLORABLE_ROUTE);
- /* Now, draw the next waypoint on top of all other waypoints. */
- map_render_next_waypoint(_route);
-if (_show_tracks & TRACKS_MASK)
- map_render_path(_track, _gc + COLORABLE_TRACK);
- *
- *
- */
-static gboolean
-map_follow_move_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event, gpointer data)
-GdkModifierType state;
-gint xx, yy;
-guint unitx, unity, nunitx, nunity;
-guint cx, cy;
-gboolean lat,lon;
-if (!(event->state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)) {
- map_drag_id=0;
- return TRUE;
-if (event->is_hint) {
- gdk_window_get_pointer(event->window, &xx, &yy, &state);
- state = event->state;
-} else {
- xx = event->x;
- yy = event->y;
- state = event->state;
-unitx = x2unit((gint) (xx - before[0]));
-unity = y2unit((gint) (yy - before[1]));
-unit2latlon(x2unit(xx), y2unit(yy), lat, lon);
-g_printf("MOUSE: %u,%u (%f,%f)\n", unitx, unity, lat, lon);
-cx = unit2x(_center.unitx);
-cy = unit2y(_center.unity);
-nunitx=x2unit((gint) (cx - (xx - before[0])));
-nunity=y2unit((gint) (cy - (yy - before[1])));
-map_center_unit(nunitx, nunity);
-g_debug("PAN: %d %d %d %d (%d, %d)==(%d, %d)", cx, cy, xx, yy, nunitx, nunity, unitx, unity);
-before[0] = xx;
-before[1] = yy;
-return FALSE;
-if (_key_zoom_new < _zoom) {
- /* We're currently zooming in (_zoom is decreasing). */
- guint test = _key_zoom_new - _curr_repo->view_zoom_steps;
- if (test < map_max_zoom)
- _key_zoom_new = test;
- else
- return FALSE;
-} else {
- /* We're currently zooming out (_zoom is increasing). */
- guint test = _key_zoom_new + _curr_repo->view_zoom_steps;
- if (test < map_max_zoom)
- _key_zoom_new = test;
- else
- return FALSE;
-return TRUE;
-static void
-map_information_text(guint x, guint y, GdkGC *gc, gchar *msg)
-guint width, height;
-pango_layout_set_text(speed_layout, msg, -1);
-pango_layout_get_pixel_size(speed_layout, &width, &height);
-gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(_map_widget, x - 5, y - 5, width * 3 + 15, height + 5);
-gdk_draw_layout(_map_widget->window, gc, x, y, speed_layout);
-static void
-GdkGC *gc;
-gfloat cur_speed;
-gchar *buffer;
-cur_speed = _gps->data.speed * UNITS_CONVERT[_units];
-gc=(cur_speed > _speed_limit) ? speed_gc1 : speed_gc2;
-buffer = g_strdup_printf("%0.0f", cur_speed);
-map_information_text(10, 10, gc, buffer);
-static void
-map_scale_draw(GdkEventExpose *event)
-gchar buffer[16];
-gdouble distance;
-gdouble lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2;
-gint width;
-pango_layout_set_text(scale_layout, "0", -1);
-pango_layout_get_pixel_size(scale_layout, NULL, &scale_rect.height);
-scale_rect.y = _screen_height_pixels - scale_rect.height - 1;
-gdk_rectangle_intersect(&event->area, &scale_rect, &event->area);
-if (event->area.width && event->area.height) {
- gdk_draw_rectangle(_map_widget->window,
- _map_widget->style->bg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(_map_widget)],
- TRUE, scale_rect.x, scale_rect.y,
- scale_rect.width,
- scale_rect.height);
- gdk_draw_rectangle(_map_widget->window,
- _map_widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(_map_widget)],
- FALSE, scale_rect.x, scale_rect.y,
- scale_rect.width,
- scale_rect.height);
- /* Now calculate and draw the distance. */
- unit2latlon(_center.unitx - pixel2unit(SCALE_WIDTH / 2 - 4), _center.unity, lat1, lon1);
- unit2latlon(_center.unitx + pixel2unit(SCALE_WIDTH / 2 - 4), _center.unity, lat2, lon2);
- distance=calculate_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) * UNITS_CONVERT[_units];
- if (distance < 1.f)
- g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%0.2f %s", distance, UNITS_TEXT[_units]);
- else if (distance < 10.f)
- g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%0.1f %s", distance, UNITS_TEXT[_units]);
- else
- g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%0.f %s", distance, UNITS_TEXT[_units]);
- pango_layout_set_text(scale_layout, buffer, -1);
- pango_layout_get_pixel_size(scale_layout, &width, NULL);
- /* Draw the layout itself. */
- gdk_draw_layout(_map_widget->window,
- _map_widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(_map_widget)],
- scale_rect.x + (scale_rect.width - width) / 2,
- scale_rect.y, scale_layout);
- /* Draw little hashes on the ends. */
- gdk_draw_line(_map_widget->window,
