--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
+use Clutter qw(-threads-init -init);
+use Champlain;
+use Math::Trig ':pi';
+my $MARKER_SIZE = 10;
+exit main();
+sub main {
+ my $stage = Clutter::Stage->get_default();
+ $stage->set_size(800, 600);
+ # Create the map view
+ my $map = Champlain::View->new();
+ $map->set_size($stage->get_size);
+ $stage->add($map);
+ # Create the marker layer
+ my $layer = Champlain::Layer->new();
+ $map->add_layer($layer);
+ # Create the marker
+ my $marker = create_marker();
+ $layer->add($marker);
+ # Finish initializing the map view
+ $map->set_property("zoom-level", 5);
+ $map->set_property("scroll-mode", 'kinetic');
+ $map->center_on(45.466, -73.75);
+ $stage->show_all();
+ Clutter->main();
+ return 0;
+# The marker is drawn with cairo. It is composed of 1 static filled circle and 1
+# stroked circle animated as an echo.
+sub create_marker {
+ my $marker = Champlain::Marker->new();
+ # Static filled circle
+ create_static_circle($marker);
+ # Echo circle
+ my $echo = create_echo_circle($marker);
+ ##
+ ## Animate the echo circle
+ ##
+ my $timeline = Clutter::Timeline->new_for_duration(1000);
+ $timeline->set_loop(TRUE);
+ my $alpha = Clutter::Alpha->new($timeline, \&Clutter::Alpha::sine_inc);
+ my $behaviour = Clutter::Behaviour::Scale->new($alpha, 0.5, 0.5, 2.0, 2.0);
+ $behaviour->apply($echo);
+ $behaviour = Clutter::Behaviour::Opacity->new($alpha, 255, 0);
+ $behaviour->apply($echo);
+ $timeline->signal_connect('new-frame', sub {
+ my ($timeline, $frame) = @_;
+ print $frame, "\n";
+ });
+ $timeline->start();
+ # Sets marker position on the map
+ $marker->set_position(45.528178, -73.563788);
+ return $marker;
+sub create_static_circle {
+ my ($marker) = @_;
+ my $texture = Clutter::Texture::Cairo->new($MARKER_SIZE, $MARKER_SIZE);
+ my $cr = $texture->create_context();
+ # Draw the circle
+ $cr->set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0);
+ $cr->arc($MARKER_SIZE/2, $MARKER_SIZE/2, $MARKER_SIZE/2, 0, pi2);
+ $cr->close_path();
+ # Fill the circle
+ $cr->set_source_rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 1.0);
+ $cr->fill();
+ # Add the circle to the marker
+ $marker->add($texture);
+ $texture->set_anchor_point_from_gravity('center');
+ $texture->set_position(0, 0);
+ return $texture;
+sub create_echo_circle {
+ my ($marker) = @_;
+ my $texture = Clutter::Texture::Cairo->new($MARKER_SIZE * 2, $MARKER_SIZE * 2);
+ my $cr = $texture->create_context();
+ # Draw the circle
+ $cr->set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0);
+ $cr->arc($MARKER_SIZE, $MARKER_SIZE, $MARKER_SIZE * 0.9, 0, pi2);
+ $cr->close_path();
+ # Stroke the circle
+ $cr->set_line_width(2.0);
+ $cr->set_source_rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 1.0);
+ $cr->stroke();
+ # Add the circle to the marker
+ $marker->add($texture);
+ $texture->lower_bottom(); # Ensure it is under the previous circle
+ $texture->set_position(0, 0);
+ $texture->set_anchor_point_from_gravity('center');
+ return $texture;