--- sope-core/NGExtensions/FdExt.subproj/NSString+Encoding.m (révision 1546)
+++ sope-core/NGExtensions/FdExt.subproj/NSString+Encoding.m (copie de travail)
-@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
- 02111-1307, USA.
- */
+@@ -140,8 +140,12 @@
-+#include <unistd.h>
- #include <NGExtensions/NSString+Encoding.h>
- #include <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
- #include "common.h"
-@@ -81,7 +83,6 @@
- #else /* ! NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY */
- @implementation NSString(Encoding)
-@@ -192,17 +193,17 @@
- memcpy(outbuf, _src, _srcLen);
- *outLen_ = outlen;
- return outbuf;
- }
- result = nil;
- fromEncode = [_fromEncode cString];
- toEncode = [_toEncode cString];
- type = iconv_open(toEncode, fromEncode);
- inbuf = NULL;
- outbuf = NULL;
- if ((type == (iconv_t)-1)) {
- [self logWithFormat:@"%s: Could not handle iconv encoding. FromEncoding:%@"
- @" to encoding:%@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _fromEncode, _toEncode];
-@@ -228,25 +229,25 @@
- }
- else if (errno == EINVAL) {
- [self logWithFormat:@"Got incomplete multibyte sequence. ToEncode: %@"
-- @" FromEncode: %@", _toEncode, _fromEncode];
-+ @" FromEncode: %@", _toEncode, _fromEncode];
- if (IconvLogEnabled)
- [self logWithFormat:@"ByteSequence:\n%s\n", _src];
- }
- else if (errno == E2BIG) {
- [self logWithFormat:
-- @"Got to small outputbuffer (inbytesleft=%d, outbytesleft=%d, "
-- @"outlen=%d). ToEncode: %@ FromEncode: %@",
-- inbytesleft, outbytesleft, outlen,
-- _toEncode, _fromEncode];
-+ @"Got to small outputbuffer (inbytesleft=%d, outbytesleft=%d, "
-+ @"outlen=%d). ToEncode: %@ FromEncode: %@",
-+ inbytesleft, outbytesleft, outlen,
-+ _toEncode, _fromEncode];
- if (IconvLogEnabled)
- [self logWithFormat:@"ByteSequence:\n%s\n", _src];
- }
- else {
- [self logWithFormat:@"Got unexpected error. ToEncode: %@"
-- @" FromEncode: %@", _toEncode, _fromEncode];
-+ @" FromEncode: %@", _toEncode, _fromEncode];
- }
- }
-@@ -255,45 +256,224 @@
- #endif
- if (type)
- iconv_close(type);
- *outLen_ = outlen - outbytesleft;
- return outbuf;
- if (type)
- iconv_close(type);
- if (outbuf) {
- free(outbuf); outbuf = NULL;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
--+ (NSString *)stringWithData:(NSData *)_data
-- usingEncodingNamed:(NSString *)_encoding
-++ (int) encodingForCharset: (NSString *) theCharset
-+ convertToNSStringEncoding: (BOOL) shouldConvert
- {
-- void *inbuf, *res;
-- unsigned len, inbufLen;
-- NSString *result;
-+ // We define some aliases for the string encoding.
-+ static struct { NSString *name; int encoding; BOOL fromCoreFoundation; } encodings[] = {
-+ {@"ascii" ,NSASCIIStringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"us-ascii" ,NSASCIIStringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"default" ,NSASCIIStringEncoding ,NO}, // Ah... spammers.
-+ {@"utf-8" ,NSUTF8StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-1" ,NSISOLatin1StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"x-user-defined",NSISOLatin1StringEncoding ,NO}, // To prevent a lame bug in Outlook.
-+ {@"unknown" ,NSISOLatin1StringEncoding ,NO}, // Once more, blame Outlook.
-+ {@"x-unknown" ,NSISOLatin1StringEncoding ,NO}, // To prevent a lame bug in Pine 4.21.