- _map_widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(_map_widget)],
- scale_rect.x + 4,
- scale_rect.y + scale_rect.height / 2 - 4,
- scale_rect.x + 4,
- scale_rect.y + scale_rect.height / 2 + 4);
- gdk_draw_line(_map_widget->window,
- _map_widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(_map_widget)],
- scale_rect.x + 4,
- scale_rect.y + scale_rect.height / 2,
- scale_rect.x + (scale_rect.width - width) / 2 - 4,
- scale_rect.y + scale_rect.height / 2);
- gdk_draw_line(_map_widget->window,
- _map_widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(_map_widget)],
- scale_rect.x + scale_rect.width - 4,
- scale_rect.y + scale_rect.height / 2 - 4,
- scale_rect.x + scale_rect.width - 4,
- scale_rect.y + scale_rect.height / 2 + 4);
- gdk_draw_line(_map_widget->window,
- _map_widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(_map_widget)],
- scale_rect.x + scale_rect.width - 4,
- scale_rect.y + scale_rect.height / 2,
- scale_rect.x + (scale_rect.width + width) / 2 + 4,
- scale_rect.y + scale_rect.height / 2);
- }
-static gboolean
-map_cb_expose(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event)
- map_pixmap,
- event->area.x + _offsetx, event->area.y + _offsety,
- event->area.x, event->area.y,
- event->area.width, event->area.height);
-/* Draw scale, if necessary. */
-if (_show_scale)
- map_scale_draw(event);
-#if 0
-if (_speed_on)
- map_speed_draw();
-return TRUE;
-map_zoom(gint zdir)
-gint nzoom;
-if ((nzoom >= 0) && (nzoom < map_max_zoom - 1)) {
- map_set_zoom(nzoom);
-return nzoom;
-return FALSE;
-return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-static gfloat z=5.0;
-static gint last=5;
-gint b=0;
-gint iz;
-if (zoom_timeout_sid==0)
- return FALSE;
-/* If location is known, use road type and speed for zoom setting */
-if (map_loc.valid && map_loc.street) {
- switch (map_loc.street->type) {
- case WAY_TRUNK:
- b=2;
- break;
- b=1;
- break;
- default:
- b=0;
- break;
- }
-if (z>5) z=5.0; else if (z<1) z=1.0;
-g_debug("Setting autozoom to: %f %d S:%f\n", z, iz, _gps->data.speed);
-if (iz>last)
- iz=last+1;
-else if (iz<last)
- iz=last-1;
-return TRUE;
-map_set_autozoom(gboolean az, gfloat speed)
-if (az==TRUE) {
- zoom_timeout_sid=g_timeout_add(speed<5 ? 2000 : 5000, (GSourceFunc) map_autozoomer, NULL);
- MACRO_BANNER_SHOW_INFO(_window, "Autozoom enabled");
- return;
-} else {
- if (zoom_timeout_sid) {
- g_source_remove(zoom_timeout_sid);
- zoom_timeout_sid=0;
- MACRO_BANNER_SHOW_INFO(_window, "Autozoom disabled");
- }
- return;
-static void
-map_draw_route(gint x, gint y)
-cmenu_route_add_way(x, y);
-static void
-map_draw_track(gint x, gint y)
-_gps->data.unitx=x2unit((gint) (x + 0.5));
-_gps->data.unity=y2unit((gint) (y + 0.5));
-unit2latlon(_gps->data.unitx, _gps->data.unity, _gps->data.lat, _gps->data.lon);
-track_add(_track, &_gps->data);
-static void
-map_set_place_information(osm_way *s, osm_place *mp, osm_place *sp)
-gchar buffer[256];
-if (!s && !mp && !sp) {
- g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), _("Unknown location"));
-} else {
- /* oh, fun */
- g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- s ? s->name ? s->name : "" : "",
- s ? s->ref ? ", " : "" : "",
- s ? s->ref ? s->ref : "" : "",
- s ? s->int_ref ? " (" : "" : "",
- s ? s->int_ref ? s->int_ref : "" : "",
- s ? s->int_ref ? ") " : "" : "",
- (sp && sp->name) ? " in " : "",
- (sp && sp->name) ? sp->name : "",
- (mp && mp->name) ? " in " : "",
- (mp && mp->name) ? mp->name : "");
-gtk_label_set_label(GTK_LABEL(info_banner.location), buffer);
-static void
-map_update_destination(gdouble lat, gdouble lon)
-gdouble dh=0.0;
-gdouble dt, cdist;
-static gdouble prev_dt=99999.0;
-static gboolean dest_reached=FALSE;
-gchar buffer[64];
-if (_dest->valid) {
- dt=calculate_distance(lat, lon, _dest->lat, _dest->lon);
- dh=calculate_course(lat, lon, _dest->lat, _dest->lon);
- cdist=dt*UNITS_CONVERT[_units];
- g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.02f %s (%0.02f)", cdist, UNITS_TEXT[_units], dh<0 ? 360+dh : dh);
- gtk_label_set_label(GTK_LABEL(info_banner.distance), buffer);
- if (dt<0.005 && dest_reached==FALSE) {
- if (_center_mode>0)
- announce_destination_reached();
- dest_reached=TRUE;
- } else if (dt<prev_dt-KM10KNOTS) {
- if (_center_mode>0 && _announce_destination==TRUE)