-+ {@"unknown-8bit" ,NSISOLatin1StringEncoding ,NO}, // To prevent a lame bug in Mutt/1.3.28i
-+ {@"0" ,NSISOLatin1StringEncoding ,NO}, // To prevent a lame bug in QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
-+ {@"" ,NSISOLatin1StringEncoding ,NO}, // To prevent a lame bug in Ximian Evolution
-+ {@"iso8859_1" ,NSISOLatin1StringEncoding ,NO}, // To prevent a lame bug in Openwave WebEngine
-+ {@"iso-8859-2" ,NSISOLatin2StringEncoding ,NO},
-+#ifndef MACOSX
-+ {@"iso-8859-3" ,NSISOLatin3StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-4" ,NSISOLatin4StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-5" ,NSISOCyrillicStringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-6" ,NSISOArabicStringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-7" ,NSISOGreekStringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-8" ,NSISOHebrewStringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-9" ,NSISOLatin5StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-10" ,NSISOLatin6StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-11" ,NSISOThaiStringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-13" ,NSISOLatin7StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-14" ,NSISOLatin8StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-8859-15" ,NSISOLatin9StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"koi8-r" ,NSKOI8RStringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"big5" ,NSBIG5StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"gb2312" ,NSGB2312StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"utf-7" ,NSUTF7StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"unicode-1-1-utf-7", NSUTF7StringEncoding ,NO}, // To prever a bug (sort of) in MS Hotmail
-+ {@"windows-1250" ,NSWindowsCP1250StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"windows-1251" ,NSWindowsCP1251StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"cyrillic (windows-1251)", NSWindowsCP1251StringEncoding ,NO}, // To prevent a bug in MS Hotmail
-+ {@"windows-1252" ,NSWindowsCP1252StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"windows-1253" ,NSWindowsCP1253StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"windows-1254" ,NSWindowsCP1254StringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"iso-2022-jp" ,NSISO2022JPStringEncoding ,NO},
-+ {@"euc-jp" ,NSJapaneseEUCStringEncoding ,NO},
-+ };
-+ NSString *name;
-+ int i;
-- if (![_encoding length])
-- return nil;
-+ name = [theCharset lowercaseString];
-- inbufLen = [_data length];
-- inbuf = calloc(sizeof(char), inbufLen + 4);
-- [_data getBytes:inbuf];
-+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(encodings)/sizeof(encodings[0]); i++)
-+ {
-+ if ([name isEqualToString: encodings[i].name])
-+ {
-+ int enc = encodings[i].encoding;
-+ // Under OS X, we use CoreFoundation if necessary to convert the encoding
-+ // to a NSString encoding.
-+#ifdef MACOSX
-+ if (encodings[i].fromCoreFoundation)
-+ {
-+ if (shouldConvert)
-+ {
-+ return CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding(enc);
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ return enc;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ if (!shouldConvert)
-+ {
-+ return CFStringConvertNSStringEncodingToEncoding(enc);
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ return enc;
-+ }
-+ }
+ #ifdef __linux__
+ static NSString *unicharEncoding = @"UCS-2LE";
+ #else
++static NSString *unicharEncoding = @"UCS-2BE";
++#endif /* __BYTE_ORDER */
-+ return enc;
-+ }
-+ }
+ static NSString *unicharEncoding = @"UCS-2-INTERNAL";
+ #endif
+ static int IconvLogEnabled = -1;
+@@ -149,21 +153,12 @@
+ static void checkDefaults(void) {
+ NSUserDefaults *ud;
-- result = nil;
-- res = iconv_wrapper(self, inbuf, inbufLen, _encoding, unicharEncoding, &len);
-- if (res) {
-- result = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:res length:(len / 2)];
-- free(res); res = NULL;
+- if (IconvLogEnabled != -1)
+- return;
+- ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
+- IconvLogEnabled = [ud boolForKey:@"IconvLogEnabled"]?1:0;
++ if (IconvLogEnabled == -1) {
++ ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
++ IconvLogEnabled = [ud boolForKey:@"IconvLogEnabled"]?1:0;
+-#ifdef __linux__
+- if (NSHostByteOrder() == NS_BigEndian) {
+- NSLog(@"Note: using UCS-2 big endian on Linux.");
+- unicharEncoding = @"UCS-2BE";
++ NSLog(@"Note: using '%@' on Linux.", unicharEncoding);
+ }
+- else {
+- NSLog(@"Note: using UCS-2 little endian on Linux.");
+- unicharEncoding = @"UCS-2LE";
- }
-- if (inbuf) free(inbuf); inbuf = NULL;
-- return [result autorelease];
-+#ifdef MACOSX
-+ // Last resort: try using CoreFoundation...
-+ CFStringEncoding enc;
-+ enc = CFStringConvertIANACharSetNameToEncoding((CFStringRef)name);
-+ if (kCFStringEncodingInvalidId != enc)
-+ {
-+ if (shouldConvert)
-+ {
-+ return CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding(enc);
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ return enc;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return -1;
-++ (int) encodingForCharset: (NSString *) theCharset
-+ return [self encodingForCharset: theCharset convertToNSStringEncoding: YES];
-++ (NSString *) stringWithData: (NSData *) theData
-+ usingEncodingNamed: (NSString *) theCharset
-+ int encoding;
-+ if (theData == nil)
-+ {
-+ return nil;
-+ }
-+#ifdef MACOSX
-+ encoding = [NSString encodingForCharset: theCharset
-+ convertToNSStringEncoding: NO];
-+ encoding = [NSString encodingForCharset: theCharset];
-+ if (encoding == -1)
-+ {
-+ NSString *aString;
-+ const char *i_bytes;
-+ char *o_bytes;
-+ size_t i_length, o_length;
-+ int total_length, ret;
-+ iconv_t conv;
-+ // Instead of calling cString directly on theCharset, we first try
-+ // to obtain the ASCII string of the data object.
-+ if (!theCharset)
-+ {
-+ return nil;
-+ }
-+ conv = iconv_open("UTF-8", [[theCharset uppercaseString] cStringUsingEncoding: NSISOLatin1StringEncoding]);
-+ if ((int)conv < 0)
-+ {
-+ // Let's assume we got US-ASCII here.
-+ return AUTORELEASE([[NSString alloc] initWithData: theData encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]);
-+ }
-+ i_bytes = [theData bytes];
-+ i_length = [theData length];
-+ total_length = o_length = sizeof(unichar)*i_length;
-+ o_bytes = (char *)malloc(o_length);
-+ if (o_bytes == NULL) return nil;
-+ while (i_length > 0)
-+ {
-+ ret = iconv(conv, (char **)&i_bytes, &i_length, &o_bytes, &o_length);
-+ if (ret == (size_t)-1)
-+ {
-+ iconv_close(conv);
-+ total_length = total_length - o_length;
-+ o_bytes -= total_length;
-+ free(o_bytes);
-+ return nil;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ total_length = total_length - o_length;
-+ o_bytes -= total_length;
-+ // If we haven't used all our allocated buffer, we shrink it.
-+ if (o_length > 0)
-+ {
-+ o_bytes = realloc(o_bytes, total_length);
-+ }
-+ aString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy: o_bytes
-+ length: total_length]
-+ encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
-+ iconv_close(conv);
-+ return AUTORELEASE(aString);
-+ }
-+#ifdef MACOSX
-+ return AUTORELEASE((NSString *)CFStringCreateFromExternalRepresentation(NULL, (CFDataRef)theData, encoding));
-+ return AUTORELEASE([[NSString alloc] initWithData: theData encoding: encoding]);
- - (NSData *)dataUsingEncodingNamed:(NSString *)_encoding {
- unichar *chars;
- char *res;
-Index: sope-core/NGExtensions/ChangeLog
---- sope-core/NGExtensions/ChangeLog (révision 1546)
-+++ sope-core/NGExtensions/ChangeLog (copie de travail)
-@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
-+2007-11-04 Wolfgang Sourdeau <wsourdeau@inverse.ca>
-+ * FdExt.subproj/NSString+Encoding.m: replaced the code of
-+ stringWithData:usingEncodingNamed: with the code from
-+ Pantomime/NSString+Extensions.m/stringWithData:charset:, which in
-+ turn was adapted to take the same argument types.
- 2007-07-31 Marcus Mueller <znek@mulle-kybernetik.com>
- * FdExt.subproj/NSMethodSignature+misc.m: added warning and bogus
+ static char *iconv_wrapper(id self, char *_src, unsigned _srcLen,
Index: sope-appserver/NGObjWeb/GNUmakefile.postamble
--- sope-appserver/NGObjWeb/GNUmakefile.postamble (révision 1546)