- announce_distance_to_destination(cdist, UNITS_TEXT[_units], KM10KNOTS);
- prev_dt=dt;
- } else if (dt>prev_dt+KM10KNOTS/4) {
- prev_dt=dt;
- }
- if (dt>0.05) {
- dest_reached=FALSE;
- }
- g_debug("%f (Prev:%f)\n", prev_dt, dt);
-} else {
- dest_reached=FALSE;
- prev_dt=99999.0;
- gtk_label_set_label(GTK_LABEL(info_banner.distance), "");
-gtk_compass_set_dest_heading(_gps_compass, _dest->valid, (gfloat)dh);
-gtk_compass_set_dest_heading(_tab_compass, _dest->valid, (gfloat)dh);
-if (_route->next_way && _route->next_way->point) {
- gdouble wp_lat, wp_lon;
- gfloat wc;
- unit2latlon(_route->next_way->point->unitx, _route->next_way->point->unity, wp_lat, wp_lon);
- wc=calculate_course(lat, lon, wp_lat, wp_lon);
- gtk_compass_set_way_heading(_gps_compass, TRUE, wc);
- gtk_compass_set_way_heading(_tab_compass, TRUE, wc);
-} else {
- gtk_compass_set_way_heading(_gps_compass, FALSE, 0);
- gtk_compass_set_way_heading(_tab_compass, FALSE, 0);
- * Query the OSM database for where we are.
- *
- * XXX: This is the wrong place for this function.
- */
-static void
-map_update_location(gdouble lat, gdouble lon, gboolean force)
-gint ilat, ilon;
-static gboolean inp=FALSE;
-/* We run the gtk mainloop in progress callback so we can be called again, we don't like that */
-if (inp==TRUE) {
- g_debug("LOC: Query in progress");
- return;
-if (_gps->data.fix>1 && !force)
- osm_set_way_range_from_speed(_gps->data.speed);
- osm_set_way_range(2800);
-map_update_destination(lat, lon);
-if (osm_check_location(&map_loc, ilat, ilon)==FALSE) {
- osm_progress_set_widget(_db, _progress_item);
- osm_get_location_data(ilat, ilon, _gps->data.heading, &map_loc);
- if (map_loc.valid)
- map_set_place_information(map_loc.street, map_loc.primary, map_loc.secondary);
- else
- map_set_place_information(NULL, NULL, NULL);
- osm_progress_set_widget(_db, NULL);
-} else g_debug("IN PLACE");
- * Mouse scroller zoom in/out callback
- */
-static gboolean
-map_cb_scroll_event(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventScroll * event)
-if (event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP) {
- map_center_unit(x2unit((gint) (event->x + 0.5)), y2unit((gint) (event->y + 0.5)));
- map_set_zoom(_zoom - 1);
-} else if (event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN) {
- map_center_unit(x2unit((gint) (event->x + 0.5)), y2unit((gint) (event->y + 0.5)));
- map_set_zoom(_zoom + 1);
-return FALSE;
- * Start map drag operation
- */
-static void
-map_drag_start(gint x,gint y)
-press[0] = x;
-press[1] = y;
-before[0] = press[0];
-before[1] = press[1];
-if (map_drag_id!=0)
- g_signal_handler_disconnect(G_OBJECT(_map_widget), map_drag_id);
-map_drag_id=g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(_map_widget), "motion_notify_event", G_CALLBACK(map_follow_move_cb), NULL);
- * Stop map drag operation
- */
-static void
-map_drag_stop(gint x, gint y)
-if (map_drag_id==0)
- return;
-g_signal_handler_disconnect(G_OBJECT(_map_widget), map_drag_id);
-if (map_dragged==TRUE)
- map_force_redraw();
-/* Workaround hildon content menu problem */
-static gboolean
-map_cb_show_poi_info_dialog(gpointer data)
-guint poi_id=GPOINTER_TO_INT(data);
-if (poi_info_dialog(_window, poi_id)==FALSE)
- g_printerr("Huh? Failed to display info dialog\n");
-return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-map_cb_button_press(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event)
-_cmenu_position_x = event->x + 0.5;
-_cmenu_position_y = event->y + 0.5;
-switch (event->button) {
-case 1:
- if (event->type==GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) {
- map_center_unit(x2unit((gint) (event->x + 0.5)), y2unit((gint) (event->y + 0.5)));
- map_set_zoom(_zoom-1);
- map_data_needs_refresh=TRUE;
- map_drag_stop(event->x, event->y);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (event->type==GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS) {
- map_drag_stop(event->x, event->y);
- return FALSE;
- }
- map_drag_start(event->x, event->y);
- return FALSE;
-case 2:
- /* */
-case 3:
-#ifndef WITH_HILDON
- gtk_menu_popup(GTK_MENU(_menu_map), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, event->button, gtk_get_current_event_time());
-/* Return FALSE to allow context menu to work. */
-return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-map_pan_click_check(gint x, gint y)
-gint pns=0, pew=0;
- pns=-PAN_UNITS;
-else if (x>(_screen_width_pixels-MAP_THUMB_MARGIN_X))
- pns=PAN_UNITS;
- pew=-PAN_UNITS;
-else if (y>(_screen_height_pixels-MAP_THUMB_MARGIN_Y))
- pew=PAN_UNITS;
-if (pns!=0 || pew!=0) {
- map_pan(pns, pew);
- g_debug("MPAN: %d, %d", pns, pew);
- return TRUE;
-return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-map_cb_button_release(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event)
-gdouble lat, lon;
-guint poi_id;
-gint ux, uy;
-switch (event->button) {
-case 1:
-#if defined(WITH_HILDON_NEW)
- if (hildon_helper_event_button_is_finger(event)) {
- g_debug("Thumb down");
- if (map_pan_click_check(event->x, event->y))
- return FALSE;
- }
- switch (map_mode) {
- map_draw_track(event->x, event->y);
- break;
- map_draw_route(event->x, event->y);
- break;
- break;
- default:
- ux=x2unit(_cmenu_position_x);
- uy=y2unit(_cmenu_position_y);
- unit2latlon(ux, uy, lat, lon);
- if (map_poi_find_at_latlon(lat, lon, &poi_id)==TRUE) {
- g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE,(GSourceFunc)map_cb_show_poi_info_dialog, GINT_TO_POINTER(poi_id), NULL);
- }
- if (map_data_needs_refresh==TRUE) {
- map_data_needs_refresh=FALSE;
- map_render_data();
- g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE,(GSourceFunc)map_update_location_from_center, NULL, NULL);
- }
- if (_center_mode>0)
- set_action_activate("autocenter_none", TRUE);
- map_drag_stop(event->x, event->y);
- break;
- }
-case 2:
- if (map_pan_click_check(event->x, event->y)==FALSE)
- map_set_zoom(_zoom-1);
- return FALSE;
-case 3:
- /* */
-/* Return FALSE to avoid context menu (if it hasn't popped up already). */
-return FALSE;
-GtkWidget *dialog;
-GtkWidget *table;
-GtkWidget *label;
-GtkWidget *txt_lat;
-GtkWidget *txt_lon;
-dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(_("Go to Lat/Lon"),
- GTK_WINDOW(_window),
-gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), table = gtk_table_new(2, 3, FALSE), TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), label = gtk_label_new(_("Latitude")),0, 1, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, 0, 2, 4);
-gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 1.f, 0.5f);
-gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), txt_lat = gtk_entry_new(), 1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, 0, 2, 4);
-gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 0.0f, 0.5f);
-gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), label = gtk_label_new(_("Longitude")), 0, 1, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, 0, 2, 4);
-gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 1.f, 0.5f);
-gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), txt_lon = gtk_entry_new(), 1, 2, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, 0, 2, 4);
-gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 0.0f, 0.5f);
-#if defined (WITH_DEVICE_770) && !defined(WITH_HILDON_NEW)
-/* Initialize with the current center position. */
- gchar buffer[32];
- gdouble lat, lon;
- unit2latlon(_center.unitx, _center.unity, lat, lon);
- g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.06f", lat);
- gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(txt_lat), buffer);
- g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.06f", lon);
- gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(txt_lon), buffer);
-while (GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT == gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))) {
- const gchar *text;
- gchar *error_check;
- gdouble lat, lon;
- guint unitx, unity;
- text = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(txt_lat));
- lat = strtof(text, &error_check);
- if (text == error_check || lat < -90.f || lat > 90.f) {
- popup_error(dialog, _("Invalid Latitude"));
- continue;
- }
- text = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(txt_lon));
- lon = strtof(text, &error_check);
- if (text == error_check || lon < -180.f || lon > 180.f) {
- popup_error(dialog, _("Invalid Longitude"));
- continue;
- }
- latlon2unit(lat, lon, unitx, unity);
- if (_center_mode > 0)
- set_action_activate("autocenter_none", TRUE);
- map_center_unit(unitx, unity);
- break;
-return TRUE;